blathering blatherskite!
Why would a PS4 game have dual sense features? How many PS4 games are 4K/60?
You see this game on Game Pass and people playing it at no extra charge. They put it at 60FPS but didn't really do much else if you're playing it on a PS5. Seeing all that you feel like I'm not paying full price for that. Is it really that hard to admit that you see these games on Game Pass and feel like I'm not paying full price for that if they aren't?
Well yeah, I’m not paying full price for an inferior version of the game when the superior version is on gamepass for free. Like you said, the game is gonna be the same game in 3 months. It’s not even gamepass its not having all the features in the PlayStation version, like HDR, and 4k/60, and no dualsense
Right now i have my hands full juggling games, i honestly never planned on buying it day one either way cause i originally thought kena was coming out and now that I’m enjoying Hades more than I thought I’m playing that along with FISt and deathloop next week. I’m also kind of contemplating tales.
If there was a game i had to sacrifice this month its this one with no next gen version. As of now (terms subject to change) PlayStation is dry for me in November/December, I’ll pick it up then