Short Version: AA was 7-16 and wildly inefficient after a hot first quarter. That was our most productive scorer. Melo was 4-16 and KP was 4-11. There's no PG that fixes that on the roster. Our PG need comes down to better defensive play and more of an attacking mindset...Jose doesn't give that, won't give that, and I don't believe he'd do anything but dribble the ball longer and give up even more points to Isaiah Thomas. This loss was on the Knicks top three men struggling and the trickle down effect that has on everybody else. That and our big men being unable to contain stretch bigs like Olynyk. This team is top heavy and when the top contributors aren't pulling their weight...everyone else struggles.
Melo: It's pretty obvious that he rushed back because of how bad we looked imo. Dude isn't jumping for rebounds, he's letting the ball fall to him but he's positioning himself so well his rebounding is still effective. He's not exploding as well off the dribble either, which means defenders on his hip instead of behind him when he slashes past tight D. He's not shooting well whether the looks are good or bad. He's even missing FT's at a higher rate. The team is built to thrive off of him, expect us to look pretty lacking until his legs are better. This was another game where he got one on one match-ups frequently and couldn't take advantage fully. That wouldn't happen before the ankle situation and then the Philly debacle. 16 points and 14 boards plus 4 assists...and dude's not even 100%. He wasn't great by any means though, and I'd rather he rest than prolong the no air time situation. The late chases to Crowder in the third who knocked down some jumpers...eerily reminiscent of last season.
AA: Great first quarter might help you forget that this guy wasn't very good for three quarters...I call that the Lance Thomas impact. He was the reason we looked competent in the first quarter and once he tailed off playwise, without Melo able to play his best and with KP in a slump...our team had nobody to throw the defense off balance. 18, 3 assists, 2 boards...made a couple of promising assists and got his shot going much better than recently...but it's still not good enough when dude explodes for a quarter and than vanishes.
RoLo: He was our best player last night. Beasted on the boards for three quarters, scored efficiently and his TO's were more a result of poor floor spacing when he received the ball. He did seem to run out of gas but when you go from 25 mins max a night for a week or two to 37 minutes against a gang of stretch bigs that make you chase...why expect different? 17, 13 and 2 with 3 blocks...the guy was our bright spot.
Galloway: Outside of RoLo, he was the only guy with a positive +/-. He didn't shoot well and showed a lack of confidence in his jumper; seemed like he was too busy trying to give looks to Melo, KP and AA rather than just playing the game which led to some poor decisions. Still, he was overall doing some nice things. His board work was impressive as hell, including straight stealing the ball out of Amir Johnson's hands when Amir had the better positioning. He was pushing the pace a bit but not off dribble, he'd receive the ball and send it sailing up toward a ball handler higher up the floor (mostly Melo). Too often though we settled for clear outs and Isolations, which meant he could float. I was pretty impressed by his defense on Thomas too, he made Thomas work for the baskets.
KP: 10 and 5 on 4-11...He seemed like he wanted to be aggressive off face ups, which was a good idea but he was off balance and looked sluggish on both ends to the point that I'm worried the upper respiratory infection is less a problem than the foot sprain since he hasn't played well since that thing. He had a harder time getting a put back over Crowder than he's had on PFs and C's. Defensively, he's giving more space while still giving up drives to the basket. Dude is either hitting the wall or his movement is being effected...neither is good news for us, but the all star break is coming so he can get some rest soon.
D-Will: 6 points and 2 boards in 11 mins. Seems like he got punished for struggling with terrible second unit rotations more than anything because it's not like anybody played quality D that would get this guy benched. He didn't get much minutes with the starters and that's when he's been most effective. He gave that role up to Lance again for the most part. He's gotta stick to the baseline three and just use space to dribble-drive around the rest of the arc.
Sasha: Played well...and when he's our best bench player we're gonna lose. 13 points and 3 boards. He seemed like he was having a good shooting night and yet he still managed to shoot below 50% from the field lol. Dude's defense is never good. He still takes bad shots, but he made a couple last night at least. If we need energy, I'd rather watch Thanasis struggle than hope Sasha gets lucky shooting long 3 pointers and off the dribble contested jumpers while only being effective in the passing lanes on defense.
Lance: 25 mins out there, 6 points and 2 boards...I didn't think he stood out for poor play or good play on either end. This wasn't a shining example of his defense making up for lack of production elsewhere but he didn't force all that much outside of a really strange dribble drive attempt for an ugly TO. That he was 2-4 instead of something inefficient is the only thing to hang a hat on for this performance. Big minutes, not much help.
Seraphin: 4 minutes from this guy made the entire second unit look a mess. He seemed completely disinterested in a system, just wanted to set screens then establish post position and work from a generic baseline post up. We looked utterly ridiculous with him out there. It made me appreciate KOQ some more...honestly why'd KOQ get benched? I thought his play, while not great, was showing signs of improvement. 2 points, 1 TO...the team lost by 10 points while he was out there for 4 total minutes...unbelievable.
Grant: His 7 minutes were mostly a struggle. He got out there at one point during the awkward Seraphin "I'm going rogue...wildcard bi**ches" phase of the game and then he was out there with a really odd crew where no one could create their own looks but the only semi-good shooter on the floor was Lance. At one point this dude had a "screw it" moment and actually just took his man off the dribble to attempt a long know that's a desperation decision because this guy has had no confidence in his jumper all season. Anyway, even though he was set up to fail, that -17 looks horrendous and he looked terrible out there...I'd like to see him in actual reasonable line-ups but at this point if he gets benched it'll be hard to fight that decision.
Fish: How about the Sasha, AA, Melo, Lance RoLo line-up of ineptitude late in the game? That was a serious attempt to make something happen...2 SG's, 2 SF's and one C...nice. Seraphin got in after not playing even garbage time recently while KOQ and Lou who've gotten some time lately both saw the bench. The C's had multiple long runs shutting down the offense and making it look bad where Fish was content to wait it out instead of calling a TO and resetting. His rotations scream "patchwork" whether you want to blame Phil for that or Fish. I have no faith in this dude helping us get wins or putting the players in the best position to get a win. He's either not getting in the way while players do the heavy lifting or he's making such perplexing rotation decisions that I mentally checkout for chunks of quarters until the line-up on the floor has even a chance to be effective. SMFH
Random: The C's are proof that establishing a well known identity around the league gets you better treatment from officials. They complained about foul calls a lot, but they still were able to establish their physical brand and get away with plenty of contact especially on Melo. The Knicks could do with a real identity...but we don't really have one. I'm not sure if this is just me and I hate to seem insensitive...but I could really do without those driver awareness ads in the middle of a basketball game; they're way to real and dark when an NBA spectacle is all about escapism. We finally cut back on the horrendous anti-cigarette ads, now you want to remind me that drag racing can lead to children being hit by cars? Wtf is that? "She wasn't racing, he was!" I'd love to see the slogans and campaigns that the writers turned down and I'd really love to witness the focus groups they tested this ish on.