Past ten days were a revelation brehs. I probably canoodled and cavorted with like 10 different women. Beautiful women drop dead gorgeous women, totally different from over here. Where you have to simp and literally beg and offer good tidings of joy to just take some average scalawag out for meal.
What I experienced was like the great valley in the land before time it exists brehs. I dunno how I can return to this pile of dung now that I have tasted the sweet nectar.
America and Canada is filled with moneyed super simps who are constantly flooding womens' inboxes with messages and giving them likes on their pictures. In America, you have to do way too much work. In a lot of places overseas, women make themselves available if not pursue you and they will show up when you set something up unlike a lot of the flaking that goes on here. Once you experience women overseas, yes, it is incredibly difficult to accept what's going on here. There's a reason a lot of guys are going overseas. Obviously you are going to have some dudes try to shame you for going overseas, but most likely they are married to a western woman and stuck with her and are envious.
I remember a thread dude started about how he is losing attraction to dealing with women and how he is living in new york. If i was around females with these mannerisms:
I would too. Masculine women who can't cook, clean and don't have feminine mannerisms but still want you to pay for things... nah. The west is great for making money, but if you want to get married and start a family, you're going to have a very difficult time. Here's a post I came across on facebook:
A lot of these women are talking about how many people you slept with don't matter, so by the time you get ready to marry one of these women, they could easily have two football teams worth of 'partners'. Obviously hoes exist all across the world, but here, they have no shame in hoeism and some actually take pride in it. Honestly, stack your money and keep your options open to go worldwide and be ready to get out of this continent if need be... especially with the concentration camps they are building by the border. You know those aren't going to just be for 'illegal immigrants'.