Who do you WANT to win?

  • Total voters

Gus Money

May 20, 2012

But even if this election does bring an orderly end to the Trump era, do not for a second forget that absolutely everything about it, and the year that has led us to this point, has been utterly, incalculably insane, a 50-car pileup of reminders that we are a broken society with a broken political system that seems ever-more untenable, whether or not we are doomed to spend four more years with our addled president.

It is insane, for starters, that he even has a shot of pulling this race out. Nobody, least of all Trump, believes that he will win the popular vote. It is not even a discussion at this point. But we’re all trapped in a mad house erected upon the Electoral College, an anti-majoritarian barbarism that, according to conventional wisdom, now requires Democrats to win by at least 3 percent to have a shot at the White House and drives otherwise sensible Americans to spend sleepless nights and precious emotional energy freaking out over early voting patterns in Miami-Dade.

Other countries—the ones we like to think of as our peers, even if they see us more like a tragic, strung-out uncle these days—don’t do this to themselves. In normal, advanced presidential democracies, the candidate who gets the most votes actually wins. We’re the only onewhere the person who comes in second can still somehow end up in charge. There is no good argument for it, in this year of our collective misery 2020. It is nuts.
There’s a lot of work to do after this election no matter what. Don’t forget how batshyt insane all of this is.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
Today was the first time I've ever voted. After Trumps response to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, I told myself enough was enough and registered to vote right then and there

I'm 23 and I'm not as in tune with politics as I want to be but I'm more engaged than ever before. Trump is getting voted out tonight and racist white tears will fall nationwide
Great job young breh!

That this is not the thinkinh/way of speaking of 99.99% of people on The Coli tells you:
  • There are WAY more c00ns with serious self-hate/insecurity issues than we could have ever guessed on here
  • This “Black” website is not Black
  • The owners of The Coli are not anti-Trump (they won’t ban Trump supporters), they’re not racist obviously but how many white *****/right wing forum owners would be ok with Black anti-Trump voices on their forum?
  • Cacs do not fear brehs here: they are openly supporting Trump with many acting like they’re Black when they are not
  • Many posters we “respect” vote Trump. If BREHS we respect vote Trump, of course maaaaaaad cacs and c00ns will vote for this orange dude. It’s common sense.


Because not voting equals saying yes to keeping a white supremacist in power.

Voting for Biden AT THE VERY LEAST removes a white supremacist from the White House.

That you are considering replying and disputing this says so much about you c00ns. 400 years of slavery and you’re not sure if voting for Trump is c00nery..
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Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
We halfway home BayBay!!!! Lol....its goin smoothly so far but early voting had a huge turnout so i aint surprised

But these calls man:bryan:

Me- "So you and your wife Registered with us on October 25th, is that correct?":sas2:

Voter couple- "Yea my husband did for the both of us, right bae? We ready!!!":blessed:
"Thats right babe........i did it at the DMV":patrice:......
(Deadline was on the 9th mind you):steviej:

Me- "Well sir that was after the deadline":usure:

Cappin ass Voter- "Oh nah, im trippin we did it on the 13th! Yea....im trippin i was thinking about something else, 2020 crazy man, got my mind gone":mjgrin:

Me- "So you and your wife Registered with us on October 13th, is that correct?":usure:
(Again,Deadline was on the 9th):steviej:

Knows he lyin ass Voter- "Yessir Trump gotta go?":camby:

Me-......."you know you done fukked up right?":ufdup: