Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 17, 2012
So check this out. There's this fine trainer chick who works at my gym. She's only been working there a couple months, and has always been friendly. I'd never really spoken to her except in passing (simple "hey, how you doing" etc).

So last week, I'm working out, doing some crunches. I'm taking a break and basically staring off into space with my earphones on. So I felt someone tap my knee. I look up, and it was her walking past saying hi, so I'm like "oh" A couple of days later, I'm entering the gym to swipe my pass card, and there's a line of people waiting to get checked in with just one guy behind the desk. She happens to be up front and steps behind the desk to help. When she takes my card, we exchange small talk again, and one she checks me in, she says "thank u [my name]." Mind you, I never told her my name, she just saw it on the computer when she checked me in, which no one else had ever done since I've been going there. The next day, I run into her again on the way to the locker room. I speak to her, but didn't know we were both going down the stairs, so we continue to talk. She asked me how was my day, what I was working on that day, etc. She also asked me for my name again, so I told her and asked hers. Once we get to the locker rooms, she tells me she'll see me on the floor.

Now, I know being friendly is part of the job, but I've been going to this gym over 2 years, and no one has ever asked me for my name, waves at me and speaks every time they see me. Is this a case of her just doing her job, or is she choosing?

as i was reading ur story i was so ready to respond and be like yoooo u goto hit that, she's throwing it at you. but then i remember this one chick at my job who i swear is the friendliest chick on the planet. i'm pretty quiet at work and i dont be trying to holla at anyone unless i really really know them or they holla at me first.

but this chick stay trying to be friendly. she sees me in the hallway and is always looking to make eye contact so she can say hi. shes just that friendly. there's been a couple of time that i knew she was looking for me to make eye contact but i choose not to, cause i just didn't wanna say hi. u'd think such a d1ck move would dissuade any chick from ever saying hi to u again. not her. shes just as friendly each time she sees me.

but i realize, she's friendly with everyone. she likes attention. and is always surrounded by guys, lame guys who are happy to be seen with her because they know she's the best looking chick that'll ever give em the type of friendliness.
come to find out, this chick is married. and recently, her belly's been getting bigger since shes pregnant.

the point is, play it cool with this chick. look at her hands to verify if she's married or engaged. if there's no ring there, u goto work a "getogether" into your conversations with her.

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
Breh re read that to yourself as if a different poster wrote it and tell me what your response would be. You've seemed to over think this and your mind will tend to play tricks on you. What was your initial gut feeling?
Honestly, I thought nothing of it initially. Just thought she was being friendly because it's her job. But then I thought how no one else has really been that friendly towards me since I've been going there, let alone asking my name. Maybe it's just her nature.

as i was reading ur story i was so ready to respond and be like yoooo u goto hit that, she's throwing it at you. but then i remember this one chick at my job who i swear is the friendliest chick on the planet. i'm pretty quiet at work and i dont be trying to holla at anyone unless i really really know them or they holla at me first.

but this chick stay trying to be friendly. she sees me in the hallway and is always looking to make eye contact so she can say hi. shes just that friendly. there's been a couple of time that i knew she was looking for me to make eye contact but i choose not to, cause i just didn't wanna say hi. u'd think such a d1ck move would dissuade any chick from ever saying hi to u again. not her. shes just as friendly each time she sees me.

but i realize, she's friendly with everyone. she likes attention. and is always surrounded by guys, lame guys who are happy to be seen with her because they know she's the best looking chick that'll ever give em the type of friendliness.
come to find out, this chick is married. and recently, her belly's been getting bigger since shes pregnant.

the point is, play it cool with this chick. look at her hands to verify if she's married or engaged. if there's no ring there, u goto work a "getogether" into your conversations with her.

Yeah, I'm just gonna play it cool until I know for certain wassup. One thing about trying to get at a chick at a place you frequent...if you fail, you gotta see their ass again.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
I went out a on date last night. I took her out to eat at a spot restaurant/lounge I normally Dj at. We weren't really hungry, I got a calamri appetizer and she just got some chicken wings. We mostly just drank and chilled. The date went really well. I can tell we clicked and she was one of the few girls I've dated in a while that I could talk to for hours and it just felt natural and unforced. I've found that a lot of times I meet women who all I can do with them is fukk and there's just no other interest there. Afterwards she still wanted to chill so we smoked in my car.......but I stupidly left the radio and the lights on while we were in the car......then the battery died & the car wouldn't start up when we wanted to go home. :snoop: She was close enough to home that she could have walked or caught a cab home and she still stayed and made sure I got a jump. She never complained, she stayed and made sure I was okay. That really stood out to me. I felt appreciated brehs. Even sent me a text today and said she had a great time despite what happened. I'm pretty far from wifing up anything but that's the type of character you have to look for when meeting a girl.


May 27, 2012
Honestly, I thought nothing of it initially. Just thought she was being friendly because it's her job. But then I thought how no one else has really been that friendly towards me since I've been going there, let alone asking my name. Maybe it's just her nature.

Thats your gut telling you what time it is

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
Thats your gut telling you what time it is

No doubt. The only reason I posted it in here is to get confirmation on what my gut was telling me. Funny thing is, I ran this by my homegirl, and she told me to just ask her out :rudy:


May 27, 2012
No doubt. The only reason I posted it in here is to get confirmation on what my gut was telling me. Funny thing is, I ran this by my homegirl, and she told me to just ask her out :rudy:

:dead: Women operate and feelings not rationale. You fukked up even asking her opinion to tell you the truth.

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
:dead: Women operate and feelings not rationale. You fukked up even asking her opinion to tell you the truth.

