Dirk is overrated because he's a Euro. As I said:
Dirk can't defend, pass, rebound, nor block shots: Hall of Famer.
'Melo can do all those things: Garbage.
There's no excuse for not giving effort on defense and on the boards. There's no excuse for letting old-man Dirk turn back the clock on you. Give effort. Learn how to defend. Get into him because he's not going to blow by you. Dirk was better than usual because he averages 18 on 50% from the field and 43% from 3, but last night he dropped 25 on 50% from the field and 50% from 3.
Dirk didn't let KP drop 28. KP gets wide open looks from 'Melo commanding so much attention from defenses. He admitted this himself after the BK game. Bosh also pointed it out and KP even took a shot at Bosh for pointing out that teams are ignoring him because of 'Melo by saying Miami did the same thing, noting that his 1st shot in Miami was wide open (which was probably the only open one he got, the rest were off of mismatches and he didn't shoot well that night, he never does against Miami or any team with bigs who defend, for that matter). Besides that, as I said, old-man Dirk has never been able to defend.
He's not paid to play better than you expect. He's paid to make shots. Now that Arron is back to distract defenses like 'Melo does, he's doing that. He's paid to give effort on the boards. He does that but last night he did not. He's paid to give effort on defense. He doesn't do that. He just roams around for blocks. Rolo roams for blocks and guards his man. The issue is he starts and plays a lot of minutes. Since that's the case, he deserves blame when his play costs NY games.
I don't know why no one can bring up any of his flaws but it's wild.