1. While Vote or Die undoubtedly was a great movement, Puff says in here that it was black people who got Obama elected. Uhhhh, not really. We make up 13% of the population. We were not the deciding factor. Whomever convinced so many WHITE people to vote for him was what got the victory. Lets be real here...black people were going to vote for him anyway. Thats been one of the dreams of our community - to get a black man in the White House.
2. Too often I see an ignorance of how the government works. Puff didn't mention Congress at all. That's where we are losing. Vote or Die would have been more important in the congressional elections. That's where nobody shows up to vote, and when voter turnout is low, Republicans win. You want jobs Puff? Are you aware of Obama's job plan of 2010 that was going to provide thousands of blue collar jobs across the country to rebuild our infrastructure? Black people would have greatly benefitted from these jobs. That he set it up so it would be paid for by an extra %.7 on all Americans making $1,000,000 or more. GUESS WHO SHOT HIS BILL DOWN.
3. I wish he would have expanded on "direct aid to black people". Thats wayyyy too general. You mean send every black person a check? Or fund programs? What programs? Will it be legal?
4. Education? Obama's 2010 jobs bill was also going to send $30 billion to modernize 35,000 public schools. Again, it was going to be paid for by rich people. Again, GUESS WHO SHOT HIS BILL DOWN.
Obama is not above being criticized. But unfortunately a lot of the criticism I hear coming from people in our community is grounded in ignorance of how the government works.