Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
dudes are waking up brehs

four of my co workers were talking about issues similar to the ones in this thread

most dudes i know are now planning

to go abroad and find a wife there or just tired of the whole dating scene in north america

men are slowly waking up

These American women weigh heavier than the average foreign MALE, but we suppose to wife them up:heh:

Simping is going to come to an abrupt end and men will revolt against these women here. Them chicks are gonna be hurting in the next 10-20 years when they tatted up plastic bodies deflate on them and their ovaries dry up.

On the school issue, a lot of these baby boomers are scared to death that their kids are gonna revolt against them cause they lied to them the whole time. That and these corrupt school systems are gonna be crashing down, and these administrators who inflate these tuition prices are gonna be bodied.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City

some real good essentials in this one

Men need to protect themselves:

1. Learn about these behaviors and be observant of women’s behavior while dating or in an exclusive relationship. Be prepared to bail out quickly.

2. Be extremely prudent about revealing too much personal information that could be used against you later.

3. Don’t become exclusive or commit too soon. The Cluster B woman will eventually get impatient and that can easily reveal her true personality.

4. Marriage or cohabitation should be entered with extreme caution and a very long time of prior exclusivity. How long? Think two years or longer.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Just a thought...

I remember a thread on here a few months back about some dude who had just met a chick somewhere and agreed to go on a date. Not only did the bytch show up late, she brought a friend with her who brought her baby and expected dude to just accept it and pay for them!! :heh: :blink:

I'm sorry, but there's so much bullshyt with females nowadays that I don't even smile with chicks who approach me until I know they don't have an agenda. If they do, they're gonna get embarassed and hurt with the quickness because I no longer tolerate their fukkery in my 'old' age. It's like 9 times out of 10 when they approach you or call there's always some underlying motive or agenda, so fukk being a gentleman right off the bat.

I spoke to an elderly aunt of mine about this very same thing (who is from the old school mentality of 'just be a gentleman and women will love and appreciate you for if only she knew....) and told her this has to be my stance because females nowadays compared to when she was young are a totally different and worse breed. I wish for the most part discussions like this didn't even have to take place but that's just the society we live in and as a man you have to circumvent a lot of shyt just to survive and sometimes your biggest enemies can come in high heels.


Apr 30, 2012
I just heard some utterly :mindblown: shyt...

literally I was on the phone like...

I wont share any names...I don't want to put people on blast, but WOW man...Young girl murdered her friend is close to this girl and have had conversations AT LENGTH about her and even the possibility of both of them hooking up.

I just don't know about some girls/women anymore brehs :snoop:


Apr 30, 2012
It was the parents that drove them into the scam in the first place. "Get your education and everything else will take care of itself." "Make sure you get your education."

Parents drove their kids right into that buzz-saw, because during their day, a college degree DID put a person ahead of the pack because they were nowhere near as prevalent as they are now. Now, just about everyone seems to have a college degree or is pursuing one, so essentially college has turned into the new high school... You then mix higher education with unscrupulous businessman/profit-hoarders and you have countless students with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and no job to show for it. That's what happens when you make current day decisions off of old data and refuse to extrapolate for the future. Everyone was told to get the degrees and leave behind fields like plumbing, mechanics, etc... and now you have a shortage of those fields, and guys in those fields are making very reasonable livings with no debt.

Honestly, the baby boomer generation has to have been terrible for the younger generations. Not only did they send their kids through the college debt buzz-saw, they are also shipping off all the jobs overseas, making that debt-ridden degree even more worthless. On top of that, we're not going to get social security that we're paying into and the economy is on the brink. Let's also not forget turning this nation into a police state. Honestly man, the writing is on the wall. I'm not planning to leave the country just because of the neo feminism that is rampant, but also several other things I see that tell me things are going to go downhill even faster than they are now.

