Background: I'm a physician in Atlanta make good money 6 foot tall 215lbs and I'm in my early 30's. The girl I posted about really liking looked like this she was Eritrean. But bigger eyes and more lashes and a more round face.
After she ghosted me
Please do not waste time during quarantine with a chick if she isn't showing the same energy. Gave her a b'day gift cash app $130 sent me a thank you gift says hey love. then ghosts your ass during memorial day weekend. I liked this girl because we had good chemistry on a few dates. I spent 45 days while doing Hinge with other chicks but she was always the main contender she looks why better than the competition so far.
I wanted this girl to be my girlfriends
She is college educated
Good with money no car debt
No kids
Never married
Good friend group, has pics of Danny Green
Really good chemistry making out on first date
Naturally beautiful
She was in a white sorority at Emory has "friend" pics of white men but her best friend is black.
Lived in Atlanta for most of her life and is 30 and single
Literally play by play on instagram keep in mind she was pressing love on my images
Me: You want to video chat on Friday or Saturday
Her: Yes im free at 8
Me: I called
Her: Sorry Love! I was doing a deep cleaning and both my hands are wet I'll call back
Me: *Calls*
on Monday Me how as your weekend
Her: *Response seen.
Sigh I might as well start dating white women.