Prove it. And also explain why WHITE western inhabitants aren't being forced out of the island.
Are the white western inhabitants undocumented?
Prove it. And also explain why WHITE western inhabitants aren't being forced out of the island.
Are the white western inhabitants undocumented?
Are the white western inhabitants undocumented?
Yo how can anyone in here watch this video and still try to paint Dominicans as the bad guys? Bunch of fukking clowns on the coli, fake ass armchair militants, most of ya prolly never been around Dominicans in ya life yet you wanna sit around and talk about what's wrong with us and what we need to do
Bunch of fakkits go eat dikk I'm glad I never invested anytime arguing with you clowns about this issue cause I knew ya just gonna be talking out ya ass about shyt ya know nothing about
That's been proven to be a lie.
Read my recent post.He made some strong points.![]()
He just proved the government isn't overtly racists, as far as some of the laws that have been passed, BUT that doesn't mean the system itself doesn't execute racists tactitcs. I think this is why we are going back and forth. For most Dominicans in here, and including the guy in the video, y'all seem to think just because a few laws are made to help some Haitians, that it means there is very little racism, when that is not what these things mean. These laws are done to help keep governments from getting a black eye in public image. It's no different then what the U.S. has been doing prior to the late 90's. Now, we are seeing how fukked up the laws are, but because on the surface they didn't look like that, it was hard to debate how racists they were, this is why so many whites kept saying America isn't racists anymore. We are admitting that it is now,only because of the rise in police brutality recordings and shootings happening back to back. And from people who really want to see the truth, doing statistics, and proving the laws to be racists.
The fact that D.R. is a small, poor country, they can easily prevent a lot of this stuff from happening with intimidation, BUT we have social media now, and I don't think it's going to be pretty for D.R. now, the world has an eye on them and everything will come to the light, even stuff done in the past. I know for me, I never heard so much stuff about D.R. until the black in Latin America special, going on this forum, and following people on instagram. shyt is really different now.
People are getting offended because some are calling Dominicans names and I can understand wanting to defend your people, but if it makes no sense, you make yourself look even worse, at least to me. For instance, the guy in the video compared crime here from blacks, to D.R. and crimes against Haitians. That was a dumb move, because he failed to show WHY the crime was higher for us. Most of those killings was from drug money, and the reason is because blacks have been an underclass for years due to the racists system. But, a lot of Dominicans don't like to hear about white supremacy so they ignore those things, even though they can be proven from both black, and white thinkers. And if there is crimes against Haitians, those are hate crimes, not just actual crimes. He compared two different things. He probably knows one is a crime issue, and the other is a humanitarian issue. Slick move, to sway the ignorant with emotions, not logic.
Another thing that I felt is disingenuous, was he only went to the black crime, he said nothing of the white crime. There are white people complaining about D.R. as well. What people like him and others ignore is the fact that why are white people so violent when they have no reason to be. I can tell you why we have violence in our community(a mixture of drugs, guns, and poverty), but if whites never had the issues of poverty the same as we have for hundreds of years, why are they commiting so much crimes? The fact that he was going at blacks indirectly shows me, he has issues with us. If you are about the truth, and fighting lies, you go at everyone who is going at you. He didn't, and it was emotional, with a little bit of truth to it. He was being slick, and talking with NYC fast talk. I peeped the game, though.
Alright, I give you that. I went back, and watched the video. If you read my previous post i was just finishing up partying, so i got confused based on him using a satistic that has nothing to do with racism, as far as black on white crime.that is not what he said
he was showing the true face of racism ny compariing the number of high rate of murders by whites to Blacks aka whites are the ones killing Blacks in the USA due to racism and prejudice and he presented the chart to support his point![]()
Alright, I give you that. I went back, and watched the video. If you read my previous post i was just finishing up partying, so i got confused based on him using a satistic that has nothing to do with racism, as far as black on white crime.
That statistic is about overall crime, not hate crimes. He read it wrong! It was implying that blacks suffer the most from homicides. He took it ,made it seem like because blacks are have a higher rate of being victims, and offenders, and whites are a majority, that means whites are doing it, so that is racism. He twisted up the statistic. He still is comparing two different things, and being intellectually dishonest. He used the same style of debate white supremacists use. I'm not saying he is one, he just employs the same tactics. He seems cool, though!
Let me put it like this, he needs to focus on the D.R. government, and its mistreatment of Haitians, not about regular people fighting. This is what everyone is arguing about, government mistreatment of a certain group. In other words, a humanitarian issue. That's why I feel pulling up a statistic that you can twist around to prove your point is not being genuine. It also makes a case for white supremacists because they can use his video to say latins are dishonest, and use to hurt, and conquer the land of D.R. through the use of economics.
This is why being justly prevents problems, the truth will always reign supreme.
I agree with you.The thing that pisses me off the most is the racism shyt. If you look at my family photo that would include my brothers,parents, grandparents uncles and cousins from both sides of the family, you would literally see every shade a dominican can possibly be from white to black...and its literally the same with most dominican families. I've never once seen a dark skin member of my family go thru some racist shyt with another dominican and I ask friends of mine the same shyt and they'll give me thelook. Most would see it from white Americans but from other Dominicans? Nah...granted I'm sure we got our fair share of racist fukks like any other country but the majority of us? Nope
I grew up in Hamilton heights in Harlem and if you familiar with the area, its filled with Dominicans of every color and not once in 26 years of me living there have I seen a dark skin dominican get shytted on cause of his skin, the same goes for any dominican populated area in NYC from Washington heights to dyckman and parts of the Bronx...NEVER
Not until I come on the coli do I start seeing all this shyt about Dominicans being racist, and then I check where some of these posters are from and theyre from parts of the U.S that has BARELY any Dominicans if any at all. You know nothing bout us or our culture yet ya wanna label us c00ns, racist, etc.Its fukking infuriating to see.
Nah, go watch at around the 4:00 mark. He was talking about violence in D.R. against Haitians, then compared that to black, and white, violence in the states. He said nothing about jails or implied. He was referring to homicides.I took that differently. He didn't say white crime against black ppl, he said crime in general. meaning there's a system in place where blacks end up in jail in America. Meanwhile, in DR, we're not setting Haitians up to be locked up. We're just going about our business and the Haitians in the DR are going about theirs and everyone is living pretty harmoniously.
That's just it. The government isn't mistreating Haitians. There may be cases of bad policework, but it's not institutional.
What American laws are you talking about exactly?Whoa
He just proved the government isn't overtly racists, as far as some of the laws that have been passed, BUT that doesn't mean the system itself doesn't execute racists tactitcs. I think this is why we are going back and forth. For most Dominicans in here, and including the guy in the video, y'all seem to think just because a few laws are made to help some Haitians, that it means there is very little racism, when that is not what these things mean. These laws are done to help keep governments from getting a black eye in public image. It's no different then what the U.S. has been doing prior to the late 90's. Now, we are seeing how fukked up the laws are, but because on the surface they didn't look like that, it was hard to debate how racists they were, this is why so many whites kept saying America isn't racists anymore. We are admitting that it is now,only because of the rise in police brutality recordings and shootings happening back to back. And from people who really want to see the truth, doing statistics, and proving the laws to be racists.
The fact that D.R. is a small, poor country, they can easily prevent a lot of this stuff from happening with intimidation, BUT we have social media now, and I don't think it's going to be pretty for D.R. now, the world has an eye on them and everything will come to the light, even stuff done in the past. I know for me, I never heard so much stuff about D.R. until the black in Latin America special, going on this forum, and following people on instagram. shyt is really different now.
People are getting offended because some are calling Dominicans names and I can understand wanting to defend your people, but if it makes no sense, you make yourself look even worse, at least to me. For instance, the guy in the video compared crime here from blacks, to D.R. and crimes against Haitians. That was a dumb move, because he failed to show WHY the crime was higher for us. Most of those killings was from drug money, and the reason is because blacks have been an underclass for years due to the racists system. But, a lot of Dominicans don't like to hear about white supremacy so they ignore those things, even though they can be proven from both black, and white thinkers. And if there is crimes against Haitians, those are hate crimes, not just actual crimes. He compared two different things. He probably knows one is a crime issue, and the other is a humanitarian issue. Slick move, to sway the ignorant with emotions, not logic.
He was comparing Black to Black. Racist America to "Racist" DR. "The oppressed black minorities."Another thing that I felt is disingenuous, was he only went to the black crime, he said nothing of the white crime. There are white people complaining about D.R. as well. What people like him and others ignore is the fact that why are white people so violent when they have no reason to be. I can tell you why we have violence in our community(a mixture of drugs, guns, and poverty), but if whites never had the issues of poverty the same as we have for hundreds of years, why are they commiting so much crimes? The fact that he was going at blacks indirectly shows me, he has issues with us. If you are about the truth, and fighting lies, you go at everyone who is going at you. He didn't, and it was emotional, with a little bit of truth to it. He was being slick, and talking with NYC fast talk. I peeped the game, though.
Nah, go watch at around the 4:00 mark. He was talking about violence in D.R. against Haitians, then compared that to black, and white, violence in the states. He said nothing about jails or implied. He was referring to homicides.
The police, and army, are part of the government!