Put Yourselves First Guys - Don’t Get Used.


Strive for rulership not equality, black man.
Apr 9, 2017
North Miami
And she we leave you the moment she gets her green card, seen it happen to plenty of somali dudes.

Women from 3rd world countries aren't as wholesome as you western incels make them out to be.
Look at you wishing another black man to fail because you know the women here ain't shyt and you can't do nothing about it.



Sep 11, 2015

I believe the times are changing, the men that she may want, and this is no shot at her, will see the flags and understand the situation. If it's not something in it for them, then the situation may become a fukk and hang out if anything.


"The man I want should be making $250k but is she a $250k wife? @The lead attorney - YouTube

It's starting to become easier to spot of these chicks as 'wifey' or 'just let me use her for her time and smash, then dash'

With the men that they want, it's going to become harder to get these men, of course the goofies will be there, orbiting, but the women usually don't take them serious, pretty much use them for their attention.

As I stated earlier, it's becoming quite clear to men with that "status" that these women are truly fukked up in the head and it's in men best interest to just either smash, or sit it out and hold

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
I'm getting me a wife from an African village. Preferably West African, but it could be anywhere in Africa
You really think women from African countries won't play you for economic mobility sake? What do you think would happen once you bring her to the states? :mjlol:

Why do yall continue to have this weird fantasy?

You never seen your African uncles try and fail with this strategy?

Women are women wherever you go. Focus on if she's a desirable mate who has the same values as you. Not the country she's from


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
You really think women from African countries won't play you for economic mobility sake? What do you think would happen once you bring her to the states? :mjlol:

Why do yall continue to have this weird fantasy?

You never seen your African uncles try and fail with this strategy?

Women are women wherever you go. Focus on if she's a desirable mate who has the same values as you. Not the country she's from
Yup..if you plan on marryin a girl from overseas
Make sure to never bring her to america lol


Aug 18, 2013
You really think women from African countries won't play you for economic mobility sake? What do you think would happen once you bring her to the states? :mjlol:

Why do yall continue to have this weird fantasy?

You never seen your African uncles try and fail with this strategy?

Women are women wherever you go. Focus on if she's a desirable mate who has the same values as you. Not the country she's from

Majority of my family lives there, don't project your MGTOW Fantasties on me :hubie::manny:


Aug 18, 2013
Look at you wishing another black man to fail because you know the women here ain't shyt and you can't do nothing about it.


Yupp that's exactly what it is

They know they can't do nothing about it and it eats them alive. Jealous other brehs have options


Nov 18, 2016
Cool beans.
From the woman’s perspective, marriage historically was ALWAYS about work and stress. Did you know women back in the day used to run away and try to join the convents to avoid being married?:mjlol: Today, there’s an actual psychological condition in Asia culture called wife stress or anxiety where women are so scared and anxious at the prospects of becoming housewives that they need anti-depressants.
So when men say women only benefit…:mjlol:that’s a VERY recent development and only for a small amount of women. Men are judging marriage based on white female marriage.

Here’s the real deal. Men don’t know what they are like to deal with. Ya’ll don’t date men. You don’t deal with them on that level and men hate introspection. So they just blame shyt on women. But traditionally the woman has always had to do the overwhelming majority of the heavy lifting in marriage. Unless you are a rich white female.
Most of the complaints men have about marriage are from the image of marriage that only applies to rich women.

That whole idea of a lazy, trifling woman that contributes NOTHING to humanity. Lays like a starfish on her back, has some kids, but sends them to daycare or has maids caring for them and fukks the pool boy, then divorces her rich husband and takes 1/2 or more in alimony or child support is a LIE for MOST WOMEN It’s a lie! And men need to stop using that lie to make it seem like marriage is a cakewalk for women, or dismiss their contributions to society or the issues women go through in marriage. Black women don’t even get that much child support OR alimony and have always had high workforce participation, so I don’t even know where some of these complaints come from when it comes to us.


So the first issue with marriage that needs to be eliminated is that the man is more important or contributes more and should be revered regardless of whether he is actually respectful or contributing as much as his partner. It’s always been unrealistic and a lie and insulting to the shyt ton of ways women have always contributed to this world.

