Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 2, 2012


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Just copped these:

should help take my self-haircuts to the next level and i won't have to cut my hair near bald anymore. Those coupled with the Andis T-Outliners will keep me fresh.

But anyways, on to the simps. When it comes down to it, simps will do what they will do. They will run up behind these women and justify their bad behavior. At first, you might be angry about them, but ultimately, why be mad at what you can't change? All throughout humanity there have been those who handled their business and decided to improve themselves and there have been those who have decided to avoid the knowledge given to them.

When it comes down to it, you have to let THEM be the ones that suffer. If they want to engage in this sucker behavior, correct them once, but if they don't get it, you have to let them learn the hard way. Another thing about simps is that they help distinguish you because women see that you 'aren't like the other men'.

Let THEM justify womens' bad behavior and get left in the dust, but when she comes across you, you're like a buzzsaw that cuts right through it. You will get an adverse reaction UP FRONT, but trust me, you will get more respect later on. As a man, if you really want to be able to deal with women, you HAVE to be able to say things that are disagreeable to the woman you are dealing with. Never worry about if what you're saying, whether the woman will agree or disagree with it. Worry about if what you're saying is something real.

The difference between a simp and a real dude is that simp's concern and pattern their behavior around how a woman will react to them. A real dude will concern acting in a REAL WAY regardless of how the woman acts. He will stand on real principles and move in a real way and make HER change her behavior and react to him or get away from him. This puts that man in a situation to deal with nothing but a real woman who can handle the rawness of how he is getting down as well as pushing the fakes away.

Don't worry about what sucker simps are doing... worry about sharpening yourself up in every way every day. The only thing you need to do with simps is avoid their advice, avoid letting them influence your life, and avoid doing what they do.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Sometimes I have to ask myself man....are these women operating at a lower intelligence level. They seen it happen to their sister. They seen it happen to their mother. They seen it happen to their aunt. They seen it happen to their cousin. If we can see the signs as men, they have to. I swear if I was a woman, I'd be terrified to get pregnant. Last thing I'd want to do as a woman (no homo) is to get saddled with some joker's baby.

Do you want a family, a good husband that loves you and provides for you and a lifetime of comfort or do you want a few years of soap opera excitement, gorilla fukking and a prayer that Mi'Quan turns into Danny Tanner after little Demetreus and Tysheka are born. You have to question their intelligence level at some point. Its been like 30 years. 2 Generations of single mothers. And women still falling into the same predicament :troll:

"Women be like, I'mma change him. I can just feel it" :troll:

I agree esp with the bold it should be a 1 season show like bait car should have been. Dudes on this show silly enough to get into a fukking lambo with money bags and Louie luggage just cause the door open and fukk they lives up. I feel the same way about alot of these chicks having kids all early in life. You see what happens and you still thinking you going to be on of the few that have that good life? Well chances are it won't be with the baby daddy and often times alot of chicks I know that did this end up stuck wherever they are when they had the kids. I'm not saying not to have sex thats natural but damn get on the pill, shot, something, protect yourself from being the next baby momma when you see the chances of the shyt working out at a early isn't that good.

Women based their lives on soap operas and drama. They LOVE when the swagged out, mysterious nikka come in their lives and make it a crossover of Scarface and Bonnie and Clyde. They think that they "badder" than other bytches and can escape that dangerous life easily.
Yeah I agree most chicks (fukk that people) have boring average lives and try to spice it up anyway they can and this is unfortunately how some silly chicks do their spicing. People need to find better outlets for their boredom seriously
May 4, 2012
To sum it up, she was cheating on me.....


Here, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why we talk the way we do on here and need powerful threads like this and I'll never make any apologies for the harsh shyt I sometimes say......ever.

Karma is very real and it will catch up with this slut and that dude she's with one day. How any man could ever trust a woman who does that shyt to another guy is something I will never understand. It's one thing to fukk around with whores like that, but it's another to actually start living with them and wife them up.

Also, when he said she laughed in his face and admitted she slept with the dude....haven't we been saying in the early days of this thread that no chick is beyond switching on you becoming disloyal...talking about "she'll never do this or that to me". ANYBODY is capable of it!! Learn that shyt fast!

