Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014

But this is nothing new, the common cry of curs has existed since Shakespeare's time. Being "Alpha" is rare, and finding a true "beta" even more so. A lot of the world is populated by sheep. Very few have the passion of assertiveness to rule let alone conquer. I have met so many handsome men, who I've tried to wingman into A1 p*ssy, only to have them fail at closing. Fear is indeed the mind killer. We're acting like this era is the only time men have been castrated by fear of approach.
Fear always been there but back then brehs had to have courage to talk to a chick. Nowadays dudes can see a girl they like, find them on social media, and try to spit game there... and still fukk it up.

The old heads I know always talking about how easy my generation and they just don't know because they're to much of a simp

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Fear always been there but back then brehs had to have courage to talk to a chick. Nowadays dudes can see a girl they like, find them on social media, and try to spit game there... and still fukk it up.

The old heads I know always talking about how easy my generation and they just don't know because they're to much of a simp

We have it soooo easy, dating apps are so easy. Copy & Paste a message to 20 women & wait for 3-4 to respond & eat

If it wasnt for dating apps, I would struggle I have approach anxiety

Goon for hire

All Star
Dec 5, 2016
We have it soooo easy, dating apps are so easy. Copy & Paste a message to 20 women & wait for 3-4 to respond & eat

If it wasnt for dating apps, I would struggle I have approach anxiety
Real shyt, whole summer i was eating off of hinge and shyt was too easy.

Now I’m trying to approach girls at my school in person and I’m 1/6:francis:


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
What is y’alls cold approach method? This hi, what’s your name shyt ain’t working to well

@Silkk @VertigoKnight
If youre approaching them on a humble in public?

Man: Excuse me
Woman: *Turns around*
Man: Hey, sorry to bother you but ______

The blank could be filled in with a lot of things.

1. If you dont have much time and want to get to the point: "...but I walked past you earlier, just thought you were pretty/beautiful/cute/etc. and was wondering if I could introduce myself" (Try to say it with a slight smile so you look less creepy/animalistic). She'll probably say thank you and then sure but if she doesnt explicitly ask your name or give allow an intro she either didnt hear that part, is not interested, is already gassed or has a boyfriend. At that point its up to you to steer the convo. You dont have to get too creative, just be a human being. This is where your own personal convo skills come into play, Ask what shes up to at that time. Is it an activity you know about? If so share what you no. If not, inquire about it. Ask if she works/lives in the area. If so, how long? Where is she originally from? shyt like that. One or two questions/answers is typically enough. If she is answering your questions and asking them back thats usually a very good sign. If not, refer to what i said above. To end it off, mention that you gotta meet someone, or head somewhere (like work or a meeting) but would like to go out with her. Ask if shes down to have lunch or a coffee sometime. If she declines or said she has a bf, bow out gracefully. If she is down, grab the number.

If you got all day, try small talking using something about her or the situation surrounding you to get a convo going:
"but I really like your shoes. My sisters birthday is coming up and I was wondering where i could find something like that."
"that book in your hand, it looks interesting. How is it? Whats it about?"
"I noticed you were listening to ______, are you a big fan?"

or you can get creative and really say some off the wall shyt to make her laugh/get her attn.

Club / party game is a bit different. For the most part its less polite...none of that excuse me or sorry to bother you type shyt.


If you do the above and bag 3 outta 10 girls, to me you're doing a good job...depending on how selective you are. Outta those three you could prolly pineat least one. If youre a very selective guy you should be bagging 5/10 though. In good city you can easily get a roster of 3,5 girls doing this a few times a day over the course of a week. You just have to be aggressive with it.

Also, a key pointer...the element of surprise is very important. You dont want a girl to see you looking at them , scheming, following them etc. before you approach. Once that happens the creep meter slowly rises and they quickly tell themselves they will diss you. It becomes an uphill battle the longer you wait after they initially catch you. The more casual/coincidental and less premeditated you can make it seem the better. Why? It feeds into the narcissism and insecurity of women. Women dont want to say some guy saw them, followed them, houdned them and spit game. Nah. They wanna be able to tell their girls that you randomly swept them off their feet, how meant to be it seemed and feel like a princess. You can stumble over your words and everything and still succeed, a real woman is gonna still value/respect the fact that you're polite and had the gall to approach.

None of this is theoretical; all of it is spoken from experience
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Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
What is y’alls cold approach method? This hi, what’s your name shyt ain’t working to well

@Silkk @VertigoKnight
Man tbh, If a chick don’t at least give me a look, smile, or something im not really approaching. Usually i’ll give a look and off that will know if she with it.

Straight cold approaching I usually ask some BS question to gauge her mood first then go from there.


Aug 7, 2019
What is y’alls cold approach method? This hi, what’s your name shyt ain’t working to well

@Silkk @VertigoKnight

Just say whatever is on your mind & use your environment. No script. - THE BEST OPTION


Ask an indirect question (Kind of soft) but it works. (Ask what food is she eating? What kinda of drink is that?) - ITS COOL, BUT DOESNT COME OFF ASSERTIVE ENOUGH.


You can wait for some sort of choosing signals (eye contact, she gets close to you) - WHICH IS INBETWEEN