I'm about to be 25 in a few weeks. And boy I am glad that I'm learning at an early age about women. Like I'm glad I don't have kids nor am I married yet.
Saturday night I went to my buddies bar and it was only the bartender and her friend. She said since no one else was around we could smoke our wax pen. So we were in there getting drunk and high so i was chillen
Then the bartender and her friend started a conversation that had me like
Bartender's friend was talking about how the guy she hung out with was cool but hes
too nice. I hopped in the convo like

see this is why women are trash.
Both chicks laughed it off and they tried to reason my argument with how they are independent women with kids
Then they continued to talk about other shyt like how: some dudes tried to pay all their bills, how many guys are in their dms, how there are plenty of young men in their dms (these women were like 30), and recent incidents where they rejected some dudes. I'm sitting there like
Another breh walks in, orders a drink, and goes back outside.
The bartender was like: "if he hollers at me don't laugh at me guys seriously.."
I respond with: oh you know him?
She laughs and says no.... like bytch why you throwing shade at breh for minding his business?

Breh comes back in. We sitting there talking for a little bit. Breh isn't from our town so he asks whats the next to go to bar. The ladies tell him and my buddy is like lets go there and I'm down to go. The ladies tell us they will meet us there.
They show up at the bar an hour later with that breh and then they just ditch him. I ask one of them is he outside smoking and one of the chicks say.. "I don't know where he went. We just offered a ride for him here. We don't know how hes getting to his next destination but we saved him from spending money to get here."
I guess that was fair
We go outside of this bar.. drinking and smoking... (me, my friend, the bartender, her friend)
We sitting there chillen and then a crazy ass storm comes and it's fukking wild...
I'm like

lets dip out breh. We told the ladies peace and they kind of had this shocked face that we were dipping out before them.
It was as if they expected us to holler at them

... I'm not saying they would have let us hit but it was more of some shyt like they were just shocked we didn't even try. As if they were shocked the guys left them there before they could leave us there type shyts.
I know it sounds wild but after their convos i wouldn't be surprised.
Moral of the story is women aint shyt