Project 25 Plans For Black America (Both siders are straight up opposition at this point)

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Anyone that can read this and still both sides that's allegedly black is MAGA at this point. Point blank period.

Journalist Michael Harriot took a deep dive into the plans in a lengthy thread on X — and what he found terrified him.

Among the proposals in Project 2025 relating to racial policy include stripping workforce protections from disproportionately Black federal workers; eliminating programs like minority business loans, and abolishing federal data collection on Black employment and discrimination.
But that's just the beginning, wrote Harriot: the criminal justice policy in Project 2025 can be best summed up as "Get tough on Black crime, go easy on white cops. They plan to end EVERY CONSENT DECREE filed against corrupt police agencies, undo bail reform, bring back 'stop and frisk' & use the death penalty 'when possible' — ESPECIALLY for drug dealers; Can you hear the dog whistles?"

Additionally, he wrote, Project 2025 calls for delisting white supremacist groups as terrorist organizations for the sake of protecting "free speech," and enshrining a very specific version of Christian nationalism in law that caters to predominantly white evangelical churches on a broad range of policies, giving preference to these beliefs over the beliefs of Black churches as well as the nonreligious.
And to top it all off, Project 2025 also calls for expanding school vouchers, which were originally devised as a tool to get around school integration mandates and to this day predominantly flow to white families; as well as eliminating programs for minority renters and homebuyers, ending oversight of racial bias in real estate appraisals, which are a key obstacle to Black families building generational wealth; defunding underperforming schools, which often underperform because of ongoing segregation; and eliminating any mention of "equity" or similar terms from federal regulations.

What makes all of this particularly frightening, Harriot concluded, is that Project 2025 "is NOT a Trump Plan; it is a CONSERVATIVE plan. Many of the Project 2025 appointees can be installed by a GOP Senate.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
No TaNgIbLeS nOoO vOoOtE 🤪

StOoOoP fEaRmOnGeRiIiIng yoU deM sHiLl 🤪

fukking morons that are too stupid to even realize their own c00nery. Yeah disenfranchise yourself, that'll show em! Idiots.

Republicans at this point pose an existential threat to black people. To them, America was "great" when we could be lynched and postcards with our dead bodies on them could be sent to relatives. That's the "good old days" the maga cacs born in the 40s and early 50s remember. The ones born after the 1960s grew up hearing their parents reminisce about the good old days when "those N's knew their place and knew what would happen if they got out of line".

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Just say that y’all scared of white people. Because this exactly what it boils down to. :scust:
Yeah let's pretend these white supremacists haven't been running military drills and practicing at the shooting range, infiltrating law enforcement and the military either.

I'm sure you rolling 5 deep with people who have no long gun experience, Kevlar, drone scrambling tech or demolition expertise is going to go great against a white militia.

Let's act like 12% of the population, with a disproportionate amount locked up and forced into basic survival mode has the resources to take on well funded, trained gangs who have government support and protection.

Grow up. Be prepared to defend you and yours by ANY MEANS NECESSARY but saying the kind of shyt you're saying achieves WHAT?

Oh shyt you said I'm scared of white people. Now I have to prove you wrong by staying home on election day... :what:

Roger king

May 24, 2022
Republicans are the most potent and significant threat to black people in the united states, their ideal society is the one of the 1930s and 40s when black man couldn't dare look a white man in the eye, couldnt vote without intimidation and was stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty. They are truly evil and hateful and i will say want the extermination of black people, you cant be sane and refuse to vote and let these demons just walk into power. I urge every black person to register to vote and vote against every single republican on the ballot

Justin Nitsuj

Jan 23, 2018
Dallas, TX
Yeah let's pretend these white supremacists haven't been running military drills and practicing at the shooting range, infiltrating law enforcement and the military either.

I'm sure you rolling 5 deep with people who have no long gun experience, Kevlar, drone scrambling tech or demolition expertise is going to go great against a white militia.

Let's act like 12% of the population, with a disproportionate amount locked up and forced into basic survival mode has the resources to take on well funded, trained gangs who have government support and protection.

Grow up. Be prepared to defend you and yours by ANY MEANS NECESSARY but saying the kind of shyt you're saying achieves WHAT?

Oh shyt you said I'm scared of white people. Now I have to prove you wrong by staying home on election day... :what:
And you just proved my fukking point, bytch. I ain’t reading all this p*ssy ass shyt you talking. And this clown talking that white supremacist talk with that bullshyt ”12% population“ talk. Yeah I refuse to take anything you say serious now :scust:

Talk this bullshyt to someone else.
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Sep 2, 2014
Guys, don’t pick on them.

:what:We always vote and get nothing. Talk ti white people” or some shyt.

We know that position is trash with no tangible backing. Ignore tangibabblers.

Just say that y’all scared of white people. Because this exactly what it boils down to. :scust:
Damn, you on ya revolutionary tip, killa?

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
This is what the " we are not out ancestors" crowd wants. To live out a practical experiment of what already was. While mocking those who did so they wouldn't have to. Talking about both sides are the same. Calling voters stupid because they don't understand civics. Everything is just about opinions. Doom your future generations because you want to be goofy.

Imagine your kids coming into this world having less rights than you. Then charging them with having to get back shyt their great grandparents already did in the civil rights era. That's a fukked up future. But both sides brehs. Not voting works brehs.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Conservatism and republican is the ideology of either

People with personality disorders
Profoundly ignorant people
People who are profoundly religious

Pay attention to the people supporting this ideology
I agree but I'd add that people who are profoundly religious wouldn't be cool with the rich getting richer. If Jesus were here I don't think he'd be cool with children starving because Republicans want to cut lunch programs or people dying because these a$$holes want to cut medical programs and refuse to provide a universal option because it means the wealthy would be taxed more. He wouldn't be cool with the level of SADISM that the right revels in. They love causing pain to other people. It's funny to them when parents are crying because their kid is dying a preventable death.

They're same people who smiled in the lynching photos. They're the same people who SCREAMED at 10 year olds trying to go to the same school as their kids. They're the same that try to destroy black towns. These people don't hate people for what they do, they hate people for what they are. Your existence as anything other than their property, entertainment or underpaid labor is a personal insult to them and they can't stand seeing you occupying an equal or superior position.