So check this out. There's this fine trainer chick who works at my gym. She's only been working there a couple months, and has always been friendly. I'd never really spoken to her except in passing (simple "hey, how you doing" etc).
So last week, I'm working out, doing some crunches. I'm taking a break and basically staring off into space with my earphones on. So I felt someone tap my knee. I look up, and it was her walking past saying hi, so I'm like "oh" A couple of days later, I'm entering the gym to swipe my pass card, and there's a line of people waiting to get checked in with just one guy behind the desk. She happens to be up front and steps behind the desk to help. When she takes my card, we exchange small talk again, and one she checks me in, she says "thank u [my name]." Mind you, I never told her my name, she just saw it on the computer when she checked me in, which no one else had ever done since I've been going there. The next day, I run into her again on the way to the locker room. I speak to her, but didn't know we were both going down the stairs, so we continue to talk. She asked me how was my day, what I was working on that day, etc. She also asked me for my name again, so I told her and asked hers. Once we get to the locker rooms, she tells me she'll see me on the floor.
Now, I know being friendly is part of the job, but I've been going to this gym over 2 years, and no one has ever asked me for my name, waves at me and speaks every time they see me. Is this a case of her just doing her job, or is she choosing?
as i was reading ur story i was so ready to respond and be like yoooo u goto hit that, she's throwing it at you. but then i remember this one chick at my job who i swear is the friendliest chick on the planet. i'm pretty quiet at work and i dont be trying to holla at anyone unless i really really know them or they holla at me first.
but this chick stay trying to be friendly. she sees me in the hallway and is always looking to make eye contact so she can say hi. shes just that friendly. there's been a couple of time that i knew she was looking for me to make eye contact but i choose not to, cause i just didn't wanna say hi. u'd think such a d1ck move would dissuade any chick from ever saying hi to u again. not her. shes just as friendly each time she sees me.
but i realize, she's friendly with everyone. she likes attention. and is always surrounded by guys, lame guys who are happy to be seen with her because they know she's the best looking chick that'll ever give em the type of friendliness.
come to find out, this chick is married. and recently, her belly's been getting bigger since shes pregnant.
the point is, play it cool with this chick. look at her hands to verify if she's married or engaged. if there's no ring there, u goto work a "getogether" into your conversations with her.