In regard of what ? Where do you place the boundary between simple/complex ?
We test our chemicals on mice, porks and stuff because they resemble us. Between humans, we have a 99.5% similarities, but we still are 96+% similar to chimps. Like animals we have trillions of cells.
Where do you draw the line ? DNA ? Behaviors ? Feelings ? Thinking ? Intelligence ?
I agree that we are a little more complex than animals which are a little more complex than vegetals which are a little more complex than minerals.
OK, but why minerals aren't complex to you ?
Why does there need to be one ?
You don't think that some things can just "be" without any purpose to them ? Chaos can't be a legitimate answer to you ?
Our position in the solar system led to the first signs of what we call "life", of course. But we were not created/set AT this specific place.
Life appeared like 3.5+ billions years ago. The Homo genus is like 2.5 millions years old. What's a milly to a billy ?
And Homo Sapiens (humans as we are now) is only 200K years old...
The differences in our views lies here.
1. You link complexity to a necessary design leading to a purpose.
But complexity is an arbitrary notion and relative to what ?
Are we complex in regard to the solar system ? To the universe ? To the infinitely great ? Or to the infinitesimal ? To the quantum system ?
I'm not saying we aren't complex, just that we don't (and can't) know if we are and there are no proof of it.
2. Then you draw a line between human and animal to define complexity. Well OK, you gotta draw it to define something... but why not between vegetal and animal ? Why not between inanimate and living ?
Or better, why draw a line ?
We can only speak and base our perspectives, scales, measures, and definitions on what we know as human beings. And we aren't simple organisms in regards to what we know simple organisms to be.
And the line is drawn and the conversation goes on for hundreds of years, between humans and other organism, as opposed to veg and animal or bacteria and other organism, etc.... Because 1) science makes the distinction. 2) we actually have science and actually study these other organisms when most of them are even fully self aware of their position in life. 3) human intelligence is defined as the mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate ones environment.