Now hold on hold on, she was FT me that night cause we were hanging that afternoon
She explained everything and i was just like
See i finally figured out how to keep my emotions in check
I got feelings for her but im not gonna let it affect my mental
I’ll let yall know how it went down
I'm going tell you from my experience, when you are starting fresh with a woman, pay attention to how she treats you. That shyt she's doing has put her in a specific box as of this moment. Judging from what I've seen, she is sidepiece material at best. Right now since you are new, you mean little to nothing for her. Just don't forget where you started at with her and don't even say you like her until you start going out and fukking her. There is nothing to like as of yet. In fact, because of this early behavior, I'd recommend keep her at an arms distance so to speak. Women who play games with mens' time are the type of girls to play all sorts of games with the men they're with as well. For her, you are not much more than an OPPORTUNITY and nothing else. So you have to see her as the same.
This is a very similar position you're in that I wanted to speak on about sidepieces. When you're in a roster, or you're running a roster, you find out quick that emotions have NO PLACE in the business. Never get petty or try to control her. That has no place in the game and it will actually get in the way of what you're trying to do. Patience pays off more often than not. In fact, you're better off not showing any emotion what so ever towards her shyt tests because it's nothing serious with her. It shows her that you're "cool" and even more than that, it says that you won't be controlled by her bullshyt. Soon that becomes the 20/80 thing where she only sees a little bit of you and imagines the other 80 to be better than that or even still that you are what she wants. Once she starts nitpicking or playing games with her other man because she's bored, your number will likely be called. Being a side dude means you play your position. You can be on stand by because there are no emotions tied up with her. And these days being a side dude is almost like being a starter, because you're roughly in the same place. You're just in queue
Take all that like shyt out the window on checking her, controlling her, or any of that shyt at this point. This isn't the time for it once you realize how she's treating you and she's not even your girl. Because believe it or not, flaking on you, not answering texts for a long time, and generally disregarding you are pretty much only shyt tests she's giving you. Understand that they are trying to manipulate you to see how you act. Her attraction level is so-so, therefor you do not come on strong at this point. You have to stop trying and cease giving a fukk and let it be with her after you've established contact (showing interest is important) and have asked her out (initiative). After that it's on her to come back to you. Trying too hard when she's playing you off to the side generally results in her catching you in your emotions and her looking at you as weak.
You see what she's doing is going through with it with another guy, or balancing men, etc and she is trying to see if you can wait your turn. That's all that game is. I wouldn't buy too much into her bullshyt act once you get to know her, and if you want to tag her and bag her, go ahead. Keep your emotions out of it and you'll be one step ahead of her games. Then once she is in line and cooperating, you start to check her, although chances are she is just into games and the best thing to do is to be cold to them. ALWAYS stay in check and don't play yourself out over these broads. If she is feeling you, there really isn't much work you have to do, so keep that in mind. She will give it to you if you are open and not needy.