I wouldn't say I fukked up. It's not like I was gonna heed her advice. It was just something that came up during the convo.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
with babygirl at the gym, just kick it with her and converse with her. from your conversations you'll know if she's trying to deal with you or if she's just being extra friendly to everyone


May 27, 2012
I wouldn't say I fukked up. It's not like I was gonna heed her advice. It was just something that came up during the convo.

Then why ask her? When I get stuck with a puzzling question Id look for someone with more knowledge then me or more experience on the issue. :manny:

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
Then why ask her? When I get stuck with a puzzling question Id look for someone with more knowledge then me or more experience on the issue. :manny:

I never said I asked her anything. I said I ran it by her, as in it came up during a conversation. She offered her own input.

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
with babygirl at the gym, just kick it with her and converse with her. from your conversations you'll know if she's trying to deal with you or if she's just being extra friendly to everyone

Yeah, I'm just gonna treat her how I've always have. I'll speak, but won't go out of my way. Now if she goes out of her way to converse with me, then that'll give me a better gauge of the situation.


May 2, 2012
"I'm less than one year into taking the red pill. Personally I think I've come a long way in this year, but there are still times when the naivete in me comes through. Despite reading many many articles in the manosphere, Solomon's posts, Roissy/Heartiste's posts, and of course Roosh and the forum here, my ingrained nature is to still think that some girls can be good, caring and not sluts. Well, let's just say I got a reality check last night. I hope some of you remember this story and take it to heart as a lesson to not let your guard down, pay attention to warning signs, and come to accept the sad but true nature of our chromosomal counterparts. In fact this is not a woe is me thread by any means, but rather a story demonstrating that women are, sadly, who we thought they were.

I've been banging/seeing this girl for about 6 weeks now; however in no way was it an LTR, or even a potential LTR. Probably somewhere between a fukk buddy and a part-time girlfriend. Took me 3 dates to bang her, cute 20 year old girl from the midwest. Met her on OKC and contrary to the multitude of other dates that have shown up through OKC, she was considerably more attractive than her picture, and younger too (she stated she was 23).

Fast forward through these six weeks, she's doing everything a good LTR would do. Sex on demand, makes me food when I ask for it, is not a dud when we go out, is cool in general, doesn't ask for nights out or expensive dinners, takes a genuine interest in my work, and is just fun to be around. I spent $50 total on both of us prebang, and maybe $100 post bang, again total for both of us. She also dresses somewhat conservatively and has that type of face that doesn't scream slut. Objectively, what one would consider a "good" girl. Couple that with the fact that I'm burning out a bit, I let my guard down and became comfortable. I even considered doing a short overnighter somewhere because to be honest, taking a night off from drinking, smoking cigs and talking to c*nty 6s...and going out of town to bang a 20yo for a weekend was very appealing. Plus, as a bit of a traditionalist if a girl is acting in a positive manner (and, as described above, she was), I don't mind rewarding her with positive reinforcement - be it a night out or what not.

So last night she came over per usual with her overnight bag. She asked me to plug in her phone for charging which I did. For those of you that have the Iphone you know that when you unplug it the screen turns on. Well I did that later in the night to put my phone in, and there is a picture text from some dude with his shirt off with words along the lines of "just a little tease for you." Now I've never inquired if she's banging other dudes nor did I want to, because frankly she wasn't my girlfriend and I am banging other girls anyway. The funny thing is pre-game I would have confronted her about it right there, she would have made up some excuse and I may or may not have believed it. However I have ingrained this Heartiste maxim: Maxim #11: Calling a girl out on her lie accomplishes nothing. So I let it go, we bang and pass out. So what if she's banging another guy.

I wake up in the middle of the night and start putting some random clues together in my head about her potential slutiness. My mind on overdrive, I think about all the things I've mistakenly overlooked:

- she's been in two threesomes before
- she sends me dirty text pics
- she's in art school
- she's told me I have cart blanche to do whatever I want to her in bed
- she drinks, does coke, is a party girl when she goes out
- masturbates in the passenger seat of my car while driving
- enjoys and is quite talented at giving head
- her friends are sluts
- questioned me numerous times if i'm banging other girls
- she has a small tattoo above her vag

Curiosity gets the best of me so I do some text snooping and basically find out that she is currently banging three other guys besides me. Pretty goddamn outrageous if you ask me. Remember, she is 20. It's one thing to jump from cock to cock in succession, it's a whole other thing to do the p*ssy pogo on a simultaneous basis. After digesting it for a bit and experiencing some modest disgust, I turned around put my arm around her and went to sleep smiling. Akin to one of those "aha" moments, I realized that despite how much I previously tried to adopt these tenets of game passed on by our elders, and here with specific relevance to the slutty nature of women, I had never really accepted them. Until now. Immediately I thought of another Heartiste maxim: Maxim #8: Always assume she is a slut. It helps kick the legs out from under the pedestal you will be tempted to put her on, and it is more often than not true. Well done Mr. Roissy.

Woke up the next morning, took a shower and got ready for work. She tried to have sex with me but I couldn't get it up, most likely because of what I had just learned and the expected subconscious (or in this case, conscious) effect it had on a proud male. Eventually I had her give me head and as I finished in her mouth, I looked at her puppy dog eyes with the content knowledge that you, my dear slut, are never going to get an ounce of effort out of me again. Enjoy your cock carousel and pray to god your eventual male suitor does not find out what I just did."

Source: Sigh...they really are all sluts aren't they?


strawberry bubblegum
Jul 20, 2012
So instead of a gift of the givers choice and willingness, he should just give her money? :foh: Spoken like a true ratchett. Let me guess what your moms used to say when u were younger. "shid if u fukkin wid him at lease get sum papah"


Ehh. Im not going to struggle while being in love with a dude. Like I said couldnt be me. I would help out my man if he was struggling and I got bank? Yeah, thats strange to me. Lol @ calling me a "true ratchet" :heh: I guess.