Pro Black alt right intersectionalist poster “Booker T Garvey”...

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
black republicans bother me because you have to be willfully obtuse to cape for a party that actively implements policy to limit rights of black people. dems are not perfect, but i do see where black people have legitimate power through the dem political mechanism. black dems have direct control over policy and legislation in our communities. they're not perfect, and have to battle state republicans in many cases, but when you talk about black people having political power i don't see this with repubs.

what is a serious black republican??

perhaps colin powell? you see his stance on the current admin...

its annoying af when people try to channel malcolm as a champion of why they don't choose a side. i have a ton of respect for malcolm, but his views were evolving and not the end all be all. same for mlk . there's no way to tell how malcolm would view the current landscape today. i expect he would still be critical, but perhaps he would also set expectations and hold people to it. shyt, he could have started a new political party if he wasn't killed. same for mlk.

imo that's a very shallow view of what happened. completely avoids the reality of republicans sabotaging the entire process and actively disenfranchising black people.

there's also the reality that we have not kept up the pressure and forced the issue. we got complacent. vote and go back to business as usual wont work. took a long time to acknowledge that, but i feel like that's changing. and if it stays consistent, the dem party is where we have the power to choose our leadership and hold them accountable. also our best option to splinter and create our own platform. the infrastructure is already there.

1) I have no control over what bothers you or what you find obtuse. And everything you described is what I mean by the "deal" they struck with us, it didn't work.

2) Yes colin powell, condie rice, shelby steele, Thomas sowell, JC Watts - i've never seen them get out and try to rally up black republican voters, they're "republicanism" has no effect on us.

3) I'm sorry you find it annoying but that was his stance and be brought forth receipts, plus he was a non-voter. If you don't like Malcolm, then say you don't like Malcolm, we'll live :manny:

4) It's what happened though. They locked in the black vote and left us high and dry...there are black cities in america right now with 40-50% poverty rates, what incentive do they have to keep voting?

and pulling the "well republicans would..." argument is fine, but what about how they're living now <<< this is an example of what I mean by the relatiionship isn't working, i could use education, crime, HIV/AIDS etc etc...

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Yep. There’s a few people like that here, that just happen to come across and post all this alt-right trash :shaq2:

Those are 4 year old posts...and the OP is being disingenuous about the culture of HL from when I joined and 2016, you could express yourself more freely over there
there are dudes in here with some rather suspect Obama threads that are 6 and 7 years old too that I won't repost b/c I ain't petty like that :sas2:
Apr 3, 2014

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
@Booker T Garvey was posting links from The Daily Caller claiming that Trump was being "framed"

"Fake protests"

In 2016 I was getting my stories mainly from realclearpolitics and mediaite, only "right wing" site I knew about (and still kinda) is breitbart..anything else, I don't know about :hubie:

I don't frequent ANY of those sites any more because politics is way too toxic now

But here's where I'm not a coward like you nikkas - I'll ask why are they "cheating" to win like that? I already know you won't even look at it that way, but that's where we differ, I'm's liberating too.

and you forgot your mask


Feb 15, 2013
1) I have no control over what bothers you or what you find obtuse. And everything you described is what I mean by the "deal" they struck with us, it didn't work.

2) Yes colin powell, condie rice, shelby steele, Thomas sowell, JC Watts - i've never seen them get out and try to rally up black republican voters, they're "republicanism" has no effect on us.

3) I'm sorry you find it annoying but that was his stance and be brought forth receipts, plus he was a non-voter. If you don't like Malcolm, then say you don't like Malcolm, we'll live :manny:

4) It's what happened though. They locked in the black vote and left us high and dry...there are black cities in america right now with 40-50% poverty rates, what incentive do they have to keep voting?

and pulling the "well republicans would..." argument is fine, but what about how they're living now <<< this is an example of what I mean by the relatiionship isn't working, i could use education, crime, HIV/AIDS etc etc...

you avoided facts. republicans have actively implemented policy to limit civil rights and voting rights of black people. no smoke for that?

a deal that requires the collaboration of the entire congress can't be blamed on one party. that's disingenuous or demonstrates a lack of understanding of how the process works. share blame where due, don't act like it's all the dems fault.

