It was the parents that drove them into the scam in the first place. "Get your education and everything else will take care of itself." "Make sure you get your education."
Parents drove their kids right into that buzz-saw, because during their day, a college degree DID put a person ahead of the pack because they were nowhere near as prevalent as they are now. Now, just about everyone seems to have a college degree or is pursuing one, so essentially college has turned into the new high school... You then mix higher education with unscrupulous businessman/profit-hoarders and you have countless students with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and no job to show for it. That's what happens when you make current day decisions off of old data and refuse to extrapolate for the future. Everyone was told to get the degrees and leave behind fields like plumbing, mechanics, etc... and now you have a shortage of those fields, and guys in those fields are making very reasonable livings with no debt.
Honestly, the baby boomer generation has to have been terrible for the younger generations. Not only did they send their kids through the college debt buzz-saw, they are also shipping off all the jobs overseas, making that debt-ridden degree even more worthless. On top of that, we're not going to get social security that we're paying into and the economy is on the brink. Let's also not forget turning this nation into a police state. Honestly man, the writing is on the wall. I'm not planning to leave the country just because of the neo feminism that is rampant, but also several other things I see that tell me things are going to go downhill even faster than they are now.
The debt slave thing is VERY real. All of those airport scanners and the 'do not fly' list... does anyone honestly believe that has anything to do with devious brown men hatching plots? Nah, those are intended to keep you IN the country, especially when we have so much debt hanging overhead. Look at our national debt. SOMEONE has to pay it. When it's time to collect, the means of leaving this country are going to be shut-down.