Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012

So simple, yet something many of us should have been told a loooong time ago. I've been saying this.

A chick who is really into you FOR YOU would meet you at the local park in the rain. The ones who ask a lot of questions and put out all these stipulations are not interested, so don't waste your time.


Dec 28, 2016
The amount of women who don't know how to hold a basic conversation is baffling. I get tired of always being the one leading the convo, like damn ask me something for a change. The flow of the convo is damn near always in my hands.

It especially confuses me when they initiate the convo and are still dry and boring :mindblown:
Women don’t really have to work on much besides looks to attract men or at least get some attention. It’s the reason why guys are funnier then girls and have more charisma etc. We gotta be the full package to get looks, girls just needs nice body and an ok face and they dm’s is poppin.


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
Those conservative bytches do be having a type. What you look like breh? NO HOMO

Man every female has a type. Some have a type that makes them weaker than the other. Some women like shoulders, back, chest,arms etc etc. My girl now swoons over my body but I look at her like damn, you 5'8 about 170 fine as fukk too. I mean every inch is nice, plus she mad attractive. I'm 6'1 200 solid but I've run the size and height up to 6'5 for the women.

What's I've found out is this: The vibe and convo intensifies the physical attraction. And just being funny. There is some allure to being mysterious and shyt like that there too but when she feeling you, you already all in. I got some more meet and greet fukk stories that literally blew my mind but when it came down to it, the lady mostly chooses. We just pursue. Oh, EVERY last conservative girl I ever had was a true freak!



Dec 25, 2014

Know a chick like this. Mentioned her in this thread before she's shut down her p*ssy until shes married.

Think shes been 'born again' for three years. From the short time I've known her. One of the most judgemental people I've met. Always got a slick catty comment on deck for people.

Shes got herself a simp who will do anything for her. They're in the honeymoon period atm.
Lawd have mercy on that guy when she inevitable gets bored of his ass. Or she learns to drive herself around.

Chick calls him her 'taxi driver', not to his face though.
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Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
So here's the situation from this past weekend. Met this one shawty, Ashley, Friday night/Saturday morning at this late-night diner spot after coming back from this Afro-Caribbean club. Chatted with her for a bit and the vibes were good. She asked how I old I was, I said 25 (I'm 24 but turning 25 in a few so eh). She was like I'm a child, that she's 29 turning 30 in a week. I'm like it's whatever, no harm, no foul. We talk a bit more (she lives close by, is a “homebody” etc) Anyway, I get her number and head out.

FF to Saturday mid-day. I facetime her and let her know I'm gonna be checking out this lounge/bar close by and asked if she wanted to come. She was like she’ll see when it’s closer to then. I’m like cool.

Now it's Saturday night. I get to the lounge and it’s a good spot. A lot of nice-looking ladies and the music was on point. She arrives a little later and we post up at the bar. After a couple drinks, some dirty dancing and mad flirting she’s like she’s tryna leave. I’m like cool, lemme pay and I'll walk you to your car.

Walk her to her car and I'm like let's head out she’s like nah, she ain’t ready yet. She had a good time but she’s not with it tonight. This is after all that dirty dancing and talk about “oh she’s gonna show me things since I’m still a young one” like mad teasing. Feeling on my Johnson, kissing my neck, the whole 9 yards. Anyway, I pried a little bit more but then I let it go. Went back to the lounge, got some food – and the number of this cute waitress – and head home.

Sunday afternoon, I called her just to make sure she home safe. No response. She hits me back a couple hours later. We exchange pleasantries e.g. how was your day, did you get home safe etc. She said she had fun last night and would want to hang out again during the day, lol. I told her I’d hit her up this week to set something up.

I’m kinda wondering if I’d be spinning my wheels to try and set something up again. Part of me feels like she may have just been tryna play a little hard to get (you know women), another part of me feels like she might be tryna string me on and get free drinks. I dropped $55 on drinks at the lounge, not crazy, but it adds up.

It’s her birthday this week so I may try again. I’m just thinking about the lowest cost activity at the moment. I’m good in the kitchen so I might try to plan a home date :russ:

I kind of prefer dates in the afternoon now tbh, like 4-6ish.

1. Cause I usually like to get drinks close to my spot so it's easier to head back after.

2. I get up early AF too lol.

If I was you, I wouldn't hit this chick up until after her birthday. IDK what she got planned or who she got plans with but most women ALWAYS have plans for their Bday. If you not spending it with them, I wouldn't even mention it. I'd just hit her ass up 2 days after it and try to make plans again.


