Apollo Kid
This is scary. I can imagine going into a job interview for one of these companies thinking it's all good until they bring up your entire search history.
We see you searched for "Big Booty bytches 21" last night around 9:30 P.M. You also watched Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop on Youtube approximately 10:25 P.M.
Well, if they're doing all this shyt why are people still blowing people up in Boston and shooting kids in schools?
Looks like they can't stop someone from doing some fukked up shyt regardless of how much they "track" us.
then you run with it.
You don't watch Big Booty bytches?
Of course, but those background checks usually involve checking if you're a criminal or not. Now they know what you do behind close doors. When you were video chatting with your girl and all that. What reason do they need this data?Companies already look up people's facebooks and do background checks this ain't new.
Of course, but those background checks usually involve checking if you're a criminal or not. Now they know what you do behind close doors. When you were video chatting with your girl and all that. What reason do they need this data?
Is it really to save our lives or dictate them?
they actually showed an old email of a dude they caught that was doing just that. and put a phone number in the email as well.Because the government has no idea how to catch a target that doesn't email the words "Let's bomb some sh!t" to a fellow terrorist. I mean serioiusly, who are these guys that are sending detailed terrorist plots via Gmail and Facebook?
First off bro check yourself. I'm probably older than you. They did an age check in one of the other subforums a while back and a huge number of the posters are between 25 and 35. Secondly, we all know people are stupid. And thats even more of a reason for then NOT to have this kind of intrusiveness. You don't need NSA level spying to catch a person thats stupid enough to send detailed plans through open channels. We all know people that have had their Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, or some other form of communication hacked by 4th graders. So don't try and convince me the government went this route because they couldn't figure any other way to stop Abdul from sending those secret Pentagon launch codes over to his friends in Afghanistan.they actually showed an old email of a dude they caught that was doing just that. and put a phone number in the email as well.
just like yall are stupid enough to post pictures of yourself doing something illegal on FB or instagram. these guys are just as stupid as you. lets realize, yall are all the same age. most terrorist are young and dumb. thats how you get recruited to begin with. only some of the guys that have been around for a while are older. young guys are all up on the tech social media stuff. they cant help themselves.
how many times have we seen people OUT themselves on social media sites the past 3 years?
so yes, idiots do rat themselves out. its going down daily.
This is scary. I can imagine going into a job interview for one of these companies thinking it's all good until they bring up your entire search history.
We see you searched for "Big Booty bytches 21" last night around 9:30 P.M. You also watched Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop on Youtube approximately 10:25 P.M.
Well I meant as far as not complying with that PRISM company....
Trust, I know that people have loss their jobs and all kinds of shyt through posting shyt on twitter like fools... I'm just saying according to this it seems like the government wouldn't have access to your Direct Messages like they would your Gmail
First off bro check yourself. I'm probably older than you. They did an age check in one of the other subforums a while back and a huge number of the posters are between 25 and 35. Secondly, we all know people are stupid. And thats even more of a reason for then NOT to have this kind of intrusiveness. You don't need NSA level spying to catch a person thats stupid enough to send detailed plans through open channels. We all know people that have had their Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, or some other form of communication hacked by 4th graders. So don't try and convince me the government went this route because they couldn't figure any other way to stop Abdul from sending those secret Pentagon launch codes over to his friends in Afghanistan.
a black dude just got put in jail for threats he made against Obama over twitter.....a black dude!
Calm your dumbass down. Dudes have been blowing up sh!t for years. Only now, the internet age, has the government had the means to intrude to this degree. Without the knowledge of the people they go beyond privacy invasion and you are trying to tell me that the only way that these dudes can catch someone thats about to institute a major terrorist operation is to read ALL OUR EMAILS?mr i know it all. explain to us how would they go about finding a person by name without using a SEARCH of some sort a query?
my real name there are over a million people with my same first name in the US. lets say on my facebook i only use my real first name and some joking last name. lets i use my first name only on twitter, instagram.
how on earth will they narrow it down to me without a COMPUTER connected to a network, connected to some sort of search function with filter criteria filtering words. wherever they see AL q, bom.. kil.. etc it alerts them. now those words together probably come up a few 100k times. then you go to work on all of those. once you establish some are just jokes. you put those twitter/facebook/instagrams on the not a terrorist list. it narrows it down further. you keep doing this until you start to see who is coming with that shady chatter. that they talk about.t his is also inhouse. to stop the OK city bomber types.
because at the end of the day to do massive damage you need a lot of bullets a big gun or lots of guns or a big bomb, lots of explosives, or knowlege of how to make home made stuff.
how do you get this knowledge in the internet age? ON FRIGGIN LINE.
the moment you go to those sites more then once. you are on the list my friend. thats how they link you.
there's no way around it.
the moment the net was connected and everyone including drug dealers, killers, pedos, terrorist start using the same internet you and me use. it was a WRAP. the only way to catch those fools is for law enforcement to get online with them. online is the new STREETS. when people say I keep my ear to the street. well its really i keep my face to the computer and online.
why hire a snitch, when you can follow these clowns on twitter talking to much.
the game has changed folks. wake up. and no i dont like this. but what the hell can i do about it? even if i say stop it. fine. they stop it. then what? all your favorite criminals will get in in online and have all kinds of large scaled, and small scale attacks planned. and thats not just talking about the non terrorist getting it in, hacking into banks, bank accts, etc.
the only worry we have is when we give them this kind of power we already know one of them if not most of them will abuse it at some point. at some point some innocent person will get harmed because of this. it never fails.
but again what do you suppose they do. not look online when idiots are leaving clues right there?
how stupid is that mentality. like you said, YOU're old. so you should know better.