If GUTS got raped then its over for everybody.nikkas really acting like women the only ones getting raped. nikka the main character was raped what makes you think you gonna be safe. You lucky if you get a quick death. Them demons gonna have your dead body paraded around like a trophy.
They acting like minding their own business and having a 9-5 is even an option in the Berserk universe.
"Go to the well, we need some water"

"Get a job"

"Time to pay those bills"

"Its time to go to church"

"Its time to leave church"

"Lets live in the city"

"Lets live in the country"

The MPs had it made and STILL doBruh Guts was getting raped in the straight up human world before the demons had kicked the door in.that shyt was hell the whole time. I'd still rather be in the AOT world.
We of #MPGang work hard to make sure such fates dont befall anyone within the wallstitans may rip you to shreds outside em but your virtue shall be intact when that time comes
Guaranteed the 911 equivalent in AoT goes straight to voicemail