this generation has been a fukking mess
the only thing that needs an upgrade is switch
and if we are keeping it a buck, switch aint even that bad to where it needs all this extra bullshyt... it would destroy battery life
its just as dumb as them future proofing 8k ... when this entire generation will be over by the time 8k even comes out where most people have it.
the speed and graphics are fine on both consoles,
and you can pick performance or fidelity mode in most games.
what they need is for these studios to optimize games better, like people already said in here... and people like 2k to get actual servers that arent run on dial up, so you can play a good match
I personally dont see anything wrong with PS5 or XBSX
these companies are nickel and diming all this shyt really
its just as bad as Youtube TV being like 80$ then you have to pay extra for 4k
they stay selling you the sickness and charging you extra for the cure
remember Metal Gear Survive where they charged you money for a save slot?