Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
I need some advice fellas. I don't usually tell my business like that on the internet but maybe y'all could help me. I've been talking to a chick for a few months now and I guess all couples have their issues but the thing is yesterday (Saturday) we got into this long conversation all because I told her that her and her mom should try to strengthen their relationship. She says she felt growing up her mom abandoned her and now they reached a point where they are like sisters and work together to raise her siblings since she is the oldest daughter but as of recent her mom wants to fix things. I always try to convince her to give her mom a chance but today she went off asking me if I'm trying to change her or if I don't trust her "own" judgement about her "own" life. This is after we had a conversation Friday night about it where I tried to convince her to fix things with her mom and she felt I needed to fix the issues I have with my younger sister since I'm the older one which comes off a little hypocritical.

It's weird because she has a less then ideal relationship with her mom but is great with her siblings and I have a great relationship with my mom but a bad relationship with my sister.

With that said what do y'all think about this? Did I handle it wrong? Sometimes I think she is too stubborn and this relationship may not workout. I care about her but every week or other week it's something it seems.

What shes doing after you gave her the advice, is called hamstering, shes trying to rationalize the fukked up situation her mom has put her in. And that fact that she's weak to her manipulation. People don't like being told their dogma/way of life is wrong (welcome to religion), so the very second you shine a light on it, or make them think about their shytty environment, they'll go defensive and hamster. Give advice and move on. Don't address it again, she's gonna be a full blown overload now that you told her that, let her overthink herself, into getting you clothes and giving you blowjobs.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
bros im simping over a thot w a bf :mjcry:

Idk why I’m like this. She basically act like she my girl and I pay her little to no mind. Sometimes she’ll double or triple text me talking about nonsense which I ignore partly bc i don’t wanna give her too much attention, but mostly bc im actually busy. she be commenting on it when we together but I just laugh at her and keep it pushing (in a joking way ofc). She be texting me good morning, wishing me luck on stuff going on, cooking for me, sucking my soul away :mjgrin:

this my first time being a side nikka and idk bc she be having me feel a way sometimes dawg. like what are the rules to this? she wants me around legit all the time, and it’s a good feeling to have someone all over you like that, but i feel like the moment i give in to her is the moment she pulls away. i actually like her and enjoy her company, sometimes we just watch tv or we just chill together not even nothing sexual. ofc im talking to plenty of other girls still, but it’s something about her

today i text her and i was appalled that she left me on read bruh i checked my messages app over and over on some desperate shyt that i thought left me in HS. im sitting here mad at myself for doing that shyt bruh i need help before it’s too late dawg :mjcry:

You caught the dreaded oneitis. In this case, its hard to blame if you she's hooking you up with head, food and moral support. Your major problem was assuming she needed you, when in fact she's good and you're the side piece. You need to actually invite a feeling of "this is new to me" whenever you're with her, if not, she's just gonna assume what most men assume; only here for sex, lets move on. You should've also had another plate you were taking out. Always have a backup bunny, just in case current plate, wants to play girlfriend.


Dec 30, 2012
met up with one friend who was over here yesterday took her and her friend to a club. on the way to the club her friend asked for drugs luckily my other friends i was with had coke so i fed them both :mjlit: now im not interested in my friend and have never been she STRICTLY a friend but i did make moves towards her friend, couldn\t get anything even a kiss as she was shy or some shyt ( she's indian sikh) she wasnt that attractive but if i get the chance to smash i will:yeshrug: I did take her number and she did ask once my friend flys back if i will text her.

Now i have never fukked an indian girl but from what i understand/seen in london black/indian couples are rare even maybe taboo? Not sure how i should handle this i did make my intentions clear and was aggressive enough. Think i need to pick a 3.5 invite her to come to my house and smoke as she will probably not want to be seen with me in public, got to move careful though as i think her dad or some shyt was texting her at like 4 am asking where she was:deadmanny:

@VertigoKnight tips on how to handle indian women in london?


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
Fam I've dealt with many many Muslim girls before. Just because she wears a hijab doesnt mean she isn't a thot.

I have noticed in the last 10 pages of this there are now alot of rookies out here giving advice.

Been going on for more than 10 pages fam. This thread has definitely degraded. It goes in cycles though so it is what it is.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
How many times a week do yall go to the gym?

N how much time do u lift( hour?)

I usually went gym twice a week to hoop for a few hours but i woke up today to lift n i felt way better already

Reaching muscle hypertrophy is easy, its knowing when to rest that's important. A lot of guys out there with fukked up regimens will notice weight lost but not muscle mass increasing.

