Question for you atheists on here about what you believe?


May 21, 2012
I hate the whole, "I don't believe in God but I believe in a higher power" things that a lot of atheists pull out their ass to sugar coat their feelings to themselves and to others. I also hate when people make it seem like believing in God and believing in a higher power is somewhat close to each other.

Of course you believe in a higher power. Nature is a higher power, the universe is a higher power, etc. Of course there are things that are beyond the understanding of your mind. But that is FAR different than believing that there's some sin punishing jew zombie in the sky with his dad watching your every move lol.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Religion is a disgusting institution and mass brainwashing of children is sad.

I don't believe in God. There isn't a reason to. The universe is complex but I believe everything that happens is explainable and does not have some super natural cause.


Apr 30, 2012
i meditate, but not to reach out/gain insight from to something/someone, that's completely a self knowledge and awareness type of deal. i've come to view 'god' completely as an abstract. i honestly don't know wtf is going on, the possibilities are endless. it's just clear that it (if anything) is not the theistic view humans have conjured up. so the idea of it being something that's pissed off or loving us, even conscious to acknowledge or even recognize us is a little too detailed. we're better off trying to understand the world and the universe around us and allowing THOSE answers to shed light on our origins than investing ourselves in baseless guessing games.


I think THIS is what I love about it.

No more living in a box. You're free. The possibilities, ideas, things you can do now are endless. I'm a creative person so it's great for me to know that I'm actually free.

I dont believe in any form of a "god" as in supernatural or outside of time and space.

As for "creation" the question is always framed incorrectly. I believe that "stuff" was always here and that is the only option. Why? Because stuff is here. We have literally no example of nothing (nothing doesnt exist). The only thing that makes sense to me is that "stuff" has always been here and is the only option. Once you see that as the default setting, the "something from nothing" argument doesnt even make sense anymore.

powerful posting mayne :leon: +1 (if I wasnt in the red for goin to war with naS & biggie stans :bryan:)

I see ur point. But in our(or at least mine) finite logic, it just makes "sense" that at some point there was nothing. Then something was made.

Of course the religious argument is that something always here was god.

:sitdown: I'd say its questionable as to whether humanity should live their lives out of a mere belief at all........ ....

I think the entity of belief itself serves a purpose.

As in believing you can do something, and seeing it thru w/o quitting.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
I hate the whole, "I don't believe in God but I believe in a higher power" things that a lot of atheists pull out their ass to sugar coat their feelings to themselves and to others. I also hate when people make it seem like believing and God and believing in a higher power is somewhat close to each other.

Of course you believe in a higher power. Nature is a higher power, the universe is a higher power, etc. Of course there are things that are beyond the understanding of your mind. But that is FAR different than believing that there's some sin punishing jew zombie in the sky with his dad watching your every move lol.

whenever I think of the Jesus and yahweh story, I think of these two niccaz... even hear their voices


intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
I see ur point. But in our(or at least mine) finite logic, it just makes "sense" that at some point there was nothing. Then something was made.

Of course the religious argument is that something always here was god.

I disagree. You see, we literally have no example of nothing. Nothing is just a concept. Our "idea" of "nothing" isnt nothing at all. We look at it like we have an empty TV stand (aka nothing there) then we put a TV on it (something). Or we're walking along a beach on the sand (nothing) then we see a sand castle (something). We look into the blue sky (nothing) then see an airplane (something), etc. But all those examples of "nothing" are actually something. Even what we consider empty space has stuff, particles and whatnot.

We have no example of "nothing" so why should we assume it exists? I treat it like the god argument. I have no evidence of a god, why should I assume it exists.

As for the 2nd part, you are correct, they say god was always there, thus they arent against the idea of something always being there. They just wanna add another step by introducing a supernatural god.......who then makes everything from [you guessed it]....... nothing.


Apr 30, 2012
Sure, a person is free to think whatever they'd like, but if someone thinks they understand what that "something" is ... including thinking it has emotions like love or hate, then yeah I'd say that's arrogant. If there is something out there, why do you think it has any type of feelings towards you, or humanity in general?

we all beieve different things breh

I think it's true that to an extent, that whatever you believe is real.