Black women literally were worked in the fields as slaves just as hard as men with no regard for their “inferior female nature”, built this country, toiled from dusk until dawn RIGHT beside blk men. We literally helped build this country.

AND after all of that, we did this and then went home and cooked and cleaned and took care of the babies…while being pregnant as young as 13-45 from rape.

No one ever spared blk women any excuse of “feminine weakness”. They dug holes for us to beat us when we were pregnant. Sooo who is weak? Who is inferior? So the idea that we are supposed to be okay with being dismissed as a lesser is even worse b/c our loads have never been lesser. Erase that shyt from the script.

Even after slavery, black women as homemakers were still working both outside of the home AND holding down domestic chores. But can’t be afforded the same respect by her husband as his equal? Even when she is contributing financially AND domestically. And did this shyt WHILE PREGNANT for decades. But many did it and put up with it.

But what many older generations of blk women taught their daughters, was to RUN LIKE HELL from the institution of marriage or be very cautious.

Why? For the following reasons:
1.) “Always have your own money. Once a man think he got you on the ropes, he’ll dog you OUT!” So black women were encouraged to always put a little away and get an education and pursue opportunities outside of “bussin out babies” for a man because women passed down traits of men being sexually loose, unreliable, full of ego, arrogant and will switch it up on you once you are vulnerable with babies. And many men ARE like this, unfortunately. Especially when they think they got you trapped either with babies or monetarily. I’ve LIVED this shyt for myself.

2.) Respect-No woman wants to be cheated on and dogged out. But if you are in a traditional marriage and you haven’t cultivated a career and have few resources of your own to survive on outside of your husband, its harder to leave and you may feel like you have to just take the disrespect if it occurs. Some men were reasonable, progressive and egalitarian-especially blk men. But shyt tons of men are arrogant, child-like, incapable of cooking/cleaning for themselves and just disrespectful.
But if you notice, divorce rates increased parallel with women entering the workforce and gaining education. Why? Because being economically self-reliant means you ain’t really gotta put up with that shyt for provision and protection. If he cheats, you ain’t gotta stay and risk your health worrying about it. If he doesn’t respect you or is negligent, you don’t have to be chronically unhappy and just take it. That 70% divorce rate initiated by women is really a sign of women feeling comfortable enough to go through life on their own terms and they deem this as more valuable than being with someone that doesn’t value or respect them just to say they have a man.

To be honest, men had a good set up, but instead of piping down on all that “Ra ra Dey inferior! I’m the prize, go make me a sandwich, why you goin to get yo education, who gon take care of the babies” archaic thinking and working with their women…they decided to cheat, be disrespectful, and now women just don’t even want to be bothered anymore.

And now with this manosphere shyt, that’s just validating how those women feel. So we have places with millions more men than women because men didn’t value girls (Asia).

Places where more women are now electing to be single moms more and more, or skipping motherhood altogether(Europe, Asia)

Places where feminism is hitting so hard that women are forming vigilante all women communes and groups to avoid dealing with rape and assault (S. America, India, Africa).

And now instead of our men taking accountability and a good long look at themselves and how they fukked this shyt up worldwide…They out here getting mad at women for being tired of their bullshyt.:deadmanny: They trying to do nothing BUT blame women. They cursing Booksnrain out when she pokes them online and shows them charts and studies validating the shyt I been saying on this site since 2015. Biting chicks eyes out. Raping women in open daylight. Trying to groom girls as young as possible to “cooperate”. Fukking sex dolls. Killing themselves.

But they still bytching about “Female AcCoUnTaBiLiTy”. :mjlol:Women not listening to a group of dudes who fukked up the world, tell them about personal accountability. Megan the Stallion fans ain’t listening to men bytch about her when they celebrated an entire era of soul-rotting, musical violence towards women. They don’t care that men feel attacked when men literally created entire religions predicated on women being evil and tainted. They not listening to a bunch of dudes whine about child support when they don’t have to fukk chicks raw that they don’t want kids with in the first place.

Some chicks are still affected by some of the shaming tactics and are still adjusting to empowerment and the inherent responsibilities. But as more and more women shake off the lies we’ve always been told about who we are and what we are capable of, they care less about the shyt men feel entitled to from us.

Women aren’t perfect, but a lot of this is on men to fix. And it could be easy.
The only thing they need to do is learn how to keep their dikks in their pants, wash some dishes, stop lying, denying, gaslighting women and acting defensive when we tell ya’ll shyt, and understand that household work and leadership in a marriage is a JOINT endeavor. And for the men who do understand this and act on it, they deserve the WORLD.

But too many don’t. Too many still think even when women are economically contributing just as much as they do or more, that they are entitled to a full-time cook/laundress/childcare worker/maid/pornstar that’s supposed to look the other way if he has side chicks and protect his ego even if he not contributing as much as she does financially, doesn’t pick up the slack at home, isn’t loving/romantic/affectionate, and can’t even fukk her right…


Why? And I’m not talking about those happy wife/happy life marriages that are great. I’m also not talking about trifling bytches fukking up either.
I’m asking, why would a GOOD woman grin and bear it if/when her needs aren’t met in the traditional institution of marriage in modern society?

The answer is…she wouldn’t. And more and more women aren’t, which is why we’re continuing to see shyt like this daily in the news.

While men are listening to manosphere mess to get comfortable excuses that blame women for it, women worldwide are literally leaving the chat. I have my issues with the role women play in this mess, but if you wanna know why women are delaying, avoiding male interaction, motherhood, marriage, then look at how the men are behaving. Putting up with the shyt, hubris, arrogance a lotta dudes are on, hits different when you don’t absolutely have to for your survival.:yeshrug: I used to think that we could work it out. But I think humans will lose generations b4 it’s corrected if at all.

As I said before I also have a female version of how they are fukking up too if you are interested.

:whew: That was long and laced with facts..

I wish men understood that most rationale women flock to men that have stability and direction in their life.. All that "a man needs to make $250k a year to date me" B.S flies quickly out the window, if she comes across a man who has his shyt together and she's really into him..


Oct 9, 2012
:whew: That was long and laced with facts..

I wish men understood that most rationale women flock to men that have stability and direction in their life.. All that "a man needs to make $250k a year to date me" B.S flies quickly out the window, if she comes across a man who has his shyt together and she's really into him..
Where are these smart rational women at :unsure:


Jun 13, 2019
My body count is actually very low. I’ve only ever had sex with men I’ve been in relationships with. I don’t have casual sex or ons, and if you check my post history on here I’ve always been adamant about that. I don’t agree with hook up culture and I think it actually hurts women more in the long run to have sex with a ton of men. I believe in soul ties.

I’m also not using a number of men right now to supplement my needs. I’m in a relationship with just one man.

I notice that people keep mistakenly assuming that a woman who does not value marriage, doesn’t because she wants to be a hoe or use multiple men, or that she has had bad experiences with men—just a whole bunch of things that are not correct in my situation. I’ve said why I don’t value marriage—I’ve said my reasons and im guessing most of you didn’t read, can’t comprehend or don’t believe me. Regardless, me not valuing marriage is not about sex or wanting to be entertained by a lot of different men.
I did not say you were having sex with multiple men, I said you are sexually experienced and have a lot of options. It doesn’t mean you necessarily act on those options all the time, but your post is very indicative of someone liking to keep their options open. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with that especially if you’re being up front with the guy you’re dealing with.

I did not say you wanted to be promiscuous or anything of the sort, but I do think you like to be one with keeping your options open and you don’t care to be locked down in legal obligation (marriage) with a man.

I also believe you saw some things in your parents marriage that you really didn’t care to deal with in your own personal intimate relationships.

There is nothing wrong with your attitude and I do not think it is flawed at all if you’re being up front like you say you are with significant other. If you’re cool playing that bachelorette role for life then more power to you.

If you ever change your mind and decide you want to be more than a “special friend” then that might present some problems for you, but you say you don’t want anything like that so I can only trust your word.


Feb 12, 2015
:whew: That was long and laced with facts..

I wish men understood that most rationale women flock to men that have stability and direction in their life.. All that "a man needs to make $250k a year to date me" B.S flies quickly out the window, if she comes across a man who has his shyt together and she's really into him..
I agree. Key words: rational…sane…reasonable…mentally stable.

