In America:
Women are generally paranoid, anti-social, and stuck up toward others, especially strangers. They interact with others only on an "as needed" basis and do not like to meet new people, and if they do, it's only through mutual friends.
They have an off-the-chart sense of entitlement that makes them think they're too good for most guys. The majority of available women are gunning for the 20 percent of men at the top, thinking they deserve no less. This leaves around 80 percent of men without choices, forced to be either alone or settle for someone (fat, ugly, plain) that isn't their top pick.
For some reason, the average female has far more dating choices than the average male, who has little or none. Anyone can see this both in real life and in online personal ads, where women receive hundreds of times more responses than men do. And of course, they are far pickier.
Women in America nowadays have a negative general view of men and hatred toward them, which is condoned and supported by the media. In fact, some women meet a different man every week and end up hating every single one of them, regardless of their looks or personality.
Feminism and political correctness have taken over the nation, corrupting women and giving them a false sense of pseudo-power. And the political correctness that shields women from criticism allows them to get away with almost anything with no accountability.
Rather than being tender, soft and feminine like most women of the world aspire to be, they act overly tough and behave like Nordic warriors.
To make things even worse, obesity has become an epidemic, and fashion standards have dropped, decreasing the number of attractive women so that unattractive females now outnumber attractive ones.
Sex with attractive women is very hard to get in America. (And for me, sex with unattractive women is hard to get too) You have to be a very specific category type and hang in very specific groups or cliques. But even then, your choices are limited and dependent on timing and opportunity.
The whole US social scene is cliquish, closed, exclusive, and isolationist by nature, with work and consumerism being the only constants. A weird "ice barrier" exists between strangers in the US. People are disconnected from each other and interact on an "as needed" basis only. They do not generally like to meet people, and if they do, it's only through mutual friends. Hence, the average person's social circle is severely limited to a few. (In fact, the US is the only country I know of where you can be outgoing and sociable yet have no friends)
Friendships tend to be superficial and short term. They grow apart very easily, and are often a mere facade that lacks any true human bond or connection. Furthermore, most of your so called "friends" do not even really like you for you. And of course, most of them do not stick with you through thick and thin. Thus, it's no wonder that so many Americans say that "true friends are hard to find".
In most countries abroad:
Women do not put up unnatural defensive barriers toward men or strangers, but are open, approachable, sociable, and talk to strangers as if they already know them. They love meeting new people, and are not anti-social or paranoid.
They are happy, not angry or hateful, and act more humble and modest. They do not think that men are creeps or that women are superior to men and can do no wrong.
They enjoy flattery and compliments, and like being "hit on" or pursued, finding it manly and charming rather than "creepish".
They are usually thin or height/weight proportionate and enjoy being feminine, acting feminine and dressing feminine. Obesity is rare and the attractive women outnumber the unattractive ones.
Contrary to dysfunctional US females, they really do like NICE GUYS, supported by their ACTIONS not just their words. They stick with them, love them, and sleep with them.
Basically, they are the way women were meant to be, which is refreshing to the Western male.
Best of all, normal men (decent guys with no mental problems) actually have CHOICES among attractive women in other countries, either just as many as the women do, if not more. There are not millions of lonely depressed guys with no social life or female companionship and unable to do anything about it like there are in the US (which is probably the loneliest country in the world).
Sex with attractive women is generally easier to get overseas, ranging from a little easier in some countries (Western Europe, Australia), to a lot easier in others (Russia, Eastern Europe, South America, Mexico), and overflowing in others (Philippines, Thailand, China).
The social environment is naturally inclusive, so that one does not feel inherently disconnected from everyone else, even if they're alone (whereas in the US, you can be around hundreds of people yet feel totally alone, and you can also be outgoing and sociable yet be excluded and have no friends, unbelievably).
People generally like to meet new people, and social interaction is not limited to cliques or through mutual friends. Instead, it flows naturally and smoothly. It is normal to meet people in public situations. There is not a weird "ice barrier" between strangers like there is in the US. And people generally talk to strangers with a comfortable natural demeanor, as if they already know them. Thus, if you are outgoing and sociable, you are guaranteed to make friends.
Friendships tend to be deeper, more sincere and close-knit. They are also more long-lasting and enduring, with a truer human bond and connection. With foreign friends, a more natural camaraderie develops or is often instant. They are closer to the kind of ideal friendships you read about and cherished as a child in wholesome fictional stories that hold a place in your heart and memories. And of course, it is easy to find people that like you for you. In fact, "true friendships" develop more naturally and smoothly.