When I believed in devils/demons, etc., I felt like all of that stuff was real. You see people in black churches falling out, fainting when the devil was "cast out of them". You go to another sects church, like ur basic catholic church, and it's really quiet during mass. Nothing of that sort goes on and they'd look at you crazy, escort you out if you did such things. Why? Because many of them don't believe in that.

When I believed there was a god who was mad at most things I did and was writign down every word, thought I said or had....I felt tremendous guilt all the time.

I just believe that whatever it is out there is good. I feel that all there is is love. :manny:


Apr 30, 2012
I hate the whole, "I don't believe in God but I believe in a higher power" things that a lot of atheists pull out their ass to sugar coat their feelings to themselves and to others. I also hate when people make it seem like believing in God and believing in a higher power is somewhat close to each other.

Of course you believe in a higher power. Nature is a higher power, the universe is a higher power, etc. Of course there are things that are beyond the understanding of your mind. But that is FAR different than believing that there's some sin punishing jew zombie in the sky with his dad watching your every move lol.


well just because someone says they believe in god, it doesnt mean they believe in THAT version of god. That's a religious version of god you referenced. Some people don't believe any of the religoous versions are true. To them it may be a higher power, but moreso abstract.

That's why I don't believe everything needs to have a definitive label attached. These days an "I don't know" suits me fine. :tu:

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
I am sure something created this world but does it talk to "special" people and tell us how to live. No and as we are getting smarter and learning more about this world it is pretty obvious that is not but people still cling to myth. I often wonder why other Gods are not popular. I mean shyt the Geek Gods seem way more fun why not worship them anymore?


Apr 30, 2012

Just what I feel. Just the way I see the world. :manny:

It might/might not be true, but that's what I believe. You could argue that if it were true than "it" wouldnt let people starve to death or things like that.

But this world is ours as humans, while we exist here, there's enough food to go around, enough clothing so no one has to be cold. We control that IMO...if children are starving it's our fault. So maybe in that sense, as i think moses is said to have said, "ye(we) are gods"


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
TBH all these debates have brought to rethink my own positon, and this is what I’ve come up with. Basically, just like I can’t understand how religious people can say they KNOW God exists , it would make no sense for me to say that I KNOW God does NOT exist. Neither can be sure, either way. What I do believe is that, IF God exists, it certainly is not under the form presented by us by the monotheistic religions, the little that I know of them make no sense, and too many things point to them being political organisations using beliefs for their own benefit. (Do we really think it’s a coincidence the Vatican was set up in the capital of the most powerful empire at the time, and that Christianity adopted its language, before condonning slavery and colonization ? :beli:).

I try to make a difference between « God » and « Religion ». The former may or not exist (no one knows either way FOR SURE) but we all know that religions, as organisations, exist. That’s what I cannot believe in when I see all the bs people have done and are doing in the name of religion. I have no problem with people believing what they want to believe, as long as that belief does not have concrete political and societal consequences on the lives of people who DO NOT believe. An example is abortion : if you don’t want to abort because of your beliefs, that’s your life and you make the call, but that belief should not stop a non-believer to have the right to decide otherwise. The freedom to choose is what I want, and too often religions go precisely against that. I find it bafling that many religious people just can't accept other persons freedom, while it has absolutely NO effect on their own beliefs/lifestyles. Same in politics when politicians (but also average people), when they don’t have any arguments left, use the « Because God says so » or the « Morality » card. Greatest cop-out ever, because if you don’t agree, you’re « heretic/infidel/demonic/immoral/deserve to burn in hell :beli: ».

I think religion is basically just trying to make sense out of what we don’t understand (yet). « It’s God’s plan » is basically saying « I have no idea why your little girl had to be trun over but an convicted felon that got out on a technicality». Somethings are too strong, too complex, too « big » for us to properly understand/cope with, and it frightens us, and having religion and a God is reassuring in the sense that it takes some of the responsibility off of us. Same with tragedies : if we believe in Heaven and Hell, we can have hope that if you’re good, no matter how shytty your life on Earth is you’ll enjoy the afterlife, and Hell allows us to « accept » the horrors us Humans are capable of : the shooter who randomly shot up your kids school and killed your twins, the dude who raped your wife, the genocidaire who killed 100.000 random people, just because they were of a different race/religion/region.

