This is one area you really don’t wanna go breh
Really? Cuz I'm certain you guys didn't play much this gen. Because you're a fanboy you actually hoped the competition didn't make good games and told yourself good games were not good enough while overhyping anything exclusive (go cop death standing today!!!) You don't have things like gamepass, no cloud for the future, you have less studios working on new titles than Microsoft does, you have nothing next gen to look at and because of this your "base" is trying to act like the possibility of backwards compatibility matters outside of the previous gen and a handful of titles before that.
You have nothing to talk about but bc, you know how the free monthly games came because Sony was losing? We got gamepass because xbox was losing. Now we have too much to ever get to, day 1 console exclusives will be there moving forward. Please don't talk to me about games because I'm 500+ games deep before gamepass.
Please tell me what you have as an alternative to all that, I'll wait
Driveclub 2 will have rain this time
You gonna post non gameplay videos this time?