Howard- 6'10 265 lbs
He is 20 pounds bigger than Hakeem
He is 25-30 pounds bigger than D-Rob and Ewing
@Malta, is this the best you got?
D-Rob only been the to the WCF once before TD and lost in the 1st round numerous times. His playoff success rivals Deke Mutombo with a better supporting cast.
Dwight is 6"9 without shoes, Hakeem in his book claims to be 6"10 without shoes, here's a pic of them next to each other -
Dwight is shorter, as for him being 25lbs heavier than Dream Shaq was around 75lbs heavier than him, didn't stop Dream.
David Robinson is taller without shoes than Dwight is with them, and he was 255-265lbs during his prime, here he is next to Tim Duncan -
Duncan is right around the same height as Dwight with shoes on
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