But he was a fukking idiot for letting her take all those liberties in the first place, because I would have got rid of her a long time ago.

You live and you learn, I guess. :yeshrug:

I wonder how those reddit feminists will rationalize their behaviour towards him now? They were calling dude a rapist simply for having suspicions that his girlfriend was cheating. Its crazy.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Also, when he said she laughed in his face and admitted she slept with the dude....haven't we been saying in the early days of this thread that no chick is beyond switching on you becoming disloyal...talking about "she'll never do this or that to me". ANYBODY is capable of it!! Learn that shyt fast!
the problem is once you start thinking like this it will destroy your capacity to trust women.

there's a certain bliss in remaining ignorant of the ways of the world and being trusting. once a person's eyes are opened they may begin to realize that that sort of peace of mind is just a fantasy. living in a world where you are certain a woman will never betray you only because you don't know many of their true natures.

i still remember vividly relationships where not i'm certain women were fukking around behind my back but back then i had no idea and didn't question it. i had a peace then that i'll never have again.

if you sit me in a room now with a girl's phone and she's not there i'll look through it, back then i wouldn't dare do that.


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
Just me personally I wouldn't touch the phone.Nothing against anyone who would but it's not me. At this point I just give them enough rope to hang themselves. If I catch wind of shady business or things aren't feeling right then I'm out. No hard feelings.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Think I'm going to end it with my girl pretty soon. I'm tired of the fussing and before we get in too deep, I think we need to just shut it down. We pretty much live together and we been in the same place all day and haven't said a single word to each other. I'm not feeling all this tension. Crazy part is, it's ALWAYS her fault. I don't say anything or care about anything, but she's always popping off about dumb shyt. The argument we had last night as so ridiculous that I feel stupid even talking about it.

i can confidently say that we've all been there. shyt I was there yesterday.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
To sum it up, she was cheating on me.....


Here, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why we talk the way we do on here and need powerful threads like this and I'll never make any apologies for the harsh shyt I sometimes say......ever.

Karma is very real and it will catch up with this slut and that dude she's with one day. How any man could ever trust a woman who does that shyt to another guy is something I will never understand. It's one thing to fukk around with whores like that, but it's another to actually start living with them and wife them up.

Also, when he said she laughed in his face and admitted she slept with the dude....haven't we been saying in the early days of this thread that no chick is beyond switching on you becoming disloyal...talking about "she'll never do this or that to me". ANYBODY is capable of it!! Learn that shyt fast!

But he was a fukking idiot for letting her take all those liberties in the first place, because I would have got rid of her a long time ago.

You live and you learn, I guess. :yeshrug:

Yeah exactly. Who was surprised that happened? Every negro in this thread that took notes knew EXACTLY what had happened. But you had women and simp negroes giving that dude advice trying to rationalize and dance around the disrespectful behavior his woman was engaging in. They actually tried to SHAME that negro for being distrustful of her out of pocket behavior.

That is exactly why I keep telling fellas to stop listening to simps and doggone women. Ya'll will head right into a train wreck. Look at what just happened to Ice-T. I would have little surprise if Kanye and Wiz get broke down next. It'd be a miracle for them not to.

This is why you need to develop that punt foot. That broad ran him stories about just chilling with her childhood friend, and this scandalous little woman let that dude bust one in her and then came home and let her boyfriend eat her. Ya'll have any idea how disrespectful that is? And what's so cold is the broad had the audacity to laugh about it afterwards?


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
This chick just called my phone from a blocked number again and since I didnt answer left a voicemail after I requested she never contact me on FB and blocked her on every social network. What the hell? What more can be said? We fell out and it's over and she wanna bicker back and forth and talk shyt. I just don't get women sometimes. Somebody says leave them alone and you still trying to contact them? Wouldn't have to tell me twice.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This will be a multi-part post. I'll write the other part later

Rule Number 1: Never operate based on what pleases a female. Operate based on your principles and your own TASTES.
We've said this a few times in this thread, but here are some aspects that are often overlooked. If you ever find yourself asking questions like, "What colognes do the ladies like? What clothes do the ladies like?", you're doing it wrong. In these scenarios you are building your self-esteem and worth based on some imagined concept of what 'women like', and thus, you aren't leading, but rather allowing yourself to be led.

