Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 9, 2012
Just cant get over this hard truth ....

Men believe that love matters for the sake of it. Women love opportunistically.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.

In its simplicity this speaks volumes about about the condition of Men. It accurately expresses a pervasive nihilism that Men must either confront and accept, or be driven insane in denial for the rest of their lives when they fail to come to terms with the disillusionment.

Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.

-from the rational male website
:wow: :to: I'm coming to this realization


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The friend zone sucks but once I'm there I just make no effort and kill any emotions. Once you kill emotions she's just another girl!

remember having this convo with my boy bout these females always calling me this

u can look at this post as insight and knowledge not necessarily to change ur game u should always stay true to urself but if u wanna better urself and this post helps then I'm happy it did

Friend Zone Killer

now for this everybody gets hit with that friend zone but what happens is most guys stay in it or try so hard not to be in it.
then there are a few who are like this friend zone killer I'm assuming @Emperor_ReinScarf is one of em also

see what happens if a female mistakenly, or flat tells me, or gives me the impression of this I'm ok with no problems i dont sweat it at all. i dont mind having a female friend and i treat them the same way i do with a female i just met with minor differences which for some god damn reason ( i do know why its just funny when they tell me this) it makes them change there mind or they cant handle begin my friend

they be calling asking for advice for relationships i give it too em no problems even in person i dont mind and i really seriously mean this i dont mind doing it cuz i dont mind being there friend cuz once u hit me this shyt all emotion or interest are gone PERIOD. granted there has been a rare exception there or 2.

but what fukks em up is this shyt when i dont be asking so what do u wanna know bout me and i hit em with the i dont wanna know nothing bout me u wanna tell me thats ur choice and ill listen but we aint like that for me to ask that cuz i dont have that kind of interest in u
also when i go na i got a date tonite and she be like what she look like i send a pic and if she looks better she butthurt and say i'll treat u better looks aren't everything
or if she doesnt look better she will say she cute but i look better and i'll go ya u do but look aren't everything to me line right back at them and she butthurt over that shyt

then finally it comes with the sorry i made a mistake i should of not put u in the friend zone I'm more interested in u than i thought and i be like i bet u are but I'm not so :camby:

all of this wasn't me playing games its how i am i really truly do not give a fukk about ur feelings if i think for 1 sec u playing games or just in general to be honest u have to earn that for me to give a fukk

u can call it being ass or a dikk or whatever but its just me being real and honest so i say to u breh's no matter what u look like or who u are just stay the course and be u

u dont have to be an ass but u can not give a fukk bout feelings to an extent and not show it and let it all out in a private place

nothing wrong being sensitive or a soft dude i :salute: fukk what peeps say u wear ur emotions on a sleeve i just advise to still be that way just control it better like a on and off switch and if u can do that u will deal with less heart break

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
u dont have to be an ass but u can not give a fukk bout feelings to an extent and not show it and let it all out in a private place

nothing wrong being sensitive or a soft dude i :salute: fukk what peeps say u wear ur emotions on a sleeve i just advise to still be that way just control it better like a on and off switch and if u can do that u will deal with less heart break

Nah B, I digged most of the post. The problem with the friend zone isn't really what u talking about. I think most ppl know how to prevent the friendzone by now and its pretty easy to reserve it if that's your desire at the beginning. Most nikkas are hurt when the friend zone comes after something "special". A relationship, a sexual encounter, lots of investment. That's what ears brothers down.

This advice won't work for that because the only real thing to do is leave her alone and detach.

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
I don't know breh:snoop:. I miss being close to somebody on that type level. She the only women I ever been in love with.
Trust me bro, I know. Here is what I will say.

Likely she doesnt value that like you do. The older I get the more I realize, men are truly the romantic types. We appreciate closeness because we are lone worlves, rocking a facade most of the time. Men love newness in terms of physical, lustful desires. Think about it, men will make changes, cheat, whatever but still follow the same patterns. You still hng with ur friends, you still go the same places, dress the same way, etc.

Women on the other hand, they love newness. But as a whole experience. Women will all change everything up about their lives. You date a woman, she dates someone else, she dresses totally different now, all the things she said she hated she's now enjoying, new friends/circle, her tastes are different. So i've had had female friends tell me for that reason, exes are exes becuse to go back would mean they would have to change back.

