Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
When dealing with women, always keep them in a proper context in your life. Never give up your autonomy, respect, religion or manhood to deal with these women. Friendship is something that you always have to maintain over women. Your potnas will be there with you much longer than the vast majority of women will be, so keep your integrity online.

You need to sit down with your potnas and have a discussion as gentleman should about general behaviors that need to be adhered to. Some of the bigger rules to follow is never become buddy buddy with your homeboy's woman. She might try to talk bad about your homeboy to you... at most you should listen, and wish her the best and tell her that her and your homeboy need to work it out and that you hope they do. Never knock off your homeboy's woman or put yourself in situations to. There are countless women out there for you to betray your true friends... way more women out there than true friends, and what can you do with a traitorous woman? Do you think she won't betray you like your friend?

Never allow yourself to become a henpecked dude. If a woman can scream, yell and manipulate you and see that she gets her way, she will escalate. You have to let her know up front that that's not the way problems are going to be handled when you deal with her. Women will end up pushing the line as far as you let them.

A fat booty and a smile doesn't mean much beyond being something nice to look at. When it comes to wifing a woman, you need one with solid morals and that isn't afraid to grind for you. You see millionaires like TI or LL Cool J and you look at their wives. You know they could get women that look much better, but then again do you see them with all of those problems that men who wife up these video vixens have?

Finally, be a man and lead. And your leadership isn't contingent on 'what the ladies like.' It is contingent on being a stand-up man, maintaining your Godliness, and just traveling the direction in life you need to. The woman for you is the one that understands that and wants to aid you in that endeavor.

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
usually i make the first hugging her in the first 2minutes of meeting
Hugging her with one hand on the small of her back with the fingers spread out pinky and ring finger resting on the booty... That was my technique when I was living the demonic life :manny:
May 6, 2012
Man my problem is that in this day and age, it's always the men who are told how wrong they are and what they need to do to 'step it up', but not a word is ever said to the women. How can the women ever turn into the type of woman that can successfully participate in a long-term relationship if nobody is ever telling them anything? A lot of them have their moms telling them, "Get you a man that makes money!" Then daddy telling them,"You're a princess! You deserve the best!" Then society telling them,"Anything a man can do, you can do just as well if not better! You're an independent woman! You go girl!" Then you have 10,000 simps in their ear telling them, "Girl you are SO beautiful! I will drink your bathwater! I'd do ANYTHING for you!" Then you have television shows like bad girls club and sex and the city pumping them full of images of women wilding out and being rewarded... Is it any surprise women act like they do? Nobody is giving them any real information. Women 'back in the day' didn't have television constantly on and the content allowed on now would NOT be allowed back then. You had the traditional nuclear structure being respected, ie the man is the breadwinner, respect your man, cook, clean and sew, etc. Feminism is pretty much the philosophy that attempts to make dating a woman as unappealing as possible.

A fat booty and a smile doesn't mean much beyond being something nice to look at. When it comes to wifing a woman, you need one with solid morals and that isn't afraid to grind for you. You see millionaires like TI or LL Cool J and you look at their wives. You know they could get women that look much better, but then again do you see them with all of those problems that men who wife up these video vixens have.

ehh while i agree there has to be more then just looks and complete dimes can be hard to deal with average and plain looking women come with their own baggage and insecurities because of their looks as well just like dimes do just in different ways

Ive seen some plain janes and average women cheat the minute a good looking dude who she never thought was attaainble showed interest or any side dude because she wasnt used to the male attention growing up

Best women to wife up are aroud 7 or 8's good lookign eonugh to get your dikk hard but not pretty enough to be a stuck up bytch whos ass was kissed all her life


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

ehh while i agree there has to be more then just looks and complete dimes can be hard to deal with average and plain looking women come with their own baggage and insecurities because of their looks as well just like dimes do just in different ways

Ive seen some plain janes and average women cheat the minute a good looking dude who she never thought was attaainble showed interest or any side dude because she wasnt used to the male attention growing up

Best women to wife up are aroud 7 or 8's good lookign eonugh to get your dikk hard but not pretty enough to be a stuck up bytch whos ass was kissed all her life

Where I'm coming from is a fat booty and a smile make men overlook a LOT of things. If you find you a fine woman with morals and she's all about you, then I'm 100% for it... but when you start overlooking red flags because babygirl is so beautiful she has your mind in a haze. Me personally, I need me something around that 7.5 to 8 who has her mind right and I'm cool.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The essence of dealing with women is a lot simpler than most would think. A lot of these complexities eventually arise because people are trying to play the game outside of the fundamental rules, and thus we have countless "exceptions" and "work-arounds" that eventually arise.

