Few things;
Some of you need to stop with the myopic mentality of "Can't believe you guys need to watch vids...". Its not that serious, think of it as coaching. Which are used in every sport on the planet. Even professionals need a different perspective from time to time. And lets be honest here, a lot of you are nerds/beta's who aren't this vocal and or articulate in person. So forget about the vids/advice, go out there and get some numbers. But like already put it to a coli member in NY here...you can come out with me on a Saturday night, and see who knows more of what they're talking about, you or me.
Secondly; not everyone is Lord Byron, a lot of dudes out there simply don't understand how the game is played. Frankly I question the naysayers as well, have you really pulled at least 7? I know you're not pulling 10's. Calm down, and realize that many of us on here are trying to help dudes better themselves first before getting any ass. Again; Good women, are a byproduct of good life well lived, not a reward.
Lastly. These tactics aren't that difficult, in fact, they aren't new. People just gave them names. Lets also stop acting like women aren't giving out shyt tests and qualifications left and right. Anytime I see someone question a tried and true method of handling women, I have to ignore said person completely, because they're either in a long term relationship they settled into, or don't really get 7's and up.