The series S gamble by Microsoft is costing them a lot of money. I feel nobody wants that console and whenever I go to the game store I see like 10+ series in stock, but rarely see series x. I think most people want a 4k machine for a next gen console since most people have a 4k tv, so I have no clue what Phil was thinking of a budget model. If they were smart they should've gone PS5 route and just make a digital version of the series x. Also, they really need to change name of their consoles because I feel it causes so much brand confusion.
Anyways, I think they can somewhat recover if they start releasing strong games that makes a person consider an xbox. However, I feel most people stick with 1 console and if they're getting a second console then it's a Nintendo. I don't think we'll ever see gap close like the 360/PS3 gen