All i can say is get very very active. Focus on you bro. Do not contact her. Trust me.


Dec 9, 2012
So why isn't she in your bed? Or knocking down your door?

She wanted to get back together but I wasn't with it. I felt like we been through so much and our relationship would never be the same or get back to the "old us" like we both hope for. I was just having lonely a moment and was reminiscing :manny:


All Star
Aug 14, 2014
My best friend has had a huge crush on this one chick for about 2 years now, and even though he says he could pull her anytime he doesnt make a solid move.
Well recently she has been showing some signs of interest in me and id be lying if I say im not interested, she a bad asian chick, but I keep wondering how this will affect my friendship if i do pursue.
Should I just move on or what?


May 1, 2012
Nah B, I digged most of the post. The problem with the friend zone isn't really what u talking about. I think most ppl know how to prevent the friendzone by now and its pretty easy to reserve it if that's your desire at the beginning. Most nikkas are hurt when the friend zone comes after something "special". A relationship, a sexual encounter, lots of investment. That's what ears brothers down.

This advice won't work for that because the only real thing to do is leave her alone and detach.

no ur right bout leaving it alone and detach especially in those situations where it was something special

what i was saying is that being detach is exactly what makes there asses wanna come back and realize its a mistake its that shyt that wanna be like oh my bad we can try again shyt where u need to :camby: that regardless

u know as well as i do no fukks given no time paying attention to them gets them all hot and heavy for the most part which shouldn't be the case in the first place but that is the case


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
My best friend has had a huge crush on this one chick for about 2 years now, and even though he says he could pull her anytime he doesnt make a solid move.
Well recently she has been showing some signs of interest in me and id be lying if I say im not interested, she a bad asian chick, but I keep wondering how this will affect my friendship if i do pursue.
Should I just move on or what?

just ask him
tricky situation though

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
just ask him
tricky situation though
yup, You miss out if you dont take the oppurtunity.

I say sit ya boy down and tell him your going for it and go for it. Let him know your reasoning, that you let homie shine for a long time and he never went for it. Cant be mad that he didn't have the balls or game to even attempt a solid move. It'd be different if he hadn't had an abundance of time.

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
The friend zone sucks but once I'm there I just make no effort and kill any emotions. Once you kill emotions she's just another girl!
Emp you always say kill emotions, but then other times I here you say emotional ties...

I'm confused bruh, you cant really shut down emotions, maybe avoid them, but to deny them and have them disappear. Idk if I can co-sign.

How do you kill these emotions.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Emp you always say kill emotions, but then other times I here you say emotional ties...

I'm confused bruh, you cant really shut down emotions, maybe avoid them, but to deny them and have them disappear. Idk if I can co-sign.

How do you kill these emotions.

There's only three things a woman can hold over you, her beauty, sex and emotional ties

emotional ties can be infatuation, lust, limerance, love, familiarity, holding onto memories

emotions are killed through distance or severing all ties, once that happens she just because another girl, once emotions are killed you reach indifference.

It's like dating tia mowry, and being caught up with her, yet you feel nothing for tamara mowry. They look the same but the only thing that has you captivated is an emotional connection once killed you'll loko at tia like you do tamara.

Of course you can't turn off emotions like a light switch, but by distancing yourself cutting off all communication it dies.

Example I tried being friends with an ex, but there were still remnants of emotions there I didn't kill. I'd still stalk her Facebook daily, get edgy or anxious when clicking phoots and reading comments, couldn't move forward. However when I finally cut all ties, it killed the remnants. It's like antibiotics you get 7 days worth, if you dont take any dose, it wont kill all of the bacteria remnants will remain.

Usually in the friend zone its just being in a fog of infatuation, distance yourself kill it and think logically.

For some folks they can't do it, i've been through enough dealings with women in my life its :ehh:, if a woman isn't feeling me no loss on my end.

I always say there is NOTHING special about a woman who has rejected you or doesn't want you.

You don't believe me? Go up to the next woman you see and ask her for your number, more than likely you'll be rejected. Nothing special right?