It comes down to how much confidence you have in yourself/how much you feel yourself, what you will and will not allow from a woman and the level of the woman's interest in you. If you have charisma, you feel solidly about yourself in most aspects of your life, you are not afraid to be the initiator and you don't let rejection hold you back... then you are on very solid ground. Couple that with you having strong boundaries and guidelines with which you live life, understanding that you always have to hold your own value greater than hers and not compromising on those values, as well as dealing with women who feel you for you... then things go a lot more smoothly.

The majority of problems come about because men start putting women on pedestals and get the notion that they should be 'won', which is that old school simp mentality which tells you that you alone are not worthy of a woman... you must bring money, flowers, dinners and a host of other materials in order to be 'worthy of her time.' It's that mentality that many men were taught which causes them to end up in problematic situations. A woman ultimately wants a man she can look UP to, not one that feels like he is so low value that he must compensate with material items in order to be 'worthy' of her. Now, all humans value different things, so ultimately, different women will value different types of looks and personalities. If you want to come out and win in the game, you have to stay in your boundaries. You have to go for the women that value your natural characteristics highly. Otherwise, you start coming across women that only express minor interest in you and you get into the simp mentality that you need to start bringing 'more things to the table' in order to win her interest. A man in this position NEVER wins. While he may get in a relationship with a woman, she will only be interested in him for the material items he is providing, since she expressed earlier on that him by himself doesn't spark enough interest in her. The kind of woman you want to deal with is the one that will talk to you anywhere and just likes you for who you are without you having to put on any kind of airs. Getting outside of that puts you in that mindset that she is higher value because you feel you have to do extra. When you start getting into that mind-frame is when you start taking losses.

This is especially truer for younger men... You young cats out here, one of the most damaging mentalities you can have is putting looks as the first and foremost criteria of whether you should deal with a woman. now you shouldn't come in with some low-self esteem approach of dealing with a busted woman because you feel like she would be loyal... but what I am saying is if you base your pursuit solely on looks, you will start accepting a lot of shorts in other areas such as her personality, her morals or her interest level in you and instead of dealing with a woman that will rock with you for the long-term, you'll be chasing some pretty broad right into self-destruction.


Dec 2, 2012
I'm the type of person that moves on completely

if you reply, tell her exactly that and the ether will burn her slow as well. especially if you slip in that you are seeing another girl. she wants to have her cake and eat it too but that is not in your interest. she chose someone else and as a result, you moved on :yeshrug:


May 1, 2012
how are we wasting each other time? I know the type of chick Im dealing with, so making a move when it isnt the right time, wouldnt work. All im saying is that if im wrong and she friendzones me Im not going to be hurt, Im feeling her, but its not like Im dying to be in a relationship with her. Its hard to explain without going in depth, but I know what the hell im doing and we have had talks

bytch has been burned in the past and is gonna make you wait for a long time...:wow:

My co-worker I used to talk to hit me up out the blue...been like 2 months. Last time I saw her in person I gave her a cold shoulder and she felt bad. Hoe was acting like she was too busy for a nikka. :aicmon:


Jun 2, 2012
bytch has been burned in the past and is gonna make you wait for a long time...:wow:

My co-worker I used to talk to hit me up out the blue...been like 2 months. Last time I saw her in person I gave her a cold shoulder and she felt bad. Hoe was acting like she was too busy for a nikka. :aicmon:

we havent talked in 2 days, but I already got 2 new chicks that im working on right now


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
how do you cats juggle multiple chicks at the same time consistently? Not trying to diss or anything, but you don't get tired mentally/find it time consuming going through the cycles?