It is correct that a lot of men don't believe wholesome women don't exist because they've grown up in this abomination of a society and expectations of this sort of behavior has become commonplace and is seen as the new normal. It is like thinking the whole world is merely a duplication of your neighborhood. Only when leaving are you really aware of the variety within this world. The kind of woman we have in modern America is a result of societal conditioning, and a very tailored one at that, with the ultimate purpose of destroying the family unit and destabilizing society.
There will never be an end to simpdom, and ultimately, the simps are what makes the real dudes really shine when she notices the contrast between their catering and compromising nature and your solid, real nature. You can't ever control what another man does, only what you do.
Most of us have been simps at one point in life, but mostly due to the way we were brought up and the teachings, or rather, the lack thereof. Couple that with the strong media brainwashing, and you had plethora of men rushing forth to sacrifice their manhood. We were taught that we need to compromise and cater to a woman. In other words, we were essentially told to discard ourselves in order to procure vagina. God did not intend for this to happen, which is why we ultimately see that simpdom is punished. God did not create us to become slaves to vagina, but has given leadership to mankind to uphold His law. Those who cater to women and allow themselves to be led by the woman due to seduction are continually punished. Think of Adam following Eve's example and partaking of the fruit and being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Consider the example of Sampson sharing the secret of his hair with Delilah and her betraying him. Even the extremely wise king Solomon lost his blessing because he followed behind a woman and started engaging in occult practices. And we often see this paralleled today when dealing with women. How many men have had their lives in ruin because they shared a secret with a woman and then she later exposed him when she became vindictive? How many times has a man been left in the dust because he gave his leadership up in order to appease a woman? Even if you look at all of the civilizations, which ones have been matriarchies? This isn't to sit here and proclaim the superiority of man, but rather is a call for us to recognize that we have God given roles and for us to step out of them will lead to chaos-- much of like what we're seeing today.
When you have a man attempt to be a female and a female attempting to be a man, what you are left with is a drastically washed down version of our God-given natures. In other words, you are left dealing with an insufficient emulation. As hard as a woman tries to be a man, you will eventually start to see things that throw you off that reveal her feminine nature and vice versa. One of the key reasons society is going down the drain is because we have socially engineered directives attempting to make men feminine and women masculine. In fact, the gender roles have been so blurred, a lot of men don't have an idea of what 'being a man is', nor do women. In this day and age, a woman being a woman is looked upon as sexist behavior, and looking at skepticism at a man attempting to be a woman will get you the bigot label... and yet deep down inside, despite this socially engineered mish mash, we can tell that something is drastically wrong.
The goal of this "feminist movement" is not to procure more rights for females, which was a worthy goal, but rather to push females into a masculine role and to feminize men... this will cause marriages to dissolve, which will aid in destabilizing society and ultimately allowing the elites a much easier path at controlling us. One only has to look at the divorce statistics and look at the 'anti-marriage' movements to see how effective this strategy is. How can we call feminism 'feminism' when they completely reject the nature of a woman, but instead seek for women to become men? And we know that humans were created with a God given nature, for what man truly desires a 'feminized woman' or one who attempts to play the masculine role in the relationship and will constantly fight for control in a relationship while also emasculating you?