Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

May 1, 2012
And why is it that especially in the stripper/escort scene especially on backpage there is an abundant of black and latina girls? I do not like getting into the race thing because EVERY KIND of woman can be a status whore.

Not sure about the backpage but I feel u on the status thing though

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
@kevm3 now this question is something out of the ordinary but I have noticed although your a follower of religon alot of us haven't asked your thoughts on certain relationships in the bible.

Your thoughts on Jesus and Mary Magdalene?(if any) Or any other examples of relationships from the bible that you would like to use as examples to apply to this discussion.

jesus and mary magdalene didn't have an intimate relationship.
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Aug 12, 2012
Not sure about the backpage but I feel u on the status thing though

Its true. The white girls generally go for the more upscale places compared to backpage.

Trust me.

But yeah race doesn't matter. I don't go with statistics too much because any of these women can be proven untrustworthy


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
On the surface Barack and Michelle seems cool, but there's a few questionable things... like Michelle might have left Barack if he didn't become Senator or how she wasn't really trying to mess with him at first. I believe she is a kind of status fiend. If Barack lost his prestige, she would leave.

:whoo: its like there aint many more "stand by your man" types. for the first lady to say that shyt???

now that women are cheered on to get a new man whenever they feel like it, have their own careers, collect money from their ex, theyre really marginalizing relationships to strictly what they can get out of it, instead of put into it. so dont trust it.

dont be out there playing the giver my brothers.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
@kevm3 now this question is something out of the ordinary but I have noticed although your a follower of religon alot of us haven't asked your thoughts on certain relationships in the bible.

Your thoughts on Jesus and Mary Magdalene?(if any) Or any other examples of relationships from the bible that you would like to use as examples to apply to this discussion.

Jesus and Mary weren't intimate. The Bible does have several powerful examples of relationships. For one, Adam and Eve. Eve ended up listening to the snake before Adam and Adam ended up following behind Eve to destruction himself. This relationship is two-fold. One, it points out Eve listening to the deceiver. How often do women listen to deceptive cats, just like in that post I put above about the woman messing with the athlete? The second part is the results when a woman follows behind a woman, especially a woman who listens to deceivers. This is why the Bible has given man the authority to rule and not women.

9 Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.

14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

15 But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.

How often do men allow women to lead them in this day and age and control their lives... giving everything to the woman only for the woman to leave him and deal with a guy who gives her nothing?

I will explain some of these other relationships later.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:whoo: its like there aint many more "stand by your man" types. for the first lady to say that shyt???

now that women are cheered on to get a new man whenever they feel like it, have their own careers, collect money from their ex, theyre really marginalizing relationships to strictly what they can get out of it, instead of put into it. so dont trust it.

dont be out there playing the giver my brothers.

Cats definitely need to understand that giving women gifts and things to win her affection is counterproductive. The only thing you should give a woman is your presence. Now, it IS ok to buy a woman gifts in the event she has shown she is there and about you and is loyal to you, but to give a woman gifts in order to 'keep her around' is a no no. This is what I've been talking about with the social intelligence. Women know how to manipulate men. They bring very little to the table, and yet men pay gifts to keep them around and give up their authority.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Cats definitely need to understand that giving women gifts and things to win her affection is counterproductive. The only thing you should give a woman is your presence. Now, it IS ok to buy a woman gifts in the event she has shown she is there and about you and is loyal to you, but to give a woman gifts in order to 'keep her around' is a no no. This is what I've been talking about with the social intelligence. Women know how to manipulate men. They bring very little to the table, and yet men pay gifts to keep them around and give up their authority.

social intelligence actually outweighs iq these days. its not the same society anymore, a lot of comforts and living styles have changed. our living standards have changed mostly due to intelligence, or in other words, book smarts.

yet social intelligence, from what I understand, means that someone can talk their way into something. manipulate how society is in order get the most from it. use cunning and social skills to land them a new job, a better, more powerful connection, more service, a life of ease ...

book smarts are getting taken for as suckers - maybe even more these days, since those with street smarts are leaning on them something heavy. sure back in the day, people needed book smart cats to make fire, cure sickeness, study science, elevate society, know what to eat and not etc etc. but street smarts is the knowledge of people

so if you dont have street smarts, then you will be prey. its a safer society in some ways, but very dangerous in others. if you cant read people, discover what they really want, their motivations behind their life, and essentially their background, folks can expect a rude awakening.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What is very important to realize is that women do a lot of calculating. A lot of women decide what they want to get from you or how they want to deal with you before the first conversation. I divided the 'likes' into 3 categories for an important reason. There are those women who like your presence, those women who don't really like you but rather what you can do for her and those that just don't like you and won't deal with you.

Falling for the middle category, aka the woman who likes what you do for her, is VERY dangerous and it's a lot more subtle than you think. These kind of women will ask what kind of job do you work, follow that up by trying to dig for what salary you make... they will drop hints about something 'they want'. They start asking for little things, asking for you to do little things for them, buy them something here and there and then start to escalate. All the while, you think babygirl likes you, but when you say you're going to stop with the favors and you actually do, her whole personality changes and she flips on you. What makes these women so dangerous is that they come at you as if they like you and get you emotionally hooked. From there, they will attempt to procure favors and when you fail to give it to them, they will turn on you and try to make you feel guilty. "Oh you don't love me? Why won't you get that for me?" They will threaten to leave or stop paying you attention if you don't get this for them or do that for them, and since you like them so much and are emotionally hooked, you will go ahead and do it.

