Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Had two dates this weekend from online dating websites

First date on Friday, she looked cutier in her pics, but real thick, at the end of the date she said I was too short for her & she just wants to be friends. She kept talking about her ex's etc. She is very westernized & could be disrespectful. I wanted to at least hit it once, she was thick as hell but I'm glad she turned me down.

Second date was with a Nigerian shawty, she was cute, shawty was getting up & getting me sauces & serving me in the restaurant, lol. She still got that mentality of serving her man from her culture. Will see her again & see how things go. Only thing that bothered me was her teeth:snoop: but she ticks all the boxes, nice personality, friendly thoughtful, educated & has a good career. Just her teeth, will try & overlook it lol

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
I'm on a couple dating apps and my experience in juggling women is limited.

I've used apps in the past, but I've never gotten as many responses in past as I'm getting now. It's weird. I don't even know what type of relationship I'm looking for. I have 3 dates next week (one is a 2nd date) and there's another one I want to schedule before I lose contact with her.


Aug 3, 2013
Had two dates this weekend from online dating websites

First date on Friday, she looked cutier in her pics, but real thick, at the end of the date she said I was too short for her & she just wants to be friends. She kept talking about her ex's etc. She is very westernized & could be disrespectful. I wanted to at least hit it once, she was thick as hell but I'm glad she turned me down.

Second date was with a Nigerian shawty, she was cute, shawty was getting up & getting me sauces & serving me in the restaurant, lol. She still got that mentality of serving her man from her culture. Will see her again & see how things go. Only thing that bothered me was her teeth:snoop: but she ticks all the boxes, nice personality, friendly thoughtful, educated & has a good career. Just her teeth, will try & overlook it lol
how tall are you


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
Another thing you have to realize is everything is based off attraction and the attraction level determines on where you can go. You have women complaining about "Why don't mean approach me?" "I'm looking for men who know what they want"

But yet you wonder if you do that and they either "reject you or guilt shame you" or put you in the thirst column.. Well the attraction level isn't there for you. But if it's somebody that they find attractive.. Their gonna claim "He's aggressive, Thats sexy"

Ive said alot of shyt to women that I got away with but yet other guys couldn't. So Attraction is the deciding factor at the end of the day.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
I was thinking about the concept of submission today. A person will only submit to something or someone they feel is greater than them. It's up to you to be great and it's uo to her if she recognizes greatness. If your greatness doesn't shine then don't be mad at her for not submitting. Ask yourself first if you are in fact great. If you are, then why be mad at the girl for not seeing it? Just let her go. If you insist on holding on to her dedpite her not recognizing, maybe it means you don't really see it in yourself and it's all a front. You normally don't have to ask a girl to submit or cooperate. It just happens naturally. Submitting makes then feel safe. Makes them feel like they are taken care of. Because you take on the responsibility.but if she sees you losing your shyt over basic little text games or basic hot/cold games, how is she supposed to submit to that? Some of y'all are still stuck in entitled mode. There is nothing wrong with the game. It's still doing fine. Some of y'all really need to check yourself and stop acting like bytches. Change your fukking mindset. Your current one obviously isn't working out.

Brehs got to realize mindset effects a lot of shyt.

Why should others believe in you if you don't even believe in yourself?

Self-esteem starts with self.

Brehs get scared of the thought of a girl saying no and be hurt when it happens.

Like how does a rejection from someone else effect your self-awareness so much? She literally doesn't know anything about you.
The ironic part of this all is brehs be putting girls on the highest pedestals, when they don't even know the girl but just because she looks pretty. Sometimes when brehs have the chance to know her, they realize the chick nothing special.

Can't blame women for not wanting to get with the depressed guy who has nothing going on for him or even any positive quality such as humor or charisma.

Brehs be trying to throw hail marys like they Aaron Rodgers but be having the mindset of Sam Bradford/Mark Sanchez

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
fellas, NEVER tell a woman about your financial issue or let her see you struggling. their p*ssy dries up real quick once they see you in that phase, and they loose a bit of attraction for you once that shyt comes to light. Women love comfort and dont ever want to be "the ride or die", they want to arrive when everything is already set for them to just chill and enjoy your company. Very few of them are mentally strong enough to build with you.

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
Had two dates this weekend from online dating websites

First date on Friday, she looked cutier in her pics, but real thick, at the end of the date she said I was too short for her & she just wants to be friends. She kept talking about her ex's etc. She is very westernized & could be disrespectful. I wanted to at least hit it once, she was thick as hell but I'm glad she turned me down.

Second date was with a Nigerian shawty, she was cute, shawty was getting up & getting me sauces & serving me in the restaurant, lol. She still got that mentality of serving her man from her culture. Will see her again & see how things go. Only thing that bothered me was her teeth:snoop: but she ticks all the boxes, nice personality, friendly thoughtful, educated & has a good career. Just her teeth, will try & overlook it lol

That first broad, even though she curved ya, at least was a real woman n told u from jump she wasn’t interested instead of ghosting u or stringing u along. That’s a blessing in disguise. Seem like she stuck on a old boyfriend.

U living that life of abundance brotha!!!

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
:wow: so today this girl decided to put me on death row brehs. She handed my ass to me and told me she is fed up of having to argue with me every time we chill together and having to walk on eggshells. she told me i got some deep insecurities I need to deal with and that she's hurt and the only way right now for her to get her peace of mind and happiness back is if i'm no longer in her life. she says i'm manipulative and that I have no accountability for my actions and that everything is always her fault in my eyes....and because of that she feels like her attraction towards me has went out the window. :wow:

funny thing is she still maintains that we stay in contact (by that she means we can still talk and visit each other but no sex or kissing) so that she can monitor and see if im changing and if she feels that i'm serious about making change and putting her happiness in the forefront. I asked her though "whats the point of keeping contact when u say u no longer like me as much, also surely u might want to see someone else then :patrice:", but she insists that because she had no one in her life before we met then she has no reason to jump on another dude and that the reason she's saying we can still keep in contact is to give me another chance cause she insists shes not talking to other dudes.

I don't know what to do brehs. I like the girl, she's cool and all but this whole thing of being put in jail is making me skeptical.Like i don't know how i'm gonna be evaluated or how long this gonna last. im in a lose-lose situation: If I say "fukk this we might as well cut ties if we cant work it out while still together as normal" she gonna be like I never cared for her to begin with and basically affirm her suspicions of me being an insecure aint shyt mofo. If I stay and agree to be put in deathrow i'll be allowing her to put her foot on my neck and have me behave just like how she wants :snoop:

I need some opinions on this :francis:


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
:wow: so today this girl decided to put me on death row brehs. She handed my ass to me and told me she is fed up of having to argue with me every time we chill together and having to walk on eggshells.

Wait...why are you arguing with women breh?

Not on some macho shyt, but just...if she's the one that's fed up that means you're the one that feeds these arguments. Which is definitely not supposed to be how it goes, they're supposed to want to argue and you're supposed to coldly tell them you don't do "couple fights" and leave them to cool off until they're willing to talk to you like adults.

If you "like the girl" then why are you making her feel that everything is her fault?

Talk to us breh.