First part that's important; divide your muscle groups throughout the week. Stick to ACL - Arms, Chest(back) and Legs, you can decide on the order, I just like saving legs for last. Basically, you heal/build muscle faster when you get proper rest so make sure you're sleeping for more than 5 hours and that you work out in the early morning or afternoon (when your testosterone is at its highest). So that's 1 day - Arms, second day - Chest/back/shoulders, and third day - legs.

Second; Never workout all muscle groups in one day. This is the fukked up regimen I mentioned. A lot of guys do this, and take longer to recover. They simply don't understand how to make this workout routine work. Instead of doing less sets, they either do more or the same, clearly not understanding that the body needs to rest. While this regimen does work (if done correctly) its more for people on steroids, or those not wanting to gain much muscle mass.

Stick to working out a muscle group either two or three times a week. Your muscles require a day or two to recover, so always work around that fact. For me, working everything twice a week (means you get one day off during the week), works best, I keep my arms, back and legs big this way, and its not taxing on my daily schedule....

Lastly; You honestly don't have to work out for long. The goal is to get your muscle hypertrophy going quick. I'm up to 3 sets of 12 with 45lbs dumbbells for curls and triceps. Your work out should be no longer than 40 minutes, now of course this differs to someone on roids, they have to workout more at heavier weights, for obvious reasons. No work out per muscle group, should be more than an hour, not even jogging.


May 1, 2012
Last night I went out again and pulled another girl at the bar. Before that I was talking to another girl and her friend got mad that I paid no attention to her. She cut in between me and the girl said some bullshyt like “my friend had back surgery can you stop leaning on her” ( knowing damn well I was there first and her friend came up to the bar to get a drink) I told her why is she being aggressive, she need to chill out. She got even more mad so I ignore her an went back to talk to the girl I pulled. I turn around some dude and his short friend come up to me asking me “aye I hear you out here fighting chicks” I said to him is that “what that girl told you :mjlol:“ As we talking the girl that started this bs come up to me getting all emotional. Telling me I should apologize to her. I said to her “I’m not going to apologize to you. I don’t apologize to women. :ehh:“ (like I did something wrong in the first place) The dude that pulled up on me said “dude you gonna apologize to her and if you don’t there gonna be some issue :martin:“ I’m looking at dude posted up like “this clown and his friends gonna fight me over a chick that is sexually frustrated. Simping ain’t easy :pachaha:“ dude was getting emotional just like his girl so I said “I don’t need to explain shyt to you and your girl.” I turned right around and went back to talking to the girl. Dude was angry but didn’t do shyt. If he was about that life he would have punched me in the face and as I was talking to him I was looking around to see if anyone was gonna sucker punch me but nothing happen and the bouncer broke it up. I ain’t gonna argue with dudes. That what women do. Anyway, I pulled this girl by getting straight to the point, feeling her etc. she wasn’t good at giving head but everything else was alright. Also doggy style is a position I’m not good at. :beli:

Breh I feel u I stayed getting into some shyt cuz of simp ass dudes
Whether it's the female friend or random dudes just mad cuz she chose to get at me not them
shyt is ridiculous
These cape a hoes be pissing me off like no other
All bark no damn bite
Told one dude breh if u dont get the fukk out of my face with that whining I'm the one that's gonna actually do something instead of u and still walk away with her
And oh girl bust out :mjlol: at simp dude and flat out said that's y I I'm talking to him and not u
Coming over here trying to start shyt cuz I ain't feeling u
Let's go to ur place dude killing my vibe
I said well shyt coo and left and smashed same day


Jul 3, 2018
Broke up my girl for two weeks then later found out she banged some dude a week later... gotta demote her to slide status :francis:

Don't trust these females brehs


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
So I finally asked a female friend of mine out on a date last night. I've been attracted to her since I met her a couple months ago, but I never got any choosing signals from her so I didn't ask her sooner. I noticed that she was kind of nonchalant about the date when I asked her. SO when I saw her at the salsa dance tonight, I asked her if she understood that I wanted her to be my date, as in a romantic date.

She seemed completely surprised and she said she'd love to, that she has been into since day one. She had no idea I was feeling her, but I thought I was being obvious this whole time.

I almost missed out on this opportunity because I had been following two common rules I hear often:

  1. Always wait for choosing signals
  2. Don't tell her you like her, show her you like her instead.
I never got a choosing signal from her, she would always be very quiet and indifferent toward me when she was around me, but would talk to everyone else easily. She usually avoided me, actually. I did everything I could to show her I liked her, but she said she "is always oblivious" to such things.

She kept asking me why I chose her. I told her it's not important. Later, she texted me asking again why I chose her. I asked her why it matters, she said she doesn't know why so many people like her. I'm guessing she's insecure despite being very attractive