Any woman with an ounce of common sense doesn’t view that social media shyt as anything other than nonsense.

But I have my gripes with women in this era too. Namely, women still seem to have issues adjusting to their “empowerment”. Some women have been so socially conditioned to victimization, learned helplessness, and operating passively that they haven’t taken on the mantle of the empowerment they fought for, even as they claim to.

A lot of the stuff I earnestly described in that post might trigger men and have chicks nodding their heads. But…women don’t really have room to poke fun at men for their failures, because they perpetuate a lot of the shyt men do with their own fukkery.

For instance, if you talk to me on any given Tuesday, I can paint you a pretty stark and grim picture of how a lotta men act in marriage. And I’m not lying or exaggerating. A lot of men do act that way.

But…when I start thinking…and that’s usually not a good idea…but if marriage is what you make it, then women need to be more active in the mating process to shape their own relationships.
Overwhelming majority of the shyt I griped about in that post could be nipped in the bud if women clearly, respectfully and assertively expressed their needs. A lot of it is a breakdown of communication based on how we have socialized women to have toxic communication styles.

Basically we shame them out of directly expressing their needs. And when they do express them, we try to shame them for even having those needs or gaslight them. And if they are assertive, we insult them as being masculine. But if they hold it in and wait until it causes heart disease or stroke from stress, then we blame them again for not communicating properly.:mjlol:So we socialize women in stupid ways, then complain about women when they give us what we want.

It’s unfair. But…so what?!:mjlol:

Isn’t empowerment being able to act autonomously regardless of others perception of you. A lot of women are playing these mental games because in spite of the age of empowerment, many are still afraid of being judged or shamed.:mjlol:

So they will sit there and allow a dude to fukk them. Multiple times. Without even enjoying themselves. Then complain that men are trash at sex. Sure a lot of you guys are. :lolbron:But the chicks are too.:umad: AND if you never communicate or take yourself out of the situation, it just signals to men that there isn’t a problem. Coming online to bytch about it doesn’t help his stroke get any better. Go communicate that shyt respectfully to him.

And then women will say “But he won’t even listen/he gets mad.” And that’s true. Male ego is disgustingly fragile. Dudes will cheat, talk trash money shyt about women. Whine, bytch and moan, and then be ready to commit that if women make even the slightest critique of anything with a dikk. “THEY HATE US!”:mjlol:

But once again women, so what?
If you aren’t getting what you need, communicate that. If he isn’t receptive…then move on. But staying in situations and playing victim, isn’t empowerment.

Same shyt with the other marriage issues that are sources of anxiety for a lot of women when it comes to marriage.
Most women are just trying to avoid that cook, clean, take care of kids, loss of identity, taken for granted, get cheated on, dogged out, no support for their dreams, cocktail.
Which is perfectly reasonable. But instead of taking on that identity, communicate those issues upfront in the relationship. If you see things sliding towards that fukkery, address directly. And respectfully, as soon as it happens. Don’t drink the problems away or eat them away or vent online. Tell that man you with exactly what you don’t like.

Stop being afraid of confronting issues and then wallowing in self-pity because there are a$$holes willing to take advantage of your fear or weak sense of self.

But this shyt is a perennial issue with a lot of women and it isn’t just their relationships. It’s their personal lives as well. Even in the alleged age of empowerment, women still allowing themselves to be pulled between Madonna/Whore extremes.:mjlol: They still cryin if men complain about twerking.
:mjlol:They still getting pregnant by dudes that don’t give a shyt by them.

:mjlol:They still taking nut to the face to pay rent.
:mjlol:And if they do make bank gargling weird scrotums, they not stacking that money.
:mjlol: They still out and about without guns/sharp objects/knives/pepper spray/oven cleaner/tasers.

Just so much shyt that would be eliminated if they were really about the empowerment they talk out the side of their necks about.

:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:There are so many other issues they got too but those are just a few. Materialism, thinking they gotta be men to “prove” something, allowing disrespect, that silent sufferers shyt, fighting for the rights of WHOAmen to be more acknowledged as women than those actually biologically born as women.:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

In this era of opportunity, a lot of women are blowing it. Which is both funny and sad to me in a lotta ways.