Back in my simp days I used to get angry because I saw dudes who never seemed to do anything get the girl and keep the girl, I hated these dudes I agreed when women would call em a$$holes, losers etc., And never understood why would these women lament over them, why would they go back over and over again.
But as I got older and more experienced I realize these guys aren't a$$holes they aren't losers, these men are men, confident men. Men who realize there will always be another woman if they want, men who realize that it's ok to say no, men who realize women come and go and if she stays cool and if she goes just wasn't meant to be cool as well.
Yesterday it was freezing cold and snowing, a chick asked me to hang out at her place I said sure, once I realized how cold it was and that it was snowing I told her won't be able to make it, she blew up and got mad at me, how if I don't come she will never ask me to hang out again and her time is important I said ok have a good night
When j was a simp I would have driven in zero visibility and black ice with summer tires on to appease some thot
As 2017 closes and 2018 begins let's become Men brehs, I'm not saying don't compromise if your in a relationship etc. , But stand firm, don't fall to tactics be Men
But as I got older and more experienced I realize these guys aren't a$$holes they aren't losers, these men are men, confident men. Men who realize there will always be another woman if they want, men who realize that it's ok to say no, men who realize women come and go and if she stays cool and if she goes just wasn't meant to be cool as well.
Yesterday it was freezing cold and snowing, a chick asked me to hang out at her place I said sure, once I realized how cold it was and that it was snowing I told her won't be able to make it, she blew up and got mad at me, how if I don't come she will never ask me to hang out again and her time is important I said ok have a good night
When j was a simp I would have driven in zero visibility and black ice with summer tires on to appease some thot
As 2017 closes and 2018 begins let's become Men brehs, I'm not saying don't compromise if your in a relationship etc. , But stand firm, don't fall to tactics be Men