It is rapidly changing. Only reason they are staggering now is because they don’t have the experience, or pipeline set up for day and date releases. They are working on that. They’ve committed to 50% of their releases being multiplat by 2025, and will continue on from there.
So by later than mid console gen they will still be doing staggered console to pc releases. For the unforseeable future they have outlined that not much will change, their core traditional gaming distribution platform will continue to be console. Everything they do outside of the console falls in line with the expansion, nothing is drastically changing, whats drastically happening is growth. If SIE is a network of businesses, Playstation is still firmly in the center of it.
can’t think of any game they’ve spent money on to make it a console exclusive recently.
What game you talking about?
Redfall, Starfield? Even traditionally, Halo, Forza, Gears….if they were truly decentralizing hardware those 3 series would be on nintendo and sony platforms in some fashion.
If console wasn’t important there would be no need for console exclusivity. Console is Xbox’ divisions primary focus, still. They don’t sell gamepass and xcloud without xbox consoles.
We already saw Google try and do it.