They photoshopped a "volunteer" badge on an AI image!
This is what they think of you!
Do you know how stupid y’all sound calling people whose families have been here since slavery tethers?at the tethers in here scared of them deportation policies that might get passed down
It’s a alt accountDo you know how stupid y’all sound calling people whose families have been here since slavery tethers?
Tariq gave y’all a word and instead of thinking about what’s being said, y’all just cover your ears, close your eyes and say tether tether tether like a 5 year old afraid of a boogeyman, but it’s the truth you’re afraid of, not a scary African coming to snatch your “tangibles”.
You’re a mindless parrot repeating shyt someone else conditioned you to say.
How many tethers took your job?
How many took your money?
…your home?
…your anything?
Half of y’all nikkas don’t even travel and stay glued to the phone living in an alternate world that Tariq built in his mind. You know how pathetic that is?
What exactly is Tariq doing for you? Saving you from? You sound like a brainwashed cult member.
I’m ok with him loving America. But here’s what I want you to address.
Why is he ok with Project 2025 and the Christian Nationalist movement that is a rebrand of the White Nationalist movement, which is a white supremacy movement and KKK 7.0?
Why has Tariq shifted from Hidden Colors which highlighted the achievements of the African diaspora and to a black version of the white nationalist movement and categorizes all black immigrants as “tethers” much like the Christian Nationalists demonize black immigrants? Do you not see the huge shift in his ideology?
What hsppened to Olu?When Tariq was on his diaspora hustle, he used to ALWAYS shout out his Nigerian potna and was big on traveling to Africa. Why the sudden shift around the time Trump started campaigning?
If there was no money involved in the “tangibles” movement in the form of reparations or at least selling the idea of it, would he be involved?
Do you not find it odd that a grown man has reinvented himself multiple times but every reinvention comes with a new line of products to sell and contradicts the previous movement?
During his Mack Lessons/diet pimp era he was all about “flying the white flag” and fukking white women. There’s video proof of him saying so.
During his diaspora era it was all about black people are great worldwide and building up black relations.
During his tether era it’s fukk those Africans and it’s only us FBA people that matter.
You don’t see the grift?
Donate to Support FBA Reparations: Juneteenth Celebration in DC, organized by Tariq Nasheed
Hello and welcome! This is Tariq Nasheed, and I'm excited to share… Tariq Nasheed needs your support for Support FBA Reparations: Juneteenth Celebration in DCwww.gofundme.com
yall nikkas gave this bozo 50000 to have yet another "rally" for reparations. How is Big Daddy Kane gonna get you reparations. How is the fruitcake that runs for office but never wins gonna get you money?
Black people worldwide only account for 5-6% of illegal immigrants in the US.Nothing wrong with being against illegal immigrant or delineating
His embrace of right wing extremism is the problem.
...that only posts Tariq Nasheed talking points.It’s a alt account
I looked up one of the orgs on the Project 2025 list of supporters. One is called the Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation. The site looks made up with a bunch of AI generated photos of American Indians. Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation
The AI video with police is crazy at 2:14
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=sbKXYgVRgyY
Tariq is really telling black people not to be worried about this
No, they say talking points and let dummies repeat it without context. Pretending Florida is a Dem failure is something that only works on disgruntled know-nothings or apolitical folk.Tariq is in CA. So I'm sure he's not worried about FL politics. FL has a GOP governor, GOP state senate supermajority, and a GOP state house supermajority. What could the Dems do in that situation? Are people that bad at math?![]()