Exactly. Apparently she's pulling shyt like this for years and likes playing games hasn't had stable relationship for just as long as that. I think she gets away with it because she looks 10 years younger than what she is. Asking a total stranger to do something for you when you have perfect functioning legs and hands - AND her man was at the damn BBQ which is the killer! It's like one time a friend and I went to this party and were sitting at the same table as these chicks and after speaking to them for 10 minutes one of them asked us if we could "do a favour" and get more of the folded chairs across the hall because some of their relatives were coming! We just looked at her like she was crazy and said there's no way we were getting up to do shyt she's perfectly capable of doing herself. Then she was like "oh it's because I'm wearing high heels and don't want to walk around too much and I thought you two would have been gentleman....yada yada yada". Eventually when she got up, the bytch wasn't even wearing high heels!
This is the kind of nonsense I'm talking about with a lot of these broads, always testing you. I know the two examples I gave are pretty trivial, but it starts off with something small and then eventually it leads to them wanting you to drive them like you're Morgan Freeman to their "friend's" house several miles away with no contribution to petrol/gas, "lending" them money and running all kinds of errands for them while you get nothing in return then trying to shame you when you refuse. This is how in more serious situations they get dudes to fight their battles for them like that dumb ass idiot who got himself killed breaking into another man's home just because some broad who wasn't even his girlfriend told him that the other guy owed her money.
Don't know if you're playing or not, but I'm not the type that wouldn't help out an old woman lift heavy bags or help them across the street etc, but I think you already know what I'm saying.
If you aren't elderly/pregnant/sick get up and do shyt your damn self.
You got 23 year old broads who still think a man should give up a seat for her on the bus because that's what men are "supposed" to do.