Feb 15, 2015
I’ve gotten to a point where I can’t see myself being in a relationship for a long time. These women fickle as fukk :yeshrug:

Got a couple of women in the rotation, but none that I actually care about :mjgrin:

But having a roster is vital in 2019

Hoping to add some more once classes start up again


May 7, 2012
Met up for happy hour with the teacher lady that I met at HEB

She's coming over Wednesday night :myman:

The dentist lady is going to be put on timeout for the next week or so while I rebuild my roster from nothing


Dec 25, 2014
You brehs will love this one saw this chick was from Toronto and knew I had to post it on here

Dating Apps suck... for women

This little heffer is only 21 imagine her when she's 30 still single and even more bitter


Sort of a spinoff of that other thread on here (not sure if that's allowed, mods please delete if not). NOT meant to attack that OP or men in any way, but I guess I just wanted to rant.

I'm a 21 year old Black-Canadian girl living in Toronto, and by Odin, by Amaterasu, by Anansi, by the powers of Greyskull, I hate online dating. But I have to rely on it if I want to get dates at all for the most part. I'm a major introvert. I have friends but I'm friends with them individually/I don't have a 'friend group' per say. I'm also super busy with writing, school, work and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. So yeah, dating apps are pretty much the major way I meet men romantically.

And I hate it. Oh boy, by Susanoo, I hate it. I guess to summarize in bullet points, I have the following issues:

I'm not just looking for sex. I'm CONVINCED that most men period on dating apps are. But I put "Not here for hookups" in my profile right? And you'd think that these guys would be able to read the profile and then just not bother me once they see that I'm not intereste- no that would be smart. Instead they still match with me, then when I turn them down they act like I'm some gigantic prude. I'm not, but I'm just not open to doing that outside of a real relationship, sorry y'all.

Hate to make this racial too, but I wonder how much my race factors into me attracting guys who are only into me for sex. There's that entire thing where most men, unfortunately Black men too, only think Black women are good for screwing, and not good enough for marriage/serious dating. *Enter Black Womanist essay here* Oh god, speaking of which...

The flipping fetisihization I get is unacceptable and annoying. I'm not your magic voodoo kween or whatever, screw off. Outside of sex, people also tend to attribute personality traits/interests to me based on my race which is also freaking annoying. I don't want to sound like a "special negro", but I'm not into most popular rap, I hate clubbing or whatever, I'm a huge nerd and I like things like that. But it's like men don't read my profile at all and keep trying to make me do things that I'm not into doing.

Speaking of which, the worst part about the fetisization is that it doesn't just come from Non-black guys. I've had Black men flat out tell me that they're into me because "Dark skinned girls do what light skinned girls wont do" and other mess like that. Trust, there's this entire fukked up philosophy where Black women will put up with more things than White women, and it's like God please save me from it, go away, sayonara.

Quality of dates. I don't need to be taken out for a $999 Dinner spree on the first date, but really guys? I hate coffee, I hate tea. And if you're taking me out for Bubble tea then why are you sweating me over the like, 4-7$ mine costs? If you're that broke maybe you shouldn't be dating.

Don't fight me on this. I tend to go out with guys who are 2-3 years older than me (which i hate, I'll get to that later), and to a certain extent no matter what relationships will never actually be 50/50 for women. The world isn't 50/50 for women once you factor things in like the Wage Gap, the Second Shift, etc etc. So me expecting to be catered to a little bit shouldn't be out of the question. If i have to pay for my own bubble tea, I could do that alone.

Age of men. I don't feel comfortable going out with guys too much older than me, to be perfectly honest. I'm really paranoid of being taken advantage of emotionally/mentally/sexually, so I try to stick to my age range and maybe 1-2 years older than me (never younger, because at my age that'd be like dating a teenager, no thanks). So it's not flattering at all when some guy who's 26 wants to hit me up. No shade to anyone who does this, but I'm always going to wonder why you're trying to get with me, someone who's inexperienced and just starting out, instead of trying to get with someone who's closer to your age. Age gaps aren't that bad imo when you're 30 and dating someone who's 40, but why are you 30 trying to get with a 21 year old? That's a whole 9 years of Teenage-> Young Adult -> Adult development, dude.

Attraction in general/Basicness of men. Don't try to drag me in the comments, but it really feels like most men are the goddamn same. Shirtless pics (which aren't interesting to me because I do Brazlian Jiu Jitsu, meaning that I see shirtless men all the time.). The Office references. "I LISTEN TO DRAAAKKKEEE" (Side-point: I fukking hate Drake). I like to travel. I like video games (Don't put this in your profile unless you're into niche games; everybody plays CoD so it's not very interesting that you do too bub). I like netflix. I like anime. Do men realize how basic this makes you sound? I'm sure there's probably a version of this for women too, but it's annoying as hell nonetheless. Also, ugh I hate to say it but a lot of guys I'm just not physically attracted to. I don't know if this is because of video games/media/etc screwing up my perception of men, a percursor to me realizing that I might not be attracted to men, or whatever, but it's odd. I admittedly have preferences, but I never discount people who don't meet them.