Well, off the top of my head: If you get a shot at a top 10 pick... you immediately have to consider it simply based on the way it sets you up. Simmons, Skal, Jaylen Brown, Murray, Bender, Luwawu, kris dunn, Zimmermand or Korkmaz if you're a believer?
There is a good amount of talent, and you have them for like 7 years at low rates... you have to think about the next 5 years... What if they were offered mid-firsts in each of the next two drafts plus a role guys who's decent and filler?
What if Houston gets desperate and wants to take their shot with Hardin/Melo/Dwight? Or the mavs offered two firsts to try to get Dirk back to the finals one last time? and used Chandsome and Zaza as the cap filler? Those deals are over after next season.
You're not going to get wiggins or towns or kawhi for Melo, not at this stage... So you have to figure out what is best for the team - in three years would it be best to have a lower cap number, young guys, and picks, or would it be better to have Melo going on 35?
I'm not totally sure what the answer is... but I know that melo isn't getting BETTER over the next three years. So you have to manage value, and give yourself opportunities.