Console makers always lose money on the console but they make up for it with software and perphrials.
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Sony isn't financially in a position to take another loss like they did this gen.
This is FACT and can be googled if you not sure...
$399 and $499.
Only $650 to walk out the store with a game and extra controller.
Most if not all companies will take a hit with consoles and make it up on the back end. I believe the Wii was the only profitable console this gen.
Games, accessories, online subscriptions, etc make up for it.
Xbox 360 been profiting for about 4yrs now.. Now ya know!
The PS4 will have much more "original" or as I like to call them exclusive games than the xbox 365
thanks for your input Fanboy/Moderator
the xbox fanboys on this site are delusional. You are not really trying to talk to them with logic behind it are you?
You can look at numbers of games sold, numbers of systems sold that get reported, you can look at XBL statistics vs PSN and everything points to Xbox being used more by tens of millions but why use logic right
They wont make the same mistake pricing it much higher than the rest. History has proven that you cannot come in much higher than your competition in this industry or you are looking at an almost automatic L. Sony's strong brand is what kept them in the fact they now lead Microsoft is units shipped worldwide.
Microsoft will come in at $300 with a 2 year deal and Sony at $400 for a lower end model. Those are really the only 2 entry points I see because I know they don't want to give Nintendo any sort of momentum if they can avoid it. As much as people want to dismiss Nintendo like they are not competition...they are. I bet Nintendo has a big first party exclusive due to release when those consoles drop. Maybe a week before the 365 or the PS4 drops.
See this is why I don't fukk with you anymore. I provide info and because of a fanboy bias you take my shyt down. If you did your job correctly instead of bening a fanboy fakkit you would have known that Sony inflated its numbers by grouping ps2 and ps3 systems shipped as "ps3 systems shipped"
They do this, a$$holes like yourself then go "we winning now
" and Sony's stock then goes up. If the truth was out there, stock would plummet. Guess how long Sony been hiding there numbers
But once again, why use logic
i guess you need further explanation.
Microsoft's lead on Sony was about 8 million consoles and that lead was the number of consoles they sold from 2005-2006 without Sony being on the market. the current lead is maybe 3-4 million. i've seen it argued that the PS3 was either neck and neck or ahead.
Microsoft outsells Sony in the United States but worldwide its a different story and in Japan anything Sony sells is freebie sales because the 360 is dead there.
basically Microsoft never expanded on that first year lead. its been dwindling ever since the PS3 came out.
Here's the problem. You guys stay repeating made up numbers. NPD reports sales, them only. The only ppl who report actually sales shows how Xbox is dominating. Sony fans then say Europe is Sony country. Oh yeah?
Ok, prove it!!!
To my knowledge Europe doesn't report it's numbers. Sony doesn't reveal these numbers so where are these figures coming from?
Sony is the same company that will tell you they shipped more systems while blatantly lying. They won't tell you how many members of ps+ they have. But these euro numbers are real?
I've been asking 3cepts to provide proof for years, still waiting
You dont know what you're talking about i promise. They had a year head start this gen and still couldnt knock Sony out the game. They're going to lose this gen and you idiots are going to be rocking a piece of shyt system just so you can say Sony lost, and we still gonna do it again. :o hlawd: shyts pathetic.
You just described yourself
PSN goes down, 77 mil compromised, hackers run PSN and you clowns didn't flinch