I met a really nice woman on Sunday for the first time off Okcupid. We got on really well, had a nice time a nice passionate kiss at the end of the date. She's really stunning
and I got paranoid thinking she's gonna get scooped by some Chad type breh in no time (online dating profile and self confidence thing).
So we go out on Valentines Day, not for day but just for the fact it was our next free day. We have a good time again, but I go and kiss her again and she has an odd look on her face after like
So I asked her what was up and long story short, her ex led her on for 8 months and she said she gave up a lot and he bailed out as he didn't want to commit. He's an idiot as far as I can see.
But she said its only been a week and she's scared about how she feels already and is keeping her guard up in case I hurt her. But I don't want it to mean she gets distant - as man don't do chasing
I know common sense is to chill and wait, but mans thinking about the whole online situation. She hasn't been online since we had our first date (I checked once
) and she says she really likes me and we planned our next date already. So maybe I need to just trust the process and chillax as its so early