First and foremost, it's impossible to recommend 'what women like' because all kinds of women like different things. That's like a woman asking a question, "What food do men like?" You can't really answer that because tastes are so varied. Second, the only way to truly be confident is to base your confidence on something that is consistent and KNOWABLE... what is knowable is what YOU like. If you base how you dress, what you smell like, etc., on some ambiguous concept as, "What women like," you will always be shifting around and never confident because you're allowing yourself to be defined by some external force. Now what you CAN do is get a recommendation from a woman, and see if you like it, and if you dig it, you get it, and if you don't, you don't. The key is to be solid in your own choices and tastes and then express them. That way you are actually catching a woman that is interested in YOU and not some 'ladies man' illusion you are trying to project. Like what you like and stop shifting around trying to follow trends on 'what the ladies think is hot.' Much more important is you being able to look in the mirror and smiling to yourself on the inside while thinking, "Man, I'm looking sharp today." That REAL confidence will actually project and the side benefit is women will pick up on it.

Rule 2: You will never really have a woman until you're willing to lose her
This is very important here. You simply must come to a realization and a preparation in your mind that you are willing to let any woman you are dealing with go, whether it be her leaving of her own volition or whether it be you actively making the decision to let her go. If you are so attached to a woman that you can't let her go, you will become desperate, and the power shifts to her. She will pick up on it and either start disrespecting you or she will deal with another man.

Also, You simply must be willing to make a woman mad. This is VERY important. A lot of guys are extra friendly and are always concerned with whether or not what they are doing is offending some woman. This is another reason why they lack confidence. Their confidence is based upon the feelings of a woman, which as we all know, are always shifting. They do everything to try to please and appease her and she ends up leaving or disrespecting those dudes, and they sit back and wonder, "I did everything to please her... how could she do me like that?" She did you like that because she didn't have respect for you and you spent all that time trying to appease her.

Let's elaborate on the point of making a woman angry. I'm not saying go out and actively try to make your woman mad, because that's corny and forced... but sometimes you will come across situations in which you will have to do or say something in order to maintain respect that will make your woman angry. If you fail to do it, you will be left dealing with some serious problems. A lot of men are afraid to do that, because, as said before, they are women appeasers and pleasers. Let me give you one example. Your woman might come to you and ask you whether she can go and chill with some male friend that just came in town. Now a sucker would sit back and say, "Yeah baby, I trust you, go chill with him." You, being a real dude, need to sit back and tell her, "Don't ask me something like that when you know the answer. In fact, you shouldn't even be in contact with him to know he was coming into town. You better lose him or lose me." She might be mad, but let her be mad. If she decides to leave, that's one less problem on your hand. That's one less potential cheater you ahve to worry about.

Something you need to understand is that your exclusivity needs to have VALUE. In order for it to have value, there must be a price to pay. The price is that there are certain rules and regulations she needs to follow in order to be able to deal with you. Respect is critical. Her talking and dealing with other men while she is with you shows she holds you in low regard. If you hold yourself in low regard as well, you'll let her run with it and talk to and chill with other dudes. If you hold yourself in high regards as well as having high quality relationships, you'll tell her no, you won't go for that.

This is why your principles are so important. If she violates them severely enough, you have to cut her off. One thing that is way more important than having the company of some woman is PEACE OF MIND and your safety. When women start violating that, then you need to give her the peace sign. If you have to worry about some other negroes in the picture, bye bye. If her mouth is on some nonstop harrassment nonsense when you're not doing anything wrong, it's bye bye. Basically, I'm telling you that if you value yourself, you're not going to put up with a woman's nonsense. You're going to place a high enough value on your exclusivity to where you won't give it to a woman unless you know she can help INCREASE your peace of mind and safety over the long-term.


opposite of mediocre
Jun 8, 2012
I been dating this chick since August and either this chick is really just a straight up honest female (doubt it) or a MASTER manipulator, because as hard as I've tried to catch her slipping, she hasn't. I'm confused brehs'