This account was for entertainment purposes only.

yea they love black people in mexico breh have fun
we both know DR is very xenophobic/racist against Haitiansim not even co-signing it. its fukked up to revoke birthright citizenship. but a weak 3rd world country with massive corruption problems is going to do whatever it feels necessary to avoid adding another country's problems. if it was up to me i would revoke it as of 2010 or something like that, not 1929.
im just saying, before u pull out the racism pitchforks, realize that everybody in the carribean, black countries included, is doing their best to get rid of haitian immigrants. even ones born there to illegal parents.
we're not talking immigrants here. we're talking about people who lived in the country as dominicans for generations. this has nothing to do with haitis current problems, this is purely a racist issue. if they want to prevent immigrants from comming to your country or get rid of those who came because of the eartquake the already have the necessary legal tools to do so. stripping people whose great great grant parents might or might not have entered the dr illegally has nothing to do with that. this is about whitening the social structure of the country.im not even co-signing it. its fukked up to revoke birthright citizenship. but a weak 3rd world country with massive corruption problems is going to do whatever it feels necessary to avoid adding another country's problems. if it was up to me i would revoke it as of 2010 or something like that, not 1929.
im just saying, before u pull out the racism pitchforks, realize that everybody in the carribean, black countries included, is doing their best to get rid of haitian immigrants. even ones born there to illegal parents.
I just wonder how youd react if the US did this to you aka Dominicans lol.Immigration sweeps, eh?
That's an uncommon practice worldwide
They have a path to get their documentation.
If and when the DR enforces their law as long as they do it humanely its their sovereign right.
It's not like being born in Haiti automatically makes you a Haitian citizen, either
This is really not anything outrageous in the world
we both know DR is very xenophobic/racist against Haitians. and i support a nation restricting/regulating immigration but this is way too far. if DR doesn't want Haitians in their nation, they should stop attracting them. in my mom's country, we have many Dominicans and people complain buts its like who invited them
I just wonder how youd react if the US did this to you aka Dominicans lol.
you right i forgot about the black solidarity being shown from the non spanish speaking carribean nations towards the haitians
if you'd do your reading and critically reflected on your own countries history, you would know that this is true. it's also about deflection from other issues such as government corruption. but go on, focus on the haitians.
Firstly every non-black country has individual racism against black people. Does that mean Im gonna stop travelling? I dont think so. Theres a difference between that and the government of a country taking away the rights of their black citizens.
these people are not illegal. how would you react if the us constitutional court made a decision that meant that hundreds of thousends of us citizens with dominican heritage were stripped of their citizenship and to be deported?they can kick out all the illegal dominicans they wantand if the US is under suck economical strain that they wanna revoke birthright citizenship too, we aint gonna be feeling it but its their country
if you'd do your reading and critically reflected on your own countries history, you would know that this is true. it's also about deflection from other issues such as government corruption. but go on, focus on the haitians.
don't feed into this propaganda...see how the mod who is haitian made this a sticky and a feature?
nothing to see here just another day to fill in the Dom/hai faux outrage quota in the coli
and the mofos talkin bout suspending their vacationas if Black Americans are an economic power that DR needs to woo to the island
I can't take these threads seriously anymore...not even to troll![]()