I hit up my ex on facebook i think a month ago, to see how the military is rn n how she doing
was thinking about joining but thats another topic)
Keep in mind our families cool, n we was cool
I just couldn't date no bytch who got below average on standardized testing (ACT) no matter how fine she is.
So onto me hitting her up, i get met with all kinds of animosity and “i cant be talking to u” “i have a boyfriend” yadda yadda
After she does that, i forget what i was finna ask her, log out facebook n deactivate my account.
mothers day comes around, me n my moms was talking, eating out. We having family convos n shyt
My sisters were there n they was gossiping abt who knows what.
my moms ask me “u still on facebook”
“Nope” (never told her i deleted it)
“Oh so you didnt see the comments on my pictures”
“No... what ?”
My lil sister like “Oooohh molly ya ex was all in the pictures lurkin lurkin.”
Im like

“ what is going on?”
My moms send me a screenshot, ex was lurking on a 2 year old picture that had me in it, and commented on it 7 weeks ago using my name n some

I just shook my head n ate my ribeye
The killer part is, I have never fukked this bytch yet