I was thinking about the concept of submission today. A person will only submit to something or someone they feel is greater than them. It's up to you to be great and it's uo to her if she recognizes greatness. If your greatness doesn't shine then don't be mad at her for not submitting. Ask yourself first if you are in fact great. If you are, then why be mad at the girl for not seeing it? Just let her go. If you insist on holding on to her dedpite her not recognizing, maybe it means you don't really see it in yourself and it's all a front. You normally don't have to ask a girl to submit or cooperate. It just happens naturally. Submitting makes then feel safe. Makes them feel like they are taken care of. Because you take on the responsibility.but if she sees you losing your shyt over basic little text games or basic hot/cold games, how is she supposed to submit to that? Some of y'all are still stuck in entitled mode. There is nothing wrong with the game. It's still doing fine. Some of y'all really need to check yourself and stop acting like bytches. Change your fukking mindset. Your current one obviously isn't working out.