The debt slave thing is VERY real. All of those airport scanners and the 'do not fly' list... does anyone honestly believe that has anything to do with devious brown men hatching plots? Nah, those are intended to keep you IN the country, especially when we have so much debt hanging overhead. Look at our national debt. SOMEONE has to pay it. When it's time to collect, the means of leaving this country are going to be shut-down.
I wanted to expand on this a bit because its something that is going to continue to happen as I still see people feeding kids the same old story throughout high school. Unfortunately most of this board is in their 20's and have either gone to college or figured out it might not be in their best interest to pursue it at this time or at all. To the young cats lurking around here...If you graduate high school and are not sure what you want to do...DO NOT FALL for the pressure society puts you on to go to college right away. Many of the older heads in your circle will claim that they know better, but this is the age in where YOU have to start thinking about what YOU want to do....take a year or 2 to figure it out if you have not yet. There is no point in going to college and then get some change of heart mid career while your debt is already starting to get out of control...try explaining that to someone else...:ufdup:

Again, it goes back to what you feel is right...this is YOUR future now and there is a chance that your parents and grandparents lucked out...they graduated before the ridiculous price increases in education were taking place and college was not something the majority of high school grads were doing. The economy right now is in BAD shape and I am not convinced that ANY democrat or republican will make a significant changes for the next 15-20 years. This is a cultural issue in which unfortunately we have to see the worst of it all come to fruition before we can move forward. We are witnessing an economic shift in which has never been witnessed due in large part how the globe is connected now and static positions are starting to mean less as time goes on. We have witnessed it with the big money makers in this country...they figure out a way to make money off the country and evade taxes by moving a large part of their organization overseas or other slimy methods which will continue to put a strain on the lower to middle class average workers as jobs are heading out for good. Don't buy into EITHER candidates promise of bringing jobs back...that is NOT possible...they CANNOT guarantee jobs will come back unless they are either funded by the government or government jobs themselves.

There are several jobs which will not stick around much longer...the "customer support" chat window you are seeing is most likely someone connected overseas. You all know how it is calling some of these tech support lines over the phone...the person is clearly not someone residing in the United States. Those are jobs that will most likely never come back unless it does not make sense for companies to do it anymore. Hell I question the college institutions myself with everything shifting online, there is going to be a breaking point in where many of these large campuses start downsizing because they see the benefit of just moving their resources to the internet and communicate remotely. Losing a chunk of the campus like the University of Kentucky would be devastating to Lexington and many other college towns which rely on these institutions for a MAJORITY of the work in the city itself. I see this happening soon in their efforts to cut cost and improve their numbers.

IF and WHEN you are ready to go to college...go to community college which the cost of tuition is significantly lower than your traditional university. Some will come back at you and say the quality of the school will show in the long run, I think that is whole lot of BS. I went to community college before eventually transferring to a university and I think the smaller classes and attention to the small details helped me grow than my classes @ Louisville.

Sit and Analyze everything, don't just take someone's old word as fact with the resources we have now. Chances are reading this thread you are already doing the same with take that and do it with everything else in your life. It might seem stressful or something that can wear on you, but its worth it...eventually you will figure it out on your own. I have always said that there is only so much guidance and advice someone can give you...there is a good chance you know what you want to do already.
May 1, 2012
dudes are waking up brehs

four of my co workers were talking about issues similar to the ones in this thread

most dudes i know are now planning

to go abroad and find a wife there or just tired of the whole dating scene in north america

men are slowly waking up

Just a lot of guys are fed up with way things are going and doing something about then just dealing with it and setting


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
dudes are waking up brehs

four of my co workers were talking about issues similar to the ones in this thread

most dudes i know are now planning

to go abroad and find a wife there or just tired of the whole dating scene in north america

men are slowly waking up

Once people experience how pleasant and feminine a lot of foreign women are it's kind of hard to comeback to North America and deal with these chicks.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
Once people experience how pleasant and feminine a lot of foreign women are it's kind of hard to comeback to North America and deal with these chicks.

eventually it will happen..just look at the youtube vids that are popping up everyday on these topics:ahh: