Pretty soon you gonna have choose


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
Why make people "faithless"?

If we are going to have a serious conversation, why would God give me the capacity to be faith less if he doesn't want it?

I get the whole "free will" thing (I'm more educated on the subject than people think) but even with free will, it doesn't make sense if "God is in control". There are a lot of fallacies that should be rectified before believing any religion :yeshrug:
The Bible answers all of your questions.

1 Corinthians 2:11
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.

The Bible states several times that we literally cannot comprehend God's ways. He simply asks that you have faith in Him.

You say you are well-educated on the subject, but by whom?

This is not something you can approach from a booksmarts point of view. It has to be approached from a spiritual point of view.

If you want wisdom, just ask Him.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.


Mar 4, 2015
The Bible answers all of your questions.

1 Corinthians 2:11
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.

The Bible states several times that we literally cannot comprehend God's ways. He simply asks that you have faith in Him.

You say you are well-educated on the subject, but by whom?

This is not something you can approach from a booksmarts point of view. It has to be approached from a spiritual point of view.

If you want wisdom, just ask Him.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

saying something can’t be approached from a book smarts point of view is not acceptable to me. No offense, I’ll never tell anyone what to believe or not to believe, it’s not my place.

But believing in something just because it exists (which is the purpose of faith) does not resonate with me. To me, the rationale that “I believe the words in the Bible are true because the words in the Bible are true” just isn’t any type of thinking I’ll ever subscribe to :yeshrug:


I’ve read the Bible, I own several theological texts, I’ve read “The Case for Christ” and many other books about faith. I’ve done research without agenda, which you’ll NEVER get from the Bible or from a church


Nov 7, 2017
My Father in Heaven
him becoming man and dying isn’t fact. It’s a story from the book.

I’m not being “stubborn” but there is no proof of that.

I’m not saying God is only real on “my terms”, that would be foolish. I’m bringing up the fallacy of religion that is thousands of years old.

You can’t have a God that is wholly benevolent AND all powerful, that allows for evil. If he can control everything and evil exists then he is not wholly benevolent, if he CANT control everything - so evil exists against his benevolence - then he’s not all powerful.

You can’t bring up “Noah’s Ark”, etc. being found as proof of God. A boat being found doesn’t mean anything, chariot ruins aren’t definitive proof of anything. I can tell you that a rock keeps lions away and just because there are no lions nearby, doesn’t mean it’s true. You’d have to understand that the stories of the Bible are recycled from older religions, but I guess you wouldn’t want to hear that “fact”
Yes it, is Jesus Christ was recorded to be seen by hundreds people before his death and after his resurrection, you can argue he didnt die and come back but he historically existed and NOBODY knows where his body went after he died, so you do the math and put two and two together

why cant you allow for a God who is wholly benevolent and all powerful? Because YOU said so? Lol he created you he can be whoever he wants, qll he describes himself is as I Am That I Am, make no mistake God can destroy evil ANY time he want to, the proof of miracles I gave you ironically proves that Noahs Ark flood, Sodom and Gomorroha, Red Sea all destroyed evil people, if God wanted he could do that ten fold to this planet and start over but once again: he loves us, so yes God CAN be wholly benevolent, all powerful, AND allow evil to exist going off everything I have just to told you

why does he allow evil exist? Go back to my first paragraph, its to see who WILL do good if given the option, who WILL follow his commandments and love thy neighbor and love the Lord thy God, in the end it all comes down to the fact that God became man and died on a cross so YOU could live with him forever, how is that not all loving?

Now I know that you DO just want your own version of God, I give you evidence and you just clearcut deny it without even doing the research, nobody is gonna fake building a 100 ft ark that was found in the EXACT spot God placed it in, nobodys gonna fake the destruction of an entire city and keep a pillar of someone wife there as a reminder that it happened, no chariot riders are gonna purposely drive into the Red Sea unless they thought they had an opening, you cant play willful ignorance till death and except the fruit of salvation because you made up your own standards for God in your head that allow you to sin, you think you found a loophole that negates the creator? Lol all of that has been poked through by the holy spirit, now the question is will you humble yourself and begin to actually seek him out, beginning with a repentance and askinf Jesus Christ to reform your heart

Oh and I do wanna hear what stories the bible recycled when the bible itself is recycled from old hebrew texts which were one of the FIRST things ever written in mankind, but you wouldnt know that? Lol stop getting your info from misguided and misled youtubers

Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth
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Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
saying something can’t be approached from a book smarts point of view is not acceptable to me. No offense, I’ll never tell anyone what to believe or not to believe, it’s not my place.

Saying that the Bible can be approached from a faithless book smarts point of view is not acceptable to God.

But believing in something just because it exists (which is the purpose of faith) does not resonate with me.
But that's not the purpose of Biblical faith. Hebrews 11 talks about what Biblical faith is. It literally is blind faith.

To me, the rationale that “I believe the words in the Bible are true because the words in the Bible are true” just isn’t any type of thinking I’ll ever subscribe to :yeshrug:
From a Biblical standpoint, it would be "I believe in the words of God.

I’ve read the Bible, I own several theological texts, I’ve read “The Case for Christ” and many other books about faith. I’ve done research without agenda, which you’ll NEVER get from the Bible or from a church
You say you read all of things but I keep answering your questions with Bible references that you should already know if you read the Bible. If you want to truly understand these things, you have to trust in God and have faith.


Mar 4, 2015
why cant you allow for a God who is wholly benevolent and all powerful? Because YOU said so? Lol he created you he can be whoever he wants, qll he describes himself is as I Am That I Am, make no mistake God can destroy evil ANY time he want to, the proof of miracles I gave you ironically proves that Noahs Ark flood, Sodom and Gomorroha, Red Sea all destroyed evil people, if God wanted he could do that ten fold to this planet and start over but once again: he loves us, so yes God CAN be wholly benevolent, all powerful, AND allow evil to exist going off everything I have just to told you

You’re missing my point. I’m not saying “I don’t allow a God who is all powerful and benevolent” I’m saying this:

Re: Evil

If there is an all powerful being that is wholly benevolent, the assumption is that he can control everything and wants only good. He wouldn’t want evil.

So, since there is evil, either God is not wholly benevolent (because as an all powerful being he can control good and evil, why would he allow evil?)


He’s not all powerful (because he is wholly benevolent but can’t control good or evil, because if he was wholly benevolent he would not want evil to exist, but since there is evil, it must be out of his control)

I can tell a lot of you guys haven’t educated yourselves outside of the Bible (which is your choice, I’m not impressing that you have to :hubie:) because whenever people bring up points of other scholars you tend to only run to the Bible for “proof” or “validation”.

“The Bible says XYZ”
“Well none of that can be independently verified outside of the Bible”
“It doesn’t matter because the Bible says so :troll:


We will be talking in circles forever


Nov 7, 2017
My Father in Heaven
You’re missing my point. I’m not saying “I don’t allow a God who is all powerful and benevolent” I’m saying this:

Re: Evil

If there is an all powerful being that is wholly benevolent, the assumption is that he can control everything and wants only good. He wouldn’t want evil.

So, since there is evil, either God is not wholly benevolent (because as an all powerful being he can control good and evil, why would he allow evil?)


He’s not all powerful (because he is wholly benevolent but can’t control good or evil, because if he was wholly benevolent he would not want evil to exist, but since there is evil, it must be out of his control)

I can tell a lot of you guys haven’t educated yourselves outside of the Bible (which is your choice, I’m not impressing that you have to :hubie:) because whenever people bring up points of other scholars you tend to only run to the Bible for “proof” or “validation”.

“The Bible says XYZ”
“Well none of that can be independently verified outside of the Bible”
“It doesn’t matter because the Bible says so :troll:


We will be talking in circles forever
Only because you’re being willfully ignorant like I said twice already, ive given you proof of the bible and you ignore it because you dont want to face reality, if you keep doing that youre only dooming yourself brother

FACTS: God shows he can stop evil in the bible multiple times with no effort

God allows evil to happen because he gives humans free will to see who will follow him

Theres REAL LIFE evidence to back this up and you can find it, not just because the bible says it happened

so its your choice, but if you keep being hardheaded you will never find the answer youre looking for


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
You’re missing my point. I’m not saying “I don’t allow a God who is all powerful and benevolent” I’m saying this:

Re: Evil

If there is an all powerful being that is wholly benevolent, the assumption is that he can control everything and wants only good. He wouldn’t want evil.

So, since there is evil, either God is not wholly benevolent (because as an all powerful being he can control good and evil, why would he allow evil?)


He’s not all powerful (because he is wholly benevolent but can’t control good or evil, because if he was wholly benevolent he would not want evil to exist, but since there is evil, it must be out of his control)

I can tell a lot of you guys haven’t educated yourselves outside of the Bible (which is your choice, I’m not impressing that you have to :hubie:) because whenever people bring up points of other scholars you tend to only run to the Bible for “proof” or “validation”.

“The Bible says XYZ”
“Well none of that can be independently verified outside of the Bible”
“It doesn’t matter because the Bible says so :troll:


We will be talking in circles forever
Don’t waste your time.. I used to be into the whole Hebrew Israelite thing.. My grandfather was a pastor as well as my stepfather.....I thought I knew it all.. anyone who didn’t beleive in Christ was lost or evil. Lol.. my friends thought I was tripping, but I told them they need to have faith.. my lil brother was talking about how can people beleive in people living in fish, walking on water, turning into stone and so on... I never been so pissed off at him in my life... the more I became excited and read about the Bible, the more I realized sadly how historically inaccurate and ridiculous it sounded. Due to learning about African Spirituality and History.. especially West Africa and Ethiopia and Egypt...just like I used to be I can tell you theSe people are legit delusional And crazy as fukk..

they will never agree with you. They don’t believe in science.. they are like Trump Supporters, because they absolutely refuse to believe in rationality and rather go with emotion and feelings. they say things are historically proven just to say it.. and when you go look it up... archaeologist and scientist will say they have no real evidence of whatever the person mentioned..Don’t matter what you do..

Harriet Tubman said she would have freed more slaves had they known that they were slaves.. let them continue to be slaves if they want to. To be an adult and still believe in this shyt is embarrassing.

This man below was a pastor for 40 years

I’m not replying to none of y’all crazy babble because you can’t argue Mere faith against reason facts and scientific and historical evidence against ... lol.. Was just replying to this brotha... peace out...leaving thread..
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Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
Well let the mf earth open up and lets get all this fire and brimstone shyt poppin then:gucci:...tired of yall religious folk soothesaying the end times with your bedtime stories and fables:mjgrin:


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
:wow:The Greatest Historian of all time. The ancestor Dr John Henrik Clarke...these are not theories .. but actual chronicled and recorded history