Yeah you hit the nail on the head. The worst thing you can do as a man is to expand a woman's options. When a woman believes she can obtain men of the same status or higher than you is when she will start peeling off. "Upgrading a female" will expand her options and give her more of an ability to deal with men, who are in her mind, on or better than your level. Unless she is just unbelievably moral, she will start having thoughts of peeling off.
Let's use Joe Buddens for an example. The guy is a somewhat famous rapper. He takes these chicks that nobody knows and then starts 'upgrading them.' They most likely act right and proper because he is in a status level above them. It's not until he puts them on web camera, gets their modelling career started, etc. This broad who went from local yokel, who got attention from local cats, is now getting global attention because Budden is expanding her options. With all of this newfound attention, she thinks she is just as fly, if not flyer than Budden and that he is now holding her back, even though he was the dude that made her. As we've discussed before, women always want a man that is above her. When you increase a woman's fame, dating options through your actions, you bring her closer to YOUR status, and thus, diminish yourself in her eyes. If you're going to upgrade a woman 1 level, she better have helped you upgrade yourself 2 levels.
A woman who believes she is punching above her league, aka she has a man she can't go out and get again in her mind, is the one that stays loyal. If she feels she can't pull a dude on your level again, why would she peel off? If you notice, the guys you never hear about having problems in their marriage like that don't have the super video model wives and they aren't trying to bring these women into the business either. They don't bring that woman into their 'career circle'.
The only way you upgrade a woman a level is if she upgrades you two levels and you really just want to reward her for staying down. Keep your woman in the background mane. The only time she should be rising is if you rise. You try putting a broad on your shoulders and have her standingtaller than you and she will stomp your head, jump on your noggin like Mario and land right into another man's ship.