This will be a multi-part post. I'll write the other part later
Rule Number 1: Never operate based on what pleases a female. Operate based on your principles and your own TASTES.
We've said this a few times in this thread, but here are some aspects that are often overlooked. If you ever find yourself asking questions like, "What colognes do the ladies like? What clothes do the ladies like?", you're doing it wrong. In these scenarios you are building your self-esteem and worth based on some imagined concept of what 'women like', and thus, you aren't leading, but rather allowing yourself to be led.
First and foremost, it's impossible to recommend 'what women like' because all kinds of women like different things. That's like a woman asking a question, "What food do men like?" You can't really answer that because tastes are so varied. Second, the only way to truly be confident is to base your confidence on something that is consistent and KNOWABLE... what is knowable is what YOU like. If you base how you dress, what you smell like, etc., on some ambiguous concept as, "What women like," you will always be shifting around and never confident because you're allowing yourself to be defined by some external force. Now what you CAN do is get a recommendation from a woman, and see if you like it, and if you dig it, you get it, and if you don't, you don't. The key is to be solid in your own choices and tastes and then express them. That way you are actually catching a woman that is interested in YOU and not some 'ladies man' illusion you are trying to project. Like what you like and stop shifting around trying to follow trends on 'what the ladies think is hot.' Much more important is you being able to look in the mirror and smiling to yourself on the inside while thinking, "Man, I'm looking sharp today." That REAL confidence will actually project and the side benefit is women will pick up on it.
Rule 2: You will never really have a woman until you're willing to lose her
This is very important here. You simply must come to a realization and a preparation in your mind that you are willing to let any woman you are dealing with go, whether it be her leaving of her own volition or whether it be you actively making the decision to let her go. If you are so attached to a woman that you can't let her go, you will become desperate, and the power shifts to her. She will pick up on it and either start disrespecting you or she will deal with another man.
Also, You simply must be willing to make a woman mad. This is VERY important. A lot of guys are extra friendly and are always concerned with whether or not what they are doing is offending some woman. This is another reason why they lack confidence. Their confidence is based upon the feelings of a woman, which as we all know, are always shifting. They do everything to try to please and appease her and she ends up leaving or disrespecting those dudes, and they sit back and wonder, "I did everything to please her... how could she do me like that?" She did you like that because she didn't have respect for you and you spent all that time trying to appease her.
Let's elaborate on the point of making a woman angry. I'm not saying go out and actively try to make your woman mad, because that's corny and forced... but sometimes you will come across situations in which you will have to do or say something in order to maintain respect that will make your woman angry. If you fail to do it, you will be left dealing with some serious problems. A lot of men are afraid to do that, because, as said before, they are women appeasers and pleasers. Let me give you one example. Your woman might come to you and ask you whether she can go and chill with some male friend that just came in town. Now a sucker would sit back and say, "Yeah baby, I trust you, go chill with him." You, being a real dude, need to sit back and tell her, "Don't ask me something like that when you know the answer. In fact, you shouldn't even be in contact with him to know he was coming into town. You better lose him or lose me." She might be mad, but let her be mad. If she decides to leave, that's one less problem on your hand. That's one less potential cheater you ahve to worry about.
Something you need to understand is that your exclusivity needs to have VALUE. In order for it to have value, there must be a price to pay. The price is that there are certain rules and regulations she needs to follow in order to be able to deal with you. Respect is critical. Her talking and dealing with other men while she is with you shows she holds you in low regard. If you hold yourself in low regard as well, you'll let her run with it and talk to and chill with other dudes. If you hold yourself in high regards as well as having high quality relationships, you'll tell her no, you won't go for that.
This is why your principles are so important. If she violates them severely enough, you have to cut her off. One thing that is way more important than having the company of some woman is PEACE OF MIND and your safety. When women start violating that, then you need to give her the peace sign. If you have to worry about some other negroes in the picture, bye bye. If her mouth is on some nonstop harrassment nonsense when you're not doing anything wrong, it's bye bye. Basically, I'm telling you that if you value yourself, you're not going to put up with a woman's nonsense. You're going to place a high enough value on your exclusivity to where you won't give it to a woman unless you know she can help INCREASE your peace of mind and safety over the long-term.