colin powell is real republican i guess. he's advocating black people vote dem. and republicans tell black people to vote republican all the time. "what do we have to lose"...

you keep avoiding the fact that voting and going home doesn't work. you also avoid the fact that black people have legitimate power ONLY in the dem party. admittedly we aren't using it right. we have to sharpen our approach and it's happening.

you dudes have this myopic view of how dems are fukking up (they are) but totally ignore the republican role to actively make sure that happens. and to keep us from doing anything about by taking away black people's rights.

you also avoid the fact that systemic racism is propped up through republican appointed judges, distribution of funding and resources to dem controlled cities, etc.

in none of your posts have you acknowledged one part of how repubs make life harder for black people and prop up systemic racsism in our country. i can constructively criticize the dems. you have no criticism for repubs. why is that?

Typical Coli Nigga

#ADOS #BlackWomenStopDatingThugs
Oct 30, 2012
I've also said on here before that Dems basically run the media (which is the industry I worked in for 13 years) - why aren't there CNN/MSNBC/CBS pipeline to national media courses in inner city schools?

the best and brightest students in these programs get internships at their affiliates and possible careers working in the industry

if they're gonna use the black vote to enrich themselves, at least give back to those who helped you get there. <<< this is "agent" talk? :jbhmm:

this right here should be the clue that you don’t know any or many at all black people, at least not ones who went to college, which explains why you give off top c00n amongst hoodrats kinda vibe

nikka really never heard of emma bowen foundation :mjlol:

if you are black and college educated, you def one of them outskirts kinda nikkas or prob went to a shytty state white school with below average whites :russ:

mf really don’t know shyt about black people besides what’s on youtube and world star :mjlol:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
you avoided facts. republicans have actively implemented policy to limit civil rights and voting rights of black people. no smoke for that?

a deal that requires the collaboration of the entire congress can't be blamed on one party. that's disingenuous or demonstrates a lack of understanding of how the process works. share blame where due, don't act like it's all the dems fault.

colin powell is real republican i guess. he's advocating black people vote dem. and republicans tell black people to vote republican all the time. "what do we have to lose"...

you keep avoiding the fact that voting and going home doesn't work. you also avoid the fact that black people have legitimate power ONLY in the dem party. admittedly we aren't using it right. we have to sharpen our approach and it's happening.

you dudes have this myopic view of how dems are fukking up (they are) but totally ignore the republican role to actively make sure that happens. and to keep us from doing anything about by taking away black people's rights.

you also avoid the fact that systemic racism is propped up through republican appointed judges, distribution of funding and resources to dem controlled cities, etc.

in none of your posts have you acknowledged one part of how repubs make life harder for black people and prop up systemic racsism in our country. i can constructively criticize the dems. you have no criticism for repubs. why is that?

This is all over the place but I'll try

1) Republicans are bad this is why we don't vote for them - going into the details to conjure up emotion in yourself is not something that I do.

2) Again, i've never seen a black republican actively go out and try to recruit other black people vote republican - post it up if you have it.

3) As it stands we struck a deal w/democrats - they run our communities, all of the funding for our programs comes through them, our leaders are vetted through them

Republicans are on the outside looking in when it comes to HANDS ON policies <<< is this not true?

So why do we talk about people on the outside as opposed to those who are literally feet on the ground in our communities getting our votes? So it equally confuses me why you dudes have 0 smoke for them too.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
this right here should be the clue that you don’t know any or many at all black people, at least not ones who went to college, which explains why you give off top c00n amongst hoodrats kinda vibe

nikka really never heard of emma bowen foundation

if you are black and college educated, you def one of them outskirts kinda nikkas or prob went to a shytty state white school with below average whites

mf really don’t know shyt about black people besides what’s on youtube and world star


Will y'all please give this bytch nikka his daps? he's begging.

I CLEARLY specifically said the DNC, and I said ALL schools located in inner cities.

this is the type of shyt I deal with when I have these discussions, goal posts moving all around the field, people cherry picking what they want to see and ignoring points that they can't refute etc etc etc...