I feel what you're saying. All I wanted to point out was that WHO is saying the line matters a lot. My friends used to give me their social media accounts to talk to women for them. Sometimes I would come across a woman that I hit up with my own account before but rejected me. When I used my friends' account to hit up the same woman, with the same exact lines, in the same time frame, I succeeded. This happened the other way around too. I understand that an interesting line will catch a woman's attention but it won't make her suddenly want you. I've seen many womens' inboxes and texts. They claim to hate "hi" and "wyd" but they'll fukk with it from a guy they want. There's a fine line between standing out and being corny. A lot of guys will talk themselves out the p*ssy trying to be something they're not. Ask these guys to show their rejections and you'll notice that there's always some weird ass line that's out of place. They do it in real life too. If you have a woman that's decently interested, in my opinion, it's best to stick to the "script" (not literally) until you smash. The game is about finding the women who want you and making them believe that they're right about wanting you. The best way to do that is by minimizing unnecessary risk.
And I'm not doubting your claims about standing out. I get it. I'm just saying that it won't save you if the woman is not interested at all.
Let me counter my own argument. There was this one guy who gave advice to add travel pictures to your profiles. He wasn't 6ft and didn't look like Jason Momoa. Yet, he was able to pull women off of that. It's measurable, concrete, and practicable. No nuance since you'll hardly find anyone who doesn't enjoy traveling.
There was another guy not too many pages back who said he got way more Tinder matches by adding a specific line to his bio. Two different guys actually did this. Now, it is similar to your case where it may just work for them only, but you know what all these have in common?
Unlike your advice, they have a before and after. All of these guys were able to tell us the differences in their success rate after the change they made. The real gems always tell you what exactly changed.
Yet, they still would never be able to tell if they turned a woman from unattracted to attracted. They weren't claiming that it did either.
I thought that's what you were claiming which is why I went at you so hard in the first place. A lot of guys have been ruined because of that notion. They're walking around frustrated and entitled because they were sold that lie. And when you can't measure the advice you're given, you don't know what to blame when it doesn't work.
I know the time and proximity effect. It's not as effective as it used to be due to social media but it's solid. The problem is that it's gambling on that woman not really having better options or those options slipping up. I've seen it fail countless times due to the woman having a better suitor. Also, it's not efficient if you're looking for regular casual sex. However, it is by far the best chance an average guy has at getting a woman "out of his league".
Explain what you mean by "natural rapport" though. You might have a different definition than what I'm thinking.
And most importantly how do you apply it?
From what I've seen a lot of guys think game is all one liners/endless talking. While self amusement is important, you're still hunting. You don't walk in looking and sounding like Eeyore and expect to get laid. A natural rapport is just that(by definition), I speak to people like I know them, a joke or dry comment based on the natural surrounding. I'm not there for her, I'm there to indulge and keep myself happy. It all trickles down from me. Whether its fun or attraction. I'm not saying a one liner, just to open, instead I'm engaged to the moment, I'm not happy within the span of the opener and then return back to some dead faced position, hoping the next girl I talk to will be more receptive. A lot of game is how you treat yourself. I'm in for a good time, the women are a byproduct of that. We both know why we're there (club, lounge, etc).
The before and after is just that, you're not trying a tactic several times, you're using something once and failing back to safety net measures, because it didn't work either that one time or effectively. As with all things, it takes time, and an amount of bravado. Everything has a success rate, you just have to keep applying. As for the time + proximity angle, its nuanced, now you have to text a lot more. But the general ideology holds true. If she's constantly talking to you, and you stand out among the rest, then you're already in. Basically the same thought process when in close proximity, she'll only continue with you, if she's interested, covid or no.
I apply everything for my benefit, if she likes it or not, doesn't matter, I'm there to build upon myself. Whether its conversation, dancing, networking, et. I look for something to add to the repertoire, game just goes hand in hand.