Thibs or Luke, and I'm still a little iffy on Luke as the Warriors were already on the up when he and Kerr got there.
At this point I feel it depends on Melo's moves this summer.
If Melo stays (which I think is damn near guaranteed at this point.......

) its probably going to be thibs.
I don't see Melo leaving after the statements he and KP, (and even Phil) made in the last few weeks. The Bulls not making the playoffs post Thibs and the bullshyt the knicks went through with a new coach who wasn't ready in Fisher damn near got Thibs looking like gold right now. If anything I could see Phil telling Thibs to run the triangle on offense with help from rambis and Cleamons to institute it and then leave him to do all the HC stuff both Rambis and Fisher failed at like rotations, timeouts, motivation, and defense. Thibs went around the league "interning" for other coaches to see their offense. Phil has to respect the fact that man is willing to learn, and clearly loves NY as much as he does. If Melo, and KP are both here Knicks need to start winning to try and get a star PG in 2017 and make at least 1 or 2 real runs at it before Melo is done.

If Melo leaves I think Phil would take that risk, Max H Barnes (Barnes as a Max is damn near insane but it would make some sense in this situation) and bring over Walton to start that youth movement. The only real draw of Walton imo is If the knicks get Walton its to basically go young, and for him to be what Fisher should of been if Fisher didn't get caught up in p*ssy and fukkery. A young coach to groom into being a better coach. The only reason to do that is because the knicks move Melo, and go young so Walton would have a chance to manage a young squad like he managed the warriors and learn on the job.
Rambis aint keeping the HC job and Shaw is a distant 3rd. I actually think Blatt has a chance at it better at third than anyone else. However Phil has been great so far at not doing Stupid shyt for the sake of doing stupid shyt (aka keeping Dolan away). I really think the job is Thibs to lose.