I agree it takes two to tango. Here, we criticize men for wifing up hoes as much as we mash on hoes for their behavior. We've called out kanye for wifeying kim kardashian, wiz khalifah for wrapping up amber rose, and it's no surprise that ice-t is finding out coco is disloyal. If some cat posted about how he wifeyed the neighborhood slut, he'd get clowned.
A very large portion of this thread deals with different ways of men stepping up and changing their gameplan on dealing with women, but then again, there comes a point where you can only step your game up so far and you come to a point where you realize it's not you but you find out that a lot of women in this society have problems that need to be addressed.
I'mma be real with you man. In this day and age, with a lot of women, it is actually unproductive to come across as a responsible guy. He's often looked upon as 'boring' and placed in the provider category while swag daddy who spends all his money on clothes, drinking, weed, and his car is out here impregnating these ladies. You will actually be PUNISHED by being too responsible in many cases. If it was only a few isolated examples of this happening, that would be one thing, but this is extremely common in this society.
It is not uncommon to see women impregnated by drug dealers, guys with no jobs and no desire to pursue a career, etc. When women are willingly choosing men of low standards to procreate with, they need to be just as actively addressed as these losers who are popping off inside of women and running away from their responsibilities.
That's why I don't ever advocate or teach 'player tactics', but instead choose to advocate respectful, long-term relationships, because THAT is what will eventually create a stable environment for the kid. Smashing a bunch of hoes you don't care for will only increase the likelihood of getting one of them pregnant and leaving the child in a single parent situation because the man can't stand the woman and vice-versa. But what is sad is that in this day and time, we've come to a point in society where if you're not smashing the female within a week of meeting her, you will be chastised for doing it wrong, and you will actually lose respect in the minds of a lot of women. And that's seriously a problem. Being respectful and waiting will get you tossed in the provider category while she will sleep with the next man on the side. If men are actively punished for being responsible and rewarded for being irresponsible, how do you think they will act? Unless they are uncommonly principled, they will engage in whatever behavior they are immediately rewarded for. This is why I commonly tout men to have righteous principles regardless of whether women reward them for it or not, because if they simply acted based upon what women rewarded them with, they would engage in a player lifestyle.
Now, I've read tons of self-help books to realize that most of them are utter nonsense. They pretty much advocate a 'positive mentality', and pretty much being a sunshine pumper. But if you really look at the most successful people... just take a look at football coaches for example... the sunshine pumpers, aka the ones who only talk about thinking positive and try to avoid criticizing their players are the ones whose teams are met with little success. The hard-nosed coaches who get on their players are the ones who actually have successful teams. Success doesn't come from sunshine pumping, speaking positive mantras and 'ignoring negativity.' It comes from having a realistic mentality, which involves not only painting a positive goal, but also directly dressing the problems at hand, which many in this day and age view as negativity or complaining. Success comes from continuously engaging in actions that lead to a desired outcome. A huge portion of that requires active instruction and criticism, which involves chastising one when they hold improper beliefs and engage in improper actions.
Speaking up on these issues is of the utmost importance. If no one ever spoke up about a lack of civil rights, we'd never have them. This is why speaking on these issues instead of being silent on them and 'manning up', aka silently dealing with the burdens of the issue without ever eliminating the issue in the first place won't do anything but exacerbate the problem. The real manning up is speaking on it and getting it corrected.