This is why a man must have discipline and learn to curtail his feelings in dealing with women in the event he is put in a disadvantageous situation. If she decides to leave because you won't get something for her or do something for her, let her leave, even if you like her deeply or even if it seems like she likes you. Trust me, she doesn't. A woman who really likes you won't try to get material possessions from you and threaten to leave if they don't get it.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
This is why the Bible has given man the authority to rule and not women.

How often do men allow women to lead them in this day and age and control their lives... giving everything to the woman only for the woman to leave him and deal with a guy who gives her nothing?

I will explain some of these other relationships later.

it is deep man. I feel that. the women that need to be upgraded, continue to use that example that was given from her upgrader, and accordingly, will leave him to look for the next upgrade. it becomes a taught cycle for her. thats why we say that women need to be trained properly, and through action.

its looking like, only if she has no other options, will she possibly take the relationship more seriously. but the upgrade just upped her chance at another come up for her. so she will go and try to get that. see thinks that if she doesnt get the most mileage out that p*ssy, than she will never be "happy" with her life and had to settle. so stepping her up is not smart, ever. :mindblown:

because if you had to lower yourself and your standards in order to get her on your level and boost her, shes going to lose respect for you. she will see you as someone who lowered himself for her (who knows she aint shyt)

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
social intelligence actually outweighs iq these days. its not the same society anymore, a lot of comforts and living styles have changed. our living standards have changed mostly due to intelligence, or in other words, book smarts.

yet social intelligence, from what I understand, means that someone can talk their way into something. manipulate how society is in order get the most from it. use cunning and social skills to land them a new job, a better, more powerful connection, more service, a life of ease ...

book smarts are getting taken for as suckers - maybe even more these days, since those with street smarts are leaning on them something heavy. sure back in the day, people needed book smart cats to make fire, cure sickeness, study science, elevate society, know what to eat and not etc etc. but street smarts is the knowledge of people

so if you dont have street smarts, then you will be prey. its a safer society in some ways, but very dangerous in others. if you cant read people, discover what they really want, their motivations behind their life, and essentially their background, folks can expect a rude awakening.

Real talk. Being socially intelligent is definitely a MUST especially in this day and age since, by extension of the current narcissistic culture that is in existence, the average individual is always scoping people out to see who they can and cannot get over on with running game.


Aug 12, 2012
Do you guys think emasculated guys have anything to do with them having alot of daughters? And vice versa with masculine guys having sons. The increase of more women being born and the rise of emasculation is making me convinced.

It doesn't seem that you hear that much anymore about "new fathers" having multiple sons and if emasculated "coincidently" it seems to be more and more that every guy you hear about ends up having a daughter.

Yeah its obvious there is a 50/50 chance lol but I think there is something more.


Aug 12, 2012
Cats definitely need to understand that giving women gifts and things to win her affection is counterproductive. The only thing you should give a woman is your presence. Now, it IS ok to buy a woman gifts in the event she has shown she is there and about you and is loyal to you, but to give a woman gifts in order to 'keep her around' is a no no. This is what I've been talking about with the social intelligence. Women know how to manipulate men. They bring very little to the table, and yet men pay gifts to keep them around and give up their authority.

Yeah I have been guilty of doing this in the past and I have gotten upset and felt betrayed and pissed that I made myself look like a fool. I have gotten very pissed because its like they did not realize what I sacrificed or did and shun it aside and say things like "its not a big deal".


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
it is deep man. I feel that. the women that need to be upgraded, continue to use that example that was given from her upgrader, and accordingly, will leave him to look for the next upgrade. it becomes a taught cycle for her. thats why we say that women need to be trained properly, and through action.

its looking like, only if she has no other options, will she possibly take the relationship more seriously. but the upgrade just upped her chance at another come up for her. so she will go and try to get that. see thinks that if she doesnt get the most mileage out that p*ssy, than she will never be "happy" with her life and had to settle. so stepping her up is not smart, ever. :mindblown:

because if you had to lower yourself and your standards in order to get her on your level and boost her, shes going to lose respect for you. she will see you as someone who lowered himself for her (who knows she aint shyt)

Yeah you hit the nail on the head. The worst thing you can do as a man is to expand a woman's options. When a woman believes she can obtain men of the same status or higher than you is when she will start peeling off. "Upgrading a female" will expand her options and give her more of an ability to deal with men, who are in her mind, on or better than your level. Unless she is just unbelievably moral, she will start having thoughts of peeling off.

Let's use Joe Buddens for an example. The guy is a somewhat famous rapper. He takes these chicks that nobody knows and then starts 'upgrading them.' They most likely act right and proper because he is in a status level above them. It's not until he puts them on web camera, gets their modelling career started, etc. This broad who went from local yokel, who got attention from local cats, is now getting global attention because Budden is expanding her options. With all of this newfound attention, she thinks she is just as fly, if not flyer than Budden and that he is now holding her back, even though he was the dude that made her. As we've discussed before, women always want a man that is above her. When you increase a woman's fame, dating options through your actions, you bring her closer to YOUR status, and thus, diminish yourself in her eyes. If you're going to upgrade a woman 1 level, she better have helped you upgrade yourself 2 levels.

A woman who believes she is punching above her league, aka she has a man she can't go out and get again in her mind, is the one that stays loyal. If she feels she can't pull a dude on your level again, why would she peel off? If you notice, the guys you never hear about having problems in their marriage like that don't have the super video model wives and they aren't trying to bring these women into the business either. They don't bring that woman into their 'career circle'.

The only way you upgrade a woman a level is if she upgrades you two levels and you really just want to reward her for staying down. Keep your woman in the background mane. The only time she should be rising is if you rise. You try putting a broad on your shoulders and have her standingtaller than you and she will stomp your head, jump on your noggin like Mario and land right into another man's ship.


Aug 12, 2012
"A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in the bones"