It’s also, in a sense, an « escape » from life. I don’t know how to formulate this, but I think we all have some form of energy we NEED to invest in something that totally « takes us over » and allows us to escape from every day life. In a good way, it can be a passion (a sport, a cultural activity, a relationship…), in a bad way it can be an obsession/dependence (excessive drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling…), I think religion fits in this pattern, but it can go both ways. Religion can indeed be good (can give direction to one’s life, a sense of community, « answers » to certain questions) (that’s basically what happened with my sister) or bad (fanatism, lack of critical thinking, blind following, hate). It’s the very power of persuasion of religion (meaning the power of persuasion of its leaders –none of which is really « appointed » by God) that is frightening to me, just as with any political leader who can easily use « truths » about this race/group being « superior/better/harder workers/more « moral »/more American/French/Belgian » than others (same as « believers being better than infidels ») for example.

Another beef I have with religion is that it oversimplifies things : good vs bad, heaven and hell. We all know life is more complex than that, hell the very definition of what is bad has evolved over the years.

All in all I’d be much closer to polytheist religions, because it seems to better reflect the diversity of life and is closer to human nature (in CAR, there are « bad » Gods too, just like we have « bad » behaviours ). But I don’t know enough though. I DO believe in what some may call « karma », but I think it’s just all things being linked and that things really do come back to you, good or bad. But that’s not even necessarily « mystic », I know ain’t much good happening to me now because I’m not creating the circumstances for good stuff to happen to me in the first place. Is there something out there, maybe, but a lot stuff that was before explained by mysticism ended up having scientific reasons, it just takes time to find them out. And maybe we won’t understand everything, but is that a sufficient reason to believe in something we KNOW we won’t discover is true or not before we die ? That’s truly a leap of faith, and in my life I have not witnessed ONE single event or discussion that could push me into believing in (a) God.

Sorry for the long read but bored at work again :ehh:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
there is no 'god' for me, in that I expect everything to follow natural law


May 1, 2012
Do you guys not believe there is a god as in the human-like god that is described in most religions?

Absolutely not, that would be idiotic.

Or do you believe there is a god, but maybe it's(god) more of like a process in the universe?

As far as gods go, this is infinitely more likely than a humanoid god.

Or do you believe that nothing created everything essentially by accident?

This could also be the case. We don't know yet.


Jun 4, 2012
How do you believe .... that something was always here and that something creating other things due to pressures 'it' put on itself... but then not even want to consider where the original 'state' (of our universe) that expanded came from?

I think we are 100K years away from understanding the physical universe.

The purpose of religion isn't to explain the quantum-mechanical vacuum or answer every question that intelligent beings can ponder; and I don't believe it attempts to do that.

Metaphorically we may learn from religion that it describes the same thing as physic in that there is no such thing as 'Nothing'. There is always something - even when there isn't any matter, there is energy and particles.

Also, meditation is tied in with ancient and modern religious practices.. For what reason would an atheist meditate? From an increase in attention span, awareness, positive physical health effects, increase in mental health, etc. religions have claimed that mediation does all these things by connecting a persons consciousness with the consciousness of the universe.

IF I'm an atheist, I believe the universe to be completely unconscious, random, and inanimate. The scientific community hasn't fully backed mediation, like it has the Big Bang theory. The majority of people on Earth meditate for mystical reasons. So for what purpose does an atheist meditate?

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook

I know the universe exists. I have no reason to think anything caused it to exist because I have no examples of things causing other things to exist. We do have examples of things causing other things to change though. We know the moon causes tides with gravity, we know the planets stay in orbit due to gravity. I accept models of gravity based on the evidence. Theyve been able to make predictions and do space travel based off those predictions. It works.

Why do I need to add an extra step (god) to a model that works? If everything needs a creator, so does god. If everything doesnt then neither does the universe. God doesnt even answer the question.
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