You guys are arguing with someone that asked what does redlining have to do with today. The jig is up. It's wasted effort going back and forth with someone like that.

and I conceded that yes redlining paved the way for those other issues.
You guys are arguing with someone that asked what does redlining have to do with today. The jig is up. It's wasted effort going back and forth with someone like that.
We were marching against police brutality, racism, and equal treatment in the 60's....that ain't what's going on now? Explain this difference...
and aligning ourselves with the same "groups" as we were in the 60's definitely has played a part in that
We were marching against police brutality, racism, and equal treatment in the 60's....that ain't what's going on now? Explain this difference...
and aligning ourselves with the same "groups" as we were in the 60's definitely has played a part in that
And since this is becoming a shill party, can ONE of you address this video/comment at least? I've seen dozens of people post this too, cmon...JUST ONCE ADDRESS THIS
Yall know they lost once they start with the cherrypicked Malcolm X quotes.
needed more negs. pls know your history.Foh....negged. Racist white Republicans on our ass trying to take our rights and you talking like Democrats are committing atrocities against us.
How can you say what's in bold then post the nonsense in your second sentence?needed more negs. pls know your history.
abortion is the #1 killer of african americans and the democrats for 100 years planned and completed an atrocity so vast and viscious that it is still in effect and youainevnknowit
ok. so then, know your present.How can you say what's in bold then post the nonsense in your second sentence?
Breh is obviously a cac in disguise
You guys are arguing with someone that asked what does redlining have to do with today. The jig is up. It's wasted effort going back and forth with someone like that.
see, the thing is people are always caping for their oppressor. people are tap dancing to the poles to vote for their slave master, both of which have made careers of oppressing HEBREW people. The real c00ns are the so called black ppl in this thread caping for dems. all of you are agents.
I am burden free. bond free. i dont hold political positions or party lines. thats slave stuff. i am into rebuilding OUR NATION. lol at anything else.
You right about that but then why are democrats trying to pass laws to prevent police brutality or at least laws that will prosecute and punish police officers for excessive force?
Guess who is blocking those bills from passing thoughI belie.
@Booker T Garvey is unmitigated c00n garbage. Unapologetic, unashamed, bytchass tapdancing clown. I'd kill him if he was my son.
Trash nikka in here talking shyt about his pops.
that c00n ass dude is too stupid use his critical thinking skills and context clues.
he doesn’t even realize Malcolm was alive when the democrats were just starting to get the black vote & have our best interests in mind.
the Republican Party